matt damon
04-08-2008, 05:39 AM
post your favorite types of crafts here.

i really like popsicle stick crafts and macaroni art. i think i would like finger painting, but i've never done that... :(


04-08-2008, 05:54 AM
I generally like to do crafts that are in kits, because while I love crafty things, I'm not very skilled at them. I like to buy the really cheap crafts they sell for kids.

My favorite types of crafts are generally assembly crafts, I guess? Putting all sorts of stuff together to make something.

I love using clay too, but I haven't sculpted anything in a long time.

04-08-2008, 06:01 AM
I made a couple shirts using templates and bleach. I just cut out the templates with an X-acto knife and "painted" with the bleach.

They are really old now and look dingy, but I think they were cool at first.

Here's my heartgrenade:

matt damon
04-08-2008, 06:12 AM
I generally like to do crafts that are in kits, because while I love crafty things, I'm not very skilled at them. I like to buy the really cheap crafts they sell for kids.

My favorite types of crafts are generally assembly crafts, I guess? Putting all sorts of stuff together to make something.

I love using clay too, but I haven't sculpted anything in a long time.

i detest kits. i read the instructions and become incredibly frustrated when the diresctions aren't clear and what i am making is coming out badly, so when that happens, i usually put it down and walk away, never to walk back.

EDIT: i first read kits and kilts and it made the post very weird and awkward, to say the least.

04-08-2008, 09:46 AM
I've taken a fancy to papercraft.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
04-08-2008, 10:01 AM

I'm currently crafting a spell that's gonna turn Anyname straight again.

04-09-2008, 03:36 PM
I've been trying to get into jewelry making/beading/metal work stuff for awhile, but its going slowly. Stores around me have squat for selection and are expensive. The internet, while it has everything I could wish for pretty much (at a cheap price), does not let me grab a few pieces and put them together to see if they'd match. I also have a hard time gauging... gauges. Or I did. Now that I have a pretty wide spectrum of wire and head/eye pins and sheet metal, I know what I should be shooting for.

I've only made one "real" piece and it wasn't that impressive. Simple swarovski crystal bracelet for my sister. Its pretty simple in design and looks easy, but I swear getting the crimp beads () (the ones you use a special tool to squish on the end to close the loop) took ages because I was working with such small stuff.

Right now I'm pretty much just doing bead stuff. I do have some supplies to do metal work, but what I'd really love is to do lost wax casting. Obviously I don't have the supplies to do so, but I'm hoping that maybe my school's studio arts building offers to do them. Maybe. I'd be willing to pay :\

I picked up a couple neat things online from another store while living here in MD, and have a great design in mind, but I left my tools at home. I guess it would only take a minute to find a round-nosed pliers at the store, but I'm waiting.

I can take pictures of some of the stuff eventually. Hopefully when I get a better camera (that is, one that's primary purpose isn't as a phone).

J. Peterman
05-29-2008, 02:57 AM
chewey this is awesome!

05-29-2008, 03:12 AM
I've always loved the idea of match stick modelling.
It seems like something I coudl really excel in.
It requires an aweful lot of precision, and can be done a single stick at a time.
Popsicle models also interest me, but not to such an extent.

During the next 3 months I think I'll be able to get into things like that.
I don't think I'd like to do anything "messy" though. I don't like getting my hands dirty.

My favorite types of crafts are generally assembly crafts, I guess? Putting all sorts of stuff together to make something.

This reminds me of my old K'nex kit, which I loved.
It's basically like Lego, but it's more complex (imo).
It's for 8 year old boys. (: