04-07-2008, 05:07 AM
Lucasarts recently upgraded / updated the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed website, during which they added a fairly good background track to the site.

I was wondering if anyone would know how to or would be willing to figure out a way to rip the track from the website? It'd be greatly appreciated, and if this is how the rest of the game's score is going to sound, we should be in for a treat, at least in my opinion.


(If it comes down to the point where it needs to be recorded, I'd recommend clicking into the media section, there is a sound that interrupts the song every 5-10 seconds or so on the main SW:TFU page as pictures of the game's characters swap in and out.)

Thanks in advance!

04-19-2008, 03:34 AM
Yeah, I was wondering if anyone was able to do it, too. The track is marvelous.