execrable gumwrapper
04-03-2008, 09:38 AM
Most of the time when I see people argue over which multiplatform game is better: PS3 or 360, the 360 defenders always seem to throw in "it has achievement points."

Maybe I'm missing something, but what purpose do achievement points serve and how does it make a game better, if it even does?

360 owners, please share your knowledge/opinions.

04-03-2008, 09:56 AM
They think it's good because people will think they're awesome if they have a high gamerscore. The problem is people buy really easy games and get loads of gamerscore from them so really the gamerscore count for nothing. It doesn't make a game better and it's pointless I think.

J. Peterman
04-03-2008, 10:00 AM
It gives a person something to do if their really bored with a game. Sometimes I get bored and just play a random game and like I unlock something Kobe he

04-03-2008, 12:56 PM
Remember those old arcade machines with high scores?
That's basically the appeal, though i'm not really interested in it, i have about 30 that i still haven't completed and have no intention of completing.

04-03-2008, 02:21 PM
dick size basically

04-03-2008, 02:45 PM
In the end, who really gives a shit? It's there for the people that like it, and the people that don't like it aren't even forced to acknowledge its existence. Sure the people who get into it may try to act smug and flaunt their self-perceived superiority, but everyone else can just laugh at how dumb that is. Everyone wins.

04-03-2008, 02:57 PM
I really don't have a preference of 360 over PS3. I have a 360 right now, only because it was a slight bit cheaper, and I'm a little low on money (I'll end up getting the PS3 when I get the chance).

I like the achievement points because (for me, at least) it prolongs the game (in most cases). Once I've beaten a game, it means that there are still things that I can do with it; going around and trying to get achievements just adds to the fun (I'm not talking about the achievements where you get 20 points just for beating the game, or getting to a specific point in the game; I mean the ones you get for actually doing something not required).

I don't do it for the actual points; I could care less about my gamer score or whatever it is. So I don't just buy easy games for the sole purpose of getting more points. Nor do I believe I have anything to... err.... "compensate" for.

execrable gumwrapper
04-03-2008, 03:56 PM
In the end, who really gives a shit? It's there for the people that like it, and the people that don't like it aren't even forced to acknowledge its existence. Sure the people who get into it may try to act smug and flaunt their self-perceived superiority, but everyone else can just laugh at how dumb that is. Everyone wins.

I agree, but I just want to know why it's so important for some.

04-03-2008, 04:08 PM
some people are just competitive and silly! i think that's as good an answer as any.

execrable gumwrapper
04-03-2008, 04:17 PM
You're probably right, Duo. I just see it mentioned a lot so I figured there was an unnatural desire for achievement points.

Maybe I think into these things too much. >.>

04-03-2008, 04:55 PM
Maybe I think

????? News to me.

execrable gumwrapper
04-03-2008, 05:08 PM

J. Peterman
04-03-2008, 07:29 PM




04-04-2008, 03:25 AM
If a game is identical on the PS3 and the 360, i'll buy it on the 360 - mainly for achievement points.

I don't know why.

If Home's trophy system is cooler (and it looks like it will be), i'll probably switch my preference then.

I don't actually think having a high Gamerscore proves anything, I just like having additional goals other than 'complete the game'.

J. Peterman
04-04-2008, 03:25 AM
Raidenex I would buy it for 360 too because I don't have PS3

Though if I did have both 360 too because I have more controllers for it.

I use one as my controller for computer games.

It is wireless.

Then the 360 I have 3 controllers PS3 I will buy for games like Disgaea 3 when come out maybe Metal Gear I dunno no big fan (have a nice day raidenex)

04-04-2008, 03:26 AM
I have a PS3, which is good because my 360 is broken :(

J. Peterman
04-04-2008, 03:28 AM
Raidenex I might get PS3 eventually

My Wii was like broken I sent to Nintendo in like 6 days I got a new Wii.

That includes the day where I dropped it off at the UPS place which took like next day with received.

I like live an hour from the repair center they use for all West Coast. They only have 2 repair centers one East Coast one West Coast I believe could be wrong

It was Wednesday when they got my system.

On Friday they sent me a new one.

I received it Monday.

Landlord of Sector 7
04-04-2008, 04:29 AM
hi garamond

04-04-2008, 05:36 PM
I don't really care about it. It's just there. If you find it important more power to you.

Anyways, I'll get a PS3 when I get an HDTV for the Blu-Ray player and like, five games.

mr. patterson
04-04-2008, 10:18 PM
dick size basically

that's pretty much it, but it annoys me that they have achievements for multiplayer matches cause every now and then you get some whiny little fucker that keeps saying "points match come on guys points match" which really sucks and kind of ruins it