05-09-2002, 03:33 PM
I got this game about a week ago. So far, it's awesome. Right now, I'm stuck in Central Park. I need keys for everything. I need three keys:

One for the side door near the snowy side of the park

One for the Zoo area

One for the cabinet in the bulding (near the save point)

And I can't find one key. Cannn someone tell me where to get atleast one key?

Crater Seraph
05-31-2002, 12:51 AM
I think you get them from defeating enemies or treasure chests......:eye:

Anima Relic
06-19-2002, 11:48 PM
shit, it has been so long since i've played pe...

umm... fuck... let me think....

The Zoo key is in the zoo office... When you enter Central Park, just head northwest, and it'll be in one on the drawers...

AS far as i know, there aren't any other keys you're going to need. Just after you beat the giantworms, just keep following hte apparition you see, and it'll eventually lead you to a second battle with eve.

07-03-2002, 10:42 AM
why dont you just ask nate it was his game.

07-03-2002, 10:45 AM
Thanks anyone who answered...but because DANTE over here sold me a jacked copy, the game freezes. x.x;; But maybe I'll try and get a new one. Thanks again.

Note to Dante: Yeah, it was Nate's game...he left it at your house and you sold it to me, lol :D

Edit: Ok, Dante, it wasn't your fault, since you didn't get that far...it was Nate's! Lol.

07-03-2002, 10:54 AM
but i didnt jack it up!!1 nate did! not me so blame nate not meeeeeeeeee.....oh stupid duck tales!