05-09-2002, 04:50 AM
What a great first impression of this forum...

I express how I found a great download for fans of the game, thats why we are all here, FF Tactics...and its gets shot down.....

its not my site, its not my program, its not my desktop theme, its not anything of mine....I wanted to share my find with fellow fans...and this is how its treated?

forums are supposed to be about free speech, talk about anything, share ideas, share thoughts, have discussions....

the only way it could be considered advertising is if IM selling something.....Im not selling anything...Im not sure how that was warped into that thought....

horrible first impression...Im sorry I came here.

if you are interested in finding the Tactics desktop theme...look it up yourselfs...because you cant share any websites on this stupid

fascist socialist
05-09-2002, 05:01 AM
If you think a thread was unfairly closed or such... PM an admin and voice your concerns.. they'll look into it.. :\

Since this isn't the place for this type of thing, I'm gonna close it..


05-09-2002, 05:51 AM
Message boards aren't about free speech,
they're about limited speech based on what the creator will allow.

like a school.

searching the google for a final fantasy tactics desktop theme found links such as this:

INTERRACIAL RELATIONSHIPS RACE : Lots of pics of interracial ...
... hot blondes nude free final fantasy tactics walkthrough free group sex photo art ... red
hot chili peppers final fantasy desktop theme free uncensored lesbian pics ...
lalalalalala/lalalalalalalalala/alalal.html - 11k - Cached

the internet is funny, and I opened the topic back up.

this topic here stays closed.