03-31-2008, 04:59 PM
Okay, I have no idea how good or bad people were about crediting voice actors in old somewhat low-budget games from the PS1 era, whether they had few or many lines.

But the fact remains that as hard as I've tried, I can't seem to find names of speicific characters' voice actors for already up to THREE different PS1 games. They aren't on IMDb, wikipedia, and google searches aren't helping either. They're probably minor and that may be the only thing they ever voice, but jeez you wouldn't think their names are so hard to find.

Before I name them specifically, I'm just gonna ask if there is a really obvious site for this that I don't know about, cause I remember how on IMDb some really low budget TV shows don't credit everyone but then someone linked me to where they do. So you never know... but if you guys don't know any site I'll name them and then we'll see,



execrable gumwrapper
04-01-2008, 01:33 AM
How about you just give the fucking character names?

04-01-2008, 04:10 AM
Okay so we have

Knarf from Jersey Devil
The Magician from Rayman (the first one, the guy that does the intro and tells the story)
The last evil pig from Tomba 2

There, okay? Now good luck finding their VAs.

04-01-2008, 04:28 AM
There, okay? Now good luck finding their VAs.

No, good luck to you. your the dickface looking for them, no one else in the world is wasting there time.

04-01-2008, 05:40 AM
No, good luck to you. your the dickface looking for them, no one else in the world is wasting there time.

I don't know who you're trying to impress by coming into this thread and making an ass of yourself, but you're pathetic. I see you do it all the time in other threads but if that's just unique gimmick you're trying to adopt then I'll leave you alone and let you go ahead with it, but anyway you fail this time, cause that was kind of the point of the topic, and usually finding a couple names, of voice-actors nonetheless, takes a second and is hardly what I'd describe as a "waste of time". But you probably already know that and just posted that for kicks, in which case I'd be wasting my time explaining.

But if you really were serious and delusional when you posted that, then I retract what I said above and let you know that you could have just said "you probably won't find them". It's that simple.

execrable gumwrapper
04-01-2008, 06:30 AM
Ignore Locke, he's a general fuckwit.

Also, my best suggestion to you would be beat the game and read the ending credits.

04-01-2008, 07:09 AM
Ignore Locke, he's a general fuckwit.

Also, my best suggestion to you would be beat the game and read the ending credits.

Haha it's actually three games but believe it or not I actually tried that with one of them (Jersey Devil) and not even that helped. Well, I think I found a list of names credited for what would seem the closest to "voice acting", but didn't say who did what.

I guess I could try the other two games and see if they tell me, but that'll have to wait 'till next time I try. In the mean time I'm open to more suggestions.
You sure there isn't a site for stuff like this? Well, I guess if there is, it must be pretty obscure.

But if this means what I think it does, I'm glad I'm not a low-budget video game voice actor.