05-08-2002, 10:44 AM
What did everyone think of the final battle between Sephiroth and Cloud? I've heard some people say it was stupid because there was no way you could die, but I thought it was good. There was alot of atmosphere in that battle. I've just finished FF7 for about the 8th time and that battle still reeks of tension.

Bahamut ZERO
05-08-2002, 02:32 PM
***Spoilers somewhere in here, I expect...***

I agree that the final battle ISN'T pointless. Okay, you can't lose, is that a bad thing? Not really. It adds to the game in that, when you get right down to it, you get Cloud extracting revenge on Sephiroth for everything. You've got his anger at seeing his hometown burnt down by Sephiroth. You've got his anger at his parents dying in that fire. You've got the anger of not knowing who he was for five years, and for being forced to be Sephiroth's "shadow" for that time. You've got the anger at Aeris' death. You've got the anger of a world that is close to dying at the hands of Meteor, caused by Sephiroth. That's a hell of a lot of anger, and to see Cloud cut Sephiroth into ribbons is satisfying as it gives you the sense of truly finishing him off.

Angel Aeris
05-08-2002, 04:05 PM
Bahamut ZERO, I'm sure you've heard this before, but you're one damn good writer.

When I saw that battle for a very first time, I got a little shock, cause I thought 'Oh my god! Didn't I STILL defeat that guy?' But I still thought it was fascinating. The situation was exciting; You'll jump to Cloud's shoes, you're finally alone with Sephiroth, only person who can help is you. You can make him pay for everything what he did- personally, alone. I admit it was a bit disappoinment when Sephiroth fell to that one Omnislash, but when I thought about it later, it was a relief. I wouldn't have wanted to go through Jenova and 3 different Sephiroth. Besides, I enjoyed every single hit that Cloud strike him. Especially when I saw his face were covered on blood. He got what he deserved. Even less. At least we can be sure he's dead. No, it wasn't pointless at all, it was more like final climax to me.

05-08-2002, 04:50 PM
I thaught it was really cool, killing Sephiroth and all. If you never new you could only win you'd be crappin yourself! it was just cool anyway.

Majin Freeza
05-08-2002, 05:28 PM
It isn't a normal battle, it's just a sequence where we can see how Cloud destroys Sephiroth... I can't describe how much I enjoyed doing 9999 damage with every hit with the Omnilash:D

Neo Xzhan
05-12-2002, 12:45 AM
Well the battle is cool cuz u see the Omni Slash in it's full glory. But there is no way u can die (to bad cuz this way u could get a diffrent final FMV). When u get hit by Seph he doesn't do enough damage to kill u and then u just counter him.............. (I tried it once just for kicks).

05-12-2002, 12:51 AM
Yes i tried it too. He hits you for 5600 or something and you hit him for 1200 something. It sucks really and makes me wonder how much HP Sephiroth has there (prolly 1) but my Omnislash does 9999 everytime anyway so that was no big thing for me when i first saw it.

Nanaki XIII
05-12-2002, 02:50 AM
Thats strange because when you are at Kalm the first time telling the story and you play as Sephiroth, he has more than 1200 HP. Does he get weaker?

05-12-2002, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Nanaki XIII
Thats strange because when you are at Kalm the first time telling the story and you play as Sephiroth, he has more than 1200 HP. Does he get weaker?

Actually, he gets stronger. But in the last battle, you can't lose 'cause you have him a bad beating with the Sephiroth version before him. Therefore, he would be injured and have less HP. O_o

Omega Flare
05-16-2002, 08:11 AM
he cloud, how does it feel to stand face to face with sephiroth?

Neo Xzhan
05-16-2002, 10:20 AM
To bad that u can't lose the Final Battle cuz this way u'll get another fianl FMV. Perhaps u'll see the world getting destroyed and u'll sse Sephirpoth being reborn as a god. So I think this is a major downfall of the game.

05-16-2002, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan
To bad that u can't lose the Final Battle cuz this way u'll get another fianl FMV. Perhaps u'll see the world getting destroyed and u'll sse Sephirpoth being reborn as a god. So I think this is a major downfall of the game.

you'd probably just die and have to do all the bosses again

05-16-2002, 05:57 PM
Well I was happy after I beat the angel seph, then when I found this next battle, I thought i would be tough, but it ended quickly. I thought it was really cool gettin to put him where he belongs.