05-08-2002, 09:25 AM
Ok, I just had this idea for a cool mecha. Its pritty much a 4 legged crap that can break into pices...turn upside down fold its legs and fly...yadda yadda whatever.

This is just the very first copy, and I dont know what I should do with it yet.

Just give me comments, suggestions, even if they sound dumb as hell, because somtimes those ideas can spawn new, better ones....ok thats it.

05-11-2002, 04:54 AM
Awsome, I like the turret gun under his mid section and how you drew the torso gear.

05-11-2002, 02:39 PM
hey! that funky! ^^ crab-mecha?

05-11-2002, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by CE NERV
hey! that funky! ^^ crab-mecha?

I'm sorry, was that a question? Or am I as slow as retarded molases?

Basicaly I want to know why people think looks good on mechs. I can draw a million dif. styles so just tell me whatever you think.

05-11-2002, 05:22 PM
Well, I'm not really a big fan of mechs that try to look like animals, but i like to use the movment of animals and thier anatomy to make mechs work. Still, your crab mecha is a good idea, the bottom half really reminds me of the Dragoons in Starcraft.