03-28-2008, 12:17 AM
Mine is "Grip" by Sanodg from Ridge Racer 2 and Revolution.

What's yours?


03-28-2008, 02:46 AM
Ridge Racer track for me as well, but mine is "Rotterdam Nation" from the original RR! :)

03-28-2008, 02:56 AM
I love the theme to "TREASURES OF THE DEEP" composed by Tommy T.

03-28-2008, 03:05 AM
That's a tough question..

My favorite has to be the Soul Edge PSX Intro "The Edge of Soul" by Khan, can't forget how amazing this video was back in '96 and this good music.

03-28-2008, 03:13 AM
Would you believe that apart from old games like Pac-Man and such, I've never played a real Namco game? Although since my listening of Namco stuff is extremely limited, all I can say is that I like "Trembling City Of Aris" from Namco X Capcom (because it was only for Capcom that I checked this game out, but it's technically considered a Namco game, and not a Capcom game).

And I hate to be the sour grape here, but this topic should have started in the regular threads, as there is no actual download in this thread.

03-28-2008, 04:00 AM
Kazuya's theme from Tekken 2, the PlayStation version. So flawless, it is.

Another one of my fav's is Lau's theme from Virtua Fighter 2.

03-28-2008, 04:06 AM
Emotionless passion,that was kazuya's lol makes him more sexy lol jk

be in the mirror was basically a remix of E passion for devil but tekken always has great music. tekken 5 was kind of a let down but Dark resurrection made up for that.

03-28-2008, 04:13 AM
Well, whatever the actual titles is, it sounds damn sexiful. lol

03-28-2008, 04:19 AM
Well, whatever the actual titles is, it sounds damn sexiful. lol

lol I know right

I dunno if you noticed but doesnt king's tekken 2 song sound like baby makin music?

Simon B
03-28-2008, 05:09 AM
NAMCO? :confused:

shinji Hosoe :swoon:

03-28-2008, 06:50 AM
NAMCO? :confused:

shinji Hosoe :swoon:

Shinji Hosoe always made songs for KeyboardMania, beatmania and Pop'n Music (if you knew that already then sorry). But he's a really good artist. Favorite Namco tune? I don't know, there's so many.


03-28-2008, 07:34 AM
The Headshaker from Tekken 2 did it for me back in the day, Well all the early Tekken soundtracks were fantastic!!

03-28-2008, 05:36 PM
Why is this topic in "Download Links"?

03-28-2008, 05:43 PM
My favorite has to be the Soul Edge PSX Intro "The Edge of Soul" by Khan

This is one excellent song.

Blaze of Evidence
09-29-2008, 06:12 AM
Horangi Ariwang from Soul Edge and Samurai Rocket from Rigdr Racer 5

09-29-2008, 08:46 AM
"Testament" from Xenosaga III off the top of my head. Ace Combat also comes to mind, but in the form of one big jumbled mess of goodness.

But if we're talking about older Namco games...

09-29-2008, 09:41 AM
Movin' on circles, from Ridge Racer Type 4 psx intro. I used to watch that intro again & again!!

And Nina Williams's death by Degrees main theme. Really cool and JamesBondian soundtrack as well

09-29-2008, 11:11 AM
Mine is "Healing Winds" from Soul Calibur III.

12-05-2008, 01:13 PM
NAMCO? :confused:

shinji Hosoe :swoon:
....<3 Oh yes!!!
I can never forget the GODLINESS he made in Megaman Network Transmission on GC <3

01-04-2009, 06:32 PM
Pretty much anything from my complete selection of Ace Combat music.

AC5: The Unsung War final mission track by Warsaw Philharmonic = EPIC With "15 Years later", "Supercircus", "Hangar 2" and "Into The Dusk" rounding out my favourites from that game as well as Liberation of Gracemeria from AC6.

01-04-2009, 06:36 PM
r4, silhouette dance

01-04-2009, 08:28 PM
Forest Law's theme from Tekken 3. Remixed version.

Dark Chaos
08-14-2013, 06:39 PM
Hellfire, the final boss theme in Soul Calibur II

08-25-2013, 06:37 PM
Black Winter Night Sky from the intro of Tekken 2, Love It!!!

08-25-2013, 10:45 PM
Wrong company. Oops. So... this post has no purpose... so I guess I'll just direct you to check out the video game rumble (link below).

08-27-2013, 03:11 AM
everything from ace combat 4

08-27-2013, 04:50 AM
I don't know if it has an actual name

Tekken tag tournament 2 intro song.

08-28-2013, 01:25 AM
I don't know if it has an actual name

Tekken tag tournament 2 intro song.
Piano Intro -Massive Mix- (