03-26-2008, 02:13 AM
So, it finally happened.

I turned my Xbox 360 on this morning and got the 3 flashing red rings of death, doom, destruction and destiny.

Until now i'd been telling myself that the hardware failures were just a small percentage of people that were making a big fuss, but now that it's happened to me i'm willing to accept the truth - the Xbox 360 (at launch) was flawed.

It just happen to take two and a half years for mine to break :(

Thanks to Microsoft's extended warranty and a nice person in a call centre in India, I should have a working 360 again in 2-3 weeks - but for someone of my patience, or lack thereof, 3 weeks without Halo, Guitar Hero or watching HD-DVDs will seem like an eternity.

execrable gumwrapper
03-26-2008, 09:25 AM
[insert post here exclaiming the PS3's superiority in good ol' fanboy fashion]

03-26-2008, 05:19 PM
lol. Bill Gates si fgt.

03-26-2008, 05:50 PM
Thanks to my new surround sound system, I can't hook my Wii up (I don't have a component cable long enough, lol), and with my 360 dead, i've been left with my PS3 to play games.

Except i've finished Uncharted, and there's only so much GT5 Prologue demo that I can take (considering I don't want to start hating the game before I even get the full version on friday - although being Prologue, it's hardly the 'full version') so I find myself missing my Xbox.

Why did I have to get re-addicted to first person shooters this week :(

03-26-2008, 05:51 PM
Ha, see its things like this that make my choice of new console so much easier. Wii or PS3, Xbox can kiss my arse. Also Raidenex, unlucky and i hope you get your stuff sooner rather than later.

execrable gumwrapper
03-26-2008, 10:01 PM
In all seriousness I find it's kind of bullshit to be without your console for 2-3 weeks. Some people could say, oh sure it's not so bad, but when you shell out 300-500 bucks (depending on your console choice) you expect to be able to play it whenever you want. Maybe it's because you're living down-under, Raidenex, because I've heard of some stories here where they got theirs fixed and back in less than a week.

All in all, it sucks in general no matter who it happens to. Hope your 360 comes back, new, not refurbished.

03-26-2008, 11:20 PM
2 - 3 weeks isn't that bad I guess, even for someone without patients, and at least customer service took care of you. As for FPS, I hear the best FPS on any game console is really at your local firing range. lol.

But if you really wanted to play 360, do you have any local Blockbuster Video stores or anything that rents out consoles and games?

execrable gumwrapper
03-27-2008, 01:51 AM
That's almost a month without the games you wanna play. What if someone took away Brawl from you for 3 weeks? Would you say, "Oh that's no big deal"?

Also, "patients"? >.>

Marshall Lee
03-27-2008, 02:25 AM
Do you know what I would do if someone took away Kingdom Hearts from me? I would kill the, I wouldn't hesitate, I would slice off his fingers, stab him seventy-hundred million times.

J. Peterman
03-27-2008, 02:35 AM



(from you guys)

03-27-2008, 02:53 AM
This thread is vaguely similar to my old one. At least now you see it from my point of view - it's a shame Microsoft keeps screwing over its supporters.

I got my new 360 in a while ago, and unfortunately all of my data didn't fit on the measly 512 MB memory unit that I purchased. It's not like a smack on the ass by some old guy next door - this isn't something you can get used to.

03-27-2008, 03:14 AM
That's almost a month without the games you wanna play. What if someone took away Brawl from you for 3 weeks? Would you say, "Oh that's no big deal"?

Also, "patients"? >.>

What if Brawl didn't even have an Australian release date yet



EDIT: My friend bought over his 360 yesterday, and I played CoD4 for the first time. That game is completely awesome.

execrable gumwrapper
03-27-2008, 03:17 AM


My bad. But the Wii I was using was repo'd by its owner about an hour ago. So it's kind of like I'm in Austrailia.

03-27-2008, 03:42 AM
yeah this is quite difficult to handle.
i mean, the rest of the attacks aren't so bad but the flashing three red rings of death? It's bullshit.

However, you can beat it if you spot dodge almost right as he unfolds his butterfly wings. Don't make the mistake I did for a while and spot dodge immediatley again - you have to wait a tiny bit before the second one comes down. Once you get that timing down you can get all three easy peasy and then you won't have to worry about RRoD ever again.

execrable gumwrapper
03-27-2008, 04:02 AM


03-28-2008, 05:53 AM
I've thought the 360 had more potential.
Seemed to me like Mircosoft just wanted to be first in next gen gaming at the time.

Darth Revan
04-04-2008, 01:29 PM
Last Friday, while I was in the middle of camping the Notorious Monster, Mee Deggi the Punisher, in Castle Oztroja in Final Fantasy XI... and just as the damn NM spawned, my 360 spazzed out, gave me a message to call tech support as well as a error message E74...

and then the RROD appeared...

I've had my 360 since 2006, and yes it was a first gen version... so at first I was immensely ticked off. Then I called tech support... I was given the big run around, and because there was no warranty on the Xbox (When I bought it from Hardly Normal, I wasn't even offered Warranty... they just sold it, and more or less told me to leave...), I was told it'd cost me $150AUS for the tech guys to even look at it.

Suffice to say I wasn't impressed, and I admit, I have considered sending it to Microsoft and see what they say. Yet knowing my luck, when I get it sent back, it could possibly be just a reconditioned model... which there is a slight possibility that something else could happen similar to another RROD on it. A friend of mine had her Xbox RROD, sent it away and got a reconditioned one... which subsequently RROD a month after she got it.

I've heard that later versions of the 360 have the hardware problem which caused the RROD resolved, but I'd like some confirmation on that first.

04-04-2008, 01:34 PM
If my word is sufficient for you, I've been following the matter closely enough to know as much as anyone. The short version is that the failure rate before the Falcon update was around 30%. Now it's somewhere under 10%, although how far below it is still unknown because there hasn't been enough time to do any credible studies on it. It probably still has a slightly higher failure rate than the other two consoles, but if it makes it down to 5%, I think that's enough to be considered acceptable.

04-04-2008, 02:03 PM
The RRoD has happened to so many people I know, it's unbelievable how the same thing happens to so many people.

execrable gumwrapper
04-04-2008, 07:25 PM
It happened to my friend and I laughed at him.

He's more of a retro gamer anyway.