03-25-2008, 11:13 PM
Hey guys, I did a forum search for Tomba 2 and found a few soundtrack uploads that were posted ages ago, but the links have expired by now.

So, can anyone who has it please re-upload it? Thanks.

I'm also looking for the soundtracks to the following PS1 games:
-Jersey Devil

But yeah... I know Tomba 2's out there since it's been uploaded before.


03-26-2008, 01:31 AM
Yeah, Tomba 2's soundtrack is like the ONLY VG soundtrack that I've never been able to find, anywhere.

Luckily, I don't remember any songs from the game! I remember I absolutely loved the game, but mostly due to its gameplay (and thus its "fun factor"), rather than the music. But I don't remember disliking the music, either, so it'd be interesting to hear it again.

03-26-2008, 04:17 PM
Yeah, Tomba 2's soundtrack is like the ONLY VG soundtrack that I've never been able to find, anywhere.

Well like I said if you do a forum search here you know it's out there, just all the links are expired! Tomba 1's soundtrack is on GH, so I'm sure someone's bound to post T2's in this thread.