Joachim Armster
03-25-2008, 02:56 AM
Now I know that you guys hate it when people advertise or ask you to click something you don't but please exempt me this once It will probably most likely never happen again especially against I am not a huge active person in these forums.

The thing is he is a band called universal saviour and they are trying to get out there in the world you know so they can release cds and all that cal, however, they can't do this until they get 2 million page views on their myspace

03-25-2008, 03:12 AM
Your friend is you, isn't it?

Tell me about your mother.

03-25-2008, 06:55 AM
how incestuous

Marshall Lee
03-25-2008, 07:01 AM

Joachim Armster
03-25-2008, 11:27 AM
I didn't figure it would work. The personality of most forum members get turned into to egotistic a-holes over time and respect. Thank you for the help though; in a way it is just effective critism from the rest of the forum world that I could do with out. I can see why people on forums especially the ones that have been active for a while and has some post. If you guys wish not to help people than that is fine by me. Knegative this is not me, I myself do not have the motivation nor the talent to start a band and keep it going, you gotta think for a second, if I have the stupid thought to go around a forum, when I know how bad forums hate you having to click anything that is not a new free cd or something, my care would not exceed to upholding a band.

Top Cat
03-25-2008, 10:23 PM
dw, i clicked it

03-28-2008, 04:56 AM
Me too, I've clicked it ;)

Good luck for your friends =D...