05-07-2002, 12:00 AM
i've got the degenerator which is good is there any better.
does squall have a ultimate limit?
zell's is meteor barret?

05-09-2002, 07:36 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Squall can only use Renzokuken, but as you upgrade his weapon he learns more finishing blows. When you have his best weapon, Lionheart, he can sometimes use his Lion Heart finishing move after Renzokuken. With a fairly high strength stat this will hit for 9999x18 damage.

Zell's isn't Meteor Barret. Officially his best finishing blow is Final Heaven, but I find that I can do a lot more damage with Duel normally than when using finishing blows, in fact I rarely use them at all, as it ends the Duel suddenly. If you can get good at the Duel, just keep using the same moves over and over. Try Punch Rush > Heel Drop > Mach Kick. These moves always chain on to each other, and if you can do them fast you can deal severe damage.

Quistis has a few useful limit breaks. Degenerator works on the majority of regular monsters, instantly removing them from battle, so it is very useful. Damage-wise, Shockwave Pulsar is the best. She also has White Wind which restores HP, and Mighty Guard which can cause many status effects, including Protect and Shell, and in extreme cases also Reflect, Haste, Aura and even Invincibility.

Selphie has four extra limits that aren't normal magics. Full-Cure fully heals all characters and also cures all negative statuses. Wall gives all characters Protect and Shell. Rapture removes all enemies from battle, although only works on some regular monsters. The End is her rarest but by far the best limit. It kills ALL enemies instantly, except for the undead enemies. It even works on Omega Weapon.

Rinoa's most powerful attack is Wishing Star, taught in Pet Pals Vol.6. This hits many times causing a lot of damage. She also has Invincible Moon which is useful at times. However, she uses these two moves the least often. Never use Angel Wing, you lose all control of Rinoa and she starts attacking with random magic, which might even heal the enemy.

For Irvine, get Pulse Ammo to use his Hyper Shot. This is very powerful.

05-13-2002, 04:02 PM
after completing ff8 twice without even getting the lion heart i have recently seen the true power of the beast as i am now on my 3rd game in which i am tryin to set maself goals such as getting more gf's and limit breaks etc....

squalls lionheart move is eazily the best!!!
and is sweet just to watch!!!

05-14-2002, 12:20 AM
i guess squall has a good limit. I havent got his last limit, how do get it. I know its on the 4th disk, Right?

Nanaki XIII
05-14-2002, 04:57 AM
You can get his last limit on the 1st disk if you want. just get his final weapon. So worth it.

05-16-2002, 10:42 PM
Well I always make sure I get it on 3rd disc good against adel. I luv the lion heart

05-25-2002, 03:31 AM
What is with you people? Irvine has the strongest limit. Let's say you've used meltdown to get Vit-0. You get lucky and the timer goes down really slow. You've got a quick trigger finger and 100 fast ammo. Let it fly! I've gotten about 70-100 hit's at 2200-4400 each.

Nanaki XIII
05-25-2002, 03:47 AM
Irvines is awesome because all I use is fast ammo and so easy to get more. It kills the enemy so fast. But Lionheart is not useful on Adel at all because if you use Renzokuken and get Blasting Zone, Rinoas toast. Thats a risky limit on Adel.

05-25-2002, 11:39 AM
Well, if you can find it, Selphie's is definately the best one.

Crater Seraph
05-28-2002, 05:05 AM
I agree Irvine's limit is the best.It is VERY helpful on Adel you can't use lionheart on Adel because you would kill Rinoa too.But with Irvine's Pulse ammo you choose who you want to hit and it does 9,999.:alien:

05-28-2002, 05:11 AM
Squall's Lionheart is tremondously useful, but I do find Irvine's Pulse Ammo much more helpful. Selphie's slots are great (Rapture, The End, etc.), but they're much more harder to execute (you have to keep on changing slots for the powerful ones). Also keep in mind Quistis' Shockwave Pulsar. It's really useful against Griever, even though he has the same thing.

I have to say that I find Rinoa's Limit Breaks totally stink...^_^

Crater Seraph
05-28-2002, 05:40 AM
I agree again.I do not find Rinoa's Limit break's useful at all....they didn't help at all only the one that revives you sometimes.....Zell, quistis,squall,irvine,and Selphie's limit breaks were all helpful at rinoa's limit break's stink ^_^

03-18-2004, 06:52 PM
I think that Lionheart is the strongest and best looking of all of them, especially since I had it kill Ultimate Weapon ( I think that's what it's called) in Ultimicia's castle after using it twice. I think it did instant kill, but I'm not sure. Does that sound right to any of you?

03-19-2004, 05:15 AM
Lionheart rocks, though it ends up making hte gaem a bit too easy, \i like zells, if you're fast enough you can deal tonnes of damage, i never really used quistis (in the like 9 times i've played it she's never got past lvl 17) and selphies just rock, well the end does, and the fact you can use high level magic at the beginning of the game

Landlord of Sector 7
03-19-2004, 12:37 PM
Ok everyone is talking about it being hard to "Find" Selphies the end so where the hell is it or where the hell do you find it???? I would really like to know please.

03-19-2004, 02:11 PM
Although Selphie has good ones, they are very hard to get. I think Squall's Lionheart is really good, and comes in handy when fighting Ultimecia, which was one of the keys for me beating her so easily.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-21-2004, 07:18 PM

03-21-2004, 10:23 PM
you can get The End or any of her others at any point in the game. They are rare. Just keep hitting "do over" until it comes up. It's random. There are factors like luck involved but don't count on getting The End all the time. I like to cast eden and then switch to selphie. Gives you like over a minute to try and get it.

Garnet aka Dagger
03-22-2004, 06:51 PM
I like Rinoa's Limit Breaks with Angelo and Selphies Limit breaks. Rinoa's Wishing Star is so pretty ^_^ And Selphie's The End saved me in the fight with Adel. Right when the fight started,Adel got Selphie's HP down low. I used her Limit break and hit "Do Over" Around 3 or 4 times and there was The End! I think that was extremely lucky for me though.