03-22-2008, 04:19 AM
Taking the awesome graphics of the PS2, gameplay of Zelda, style of Final Fantasy... Xilvan Design's Lights of Dreams is the first big 3D game of the Company

The Earth is broken... After a long war the world is finally saved by an angel named Xylvaniel... Fighting in the name of god against numerous foes he were callen to save the king and the queen of Altara a city of the new Venus of 3800...

A evil traitor named Sphax betrayed the king and Xylvan and enclosed him into a Sphere...

A man were born to help angels getting back... Mytlas... He were made to save the king Xylvan from its captivity...

With an alien technology, Venus has been revitalised, colonisated and has floweriched in a thousand year... Water were created to cool the surface and air were synthetised to make life possible...

Three planets are living in our solar system: Venus, Marsh and... the less living the Earth... Technologies were able to build Angels or Daemons, gods or beast... Human were more gentle creatures then they populated numerous cities in all the galaxies...

Heres a link to the latest demo of this game :

Neo Xzhan
03-22-2008, 09:50 AM
Awesome graphics of the PS2? I had lulz.

03-22-2008, 04:44 PM
the demo is free...

I'm up to start the sequel of LOD named ANOD Angels of Dreams : The Captive ones...

04-20-2008, 02:39 PM
Wow, Zylvan, it's a small world! It'll be interesting to see what people make of your game here.