View Full Version : Thread 5290">Gamecube for �130????????

Bahamut ZERO
05-06-2002, 08:48 PM
I went home this weekend, and as a result I had access to a daily newspaper (which I don't normally fork out 30p for... Cheapskate, I know, but I'm a student, so there.) I was flicking through the pages when I stopped on an advert for Dixons.

"Nintendo Gamecube, new weekend release in the UK, �130 with controller. Plus bundles for under �200."

:eek: :eek: :eek:

I had to blink a couple of times, rub my eyes and then re-read the article again. How can Nintendo sell a brand new system for so little? Okay, so it's new so there aren't that many games, but it's definitely tilted my lack of funds thinking towards it as a next gen system. From what I understand, the Gamecube doesn't support DVD playback (confirmation would be nice), but I have a DVD-ROM in my computer, so that doesn't bother me. All I need to know now is if some games (namely MGS 2 and FF X) are coming out on that format, because to play those games for under �200 (with system) seems like a bargain.

Nanaki XIII
05-07-2002, 01:01 AM
Dont count on those games being released on it. But they do have some nice games and it is a brand new system that will keep getting better software. I would of course get the PS2 first for FFX, but after that Gamecube is the next best choice, plus, that is cheap.

05-07-2002, 02:19 AM
Gamecube does not support DVD. Also, those games you spoke of will not be on the Gamecube EVER. I agree w/Nanakii in saying that the PS2 is probably the best system out right now but Gamecube is definitely the best bargain. They also have an aight collection of games but IMO it doesn't beat the one that Sony has.

05-07-2002, 02:30 AM
FFX and MGS2 for GameCube are pretty unlikely, like those guys said. I wouldn't go so far as to say "NEVER EVER EVER!!!" (cuz then if it actually did happen, however small the chance would be, I'd look like an ass ;)) but really, it's not even worth getting up any hope about. I'd be pleasantly surprised if it were to happen but it's not really even worth thinking about it.

However, you will be pleased to know that Final Fantasy is coming to the GameCube in some form or another, if you didn't already =)

05-07-2002, 04:59 PM
I never said that MGS series would never go to Nintendo, I'm saying that MGS2 will never be on Gamecube.;)

05-07-2002, 08:01 PM
how much is (don't have it on my keyboard)130 in U.S. dollars? Is it 200 dollars? But, the Gamecube is the next best thing to the PS2, especially since Squaresoft is going to start making games for it.

the one
05-07-2002, 10:19 PM
i already have a ps2 with about 14 games but im also considering getting a 'cube ,they have alright games jut now but they have other simply amazing ones coming out resident evil to name one ,with the best graphics ever seen on a home console i read on gamespot,and also maybe some more FF games on GC?

05-07-2002, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by TheUltimate
I never said that MGS series would never go to Nintendo, I'm saying that MGS2 will never be on Gamecube.;)

That's nice. Personally, I wouldn't say that because if it actually did happen, however unlikely it may be, I'd look like an ass, but it's not really my business what you go around guaranteeing.

05-08-2002, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Tifa's Knight

That's nice. Personally, I wouldn't say that because if it actually did happen, however unlikely it may be, I'd look like an ass, but it's not really my business what you go around guaranteeing.

If it's none of your business, then don't comment on it:D

05-09-2002, 12:35 AM
If you don't want me to comment on it, don't direct it at me ;) No seriously, I was just saying what I would do, so technically I wasn't commenting on it :P