05-06-2002, 07:06 PM
Hey What's youre guys fav movie in ff9

here's my top 3

3.Blackwalts chases the team on the transport

2.Alexander blasts Bahamuth out of the sky(this was actually my previous fav)

1.until i saw the Silver Dragons being shot out of the sky By Lindbulm

05-07-2002, 12:06 PM
Got to be Alexander with nice wings, he looks very cool, but a shame you can't use him as an eidolon. Or Trance Kuja going mad destroying everything in Bran Bal.

05-07-2002, 12:55 PM
gata be the one were Vivi and Black waltz 3 are going at it in the cargo ship and the ship the black waltz three is in (i cant think of the name of the other ship, but i know that it starts with a "v" and u can get the card from collecting pionts at the chocobo hot and cold game).


05-07-2002, 01:26 PM
my 2 favs are when the Evil Forest gets petrified and second when Brahne attacks Lindblum!

(of course all the other ones are great but I can�t count them all up!!)

05-07-2002, 04:45 PM
The very last FMV where Dagger runs out of the castle to Zidane, and when Kuja destroys Bran Bal

05-07-2002, 05:35 PM
I think we'd have to agree, all the FMVs are brillant,but, I'd have to say my favourites are:

The introduction (both Garnet's dream, the Prima Vista's arrival in Alexandria, and the beginning of the play).

The Cargo Ship's hair-raising escape through South Gate, and it's arrival in Lindblum.

Odin destroying Cleyra with Gunginir.

Brahne attacking Lindblum with the Black Mages and Atomos.

Kuja wiping out Brahne's fleet at the Iifa Tree by turning Bahamut against her.

The whole battle at Alexandria was awesome.

Garnet cutting her hair, and then the launch of the Hilda Garde 3.

But the best in my opinion would have to be the airship battle at the Iifa Tree, and the whole ending(particulary as I got to see Garnet in that dress again,.oooo).

Quote: "This light make me feel like I become pot roast!" Quina, feeling a little uncomfortable next to the Invincible's power core, FFIX.

Quote: "So, two of you enemies are duking it out? Why don't we leave them to it, and finish off the winner? My money's on Kuja." Amarant, FFIX.

Quote: "If you win, I'll set you up for a date with Garnet." Zidane, trying to persuade Vivi to participate in Lindblum's Festival of the Hunt, by giving him a little 'incentive', FFIX.

Quote: "WHAT?! Me and the Princess?!" Vivi, alarmed at Zidane's 'incentive' for him to participate in the Festival of the Hunt, FFIX.

the one
05-07-2002, 05:47 PM
1.ending obviously
2.all ifa tree ones they were all very kool
3.the battle in alexandira

05-08-2002, 12:30 AM
Wow... so many choices, so many choices...

Okay, my top five picks, as of today, are:

1) The ending. This is, and always has been, my favorite. It's such a terrific, emotional ending, and ultimately sealed FF9's place in my mind as the best game I'd ever played. That made it all worth it. :)

2) The assault of the silver/nova dragons before entering Memoria, on disc 4. The rapid-fire pace had me really charged up. I could literally feel the excitement behind the attacks.

3) Dagger's supercuts scene. This was such a pivotal point in Dagger's story. I loved it. And visually, her hair rendering was beautiful. :)

4) The Mage vs. Mage scenes, on disc 1, flying to Linblum for the first time. When Vivi sees the mages who protected him falling from the sky, the music was so emotional. Even though Vivi's expression was just limited to the glowing eyes, you could still sense his distress.

5) The telescope scene, where Dagger is singing on the balcony and Zidane goes up to meet her. The music and subtle emotions in their faces was just animation at it's purest.

That's what I loved about the FMVs. Without the voicework, the emotions were entirely conveyed with the animation and the music. Pure animation. Gotta love it!:D :cool:

05-08-2002, 06:49 AM
Andrew Chung from starthfield sux

zidane tribal
05-08-2002, 04:01 PM
hnmmm there is already a thread like this, so go check that one out to see my choices....:D

Angel Aeris
05-08-2002, 04:53 PM
Hard to choose, but I guess my choices are these

1 When they go to Memoria and the silver dragons attack. The atmosphere, colors, music, it was all so impressive.

2 When Brahne summons Bahamut to attack on Kuja and you see just a little wound on his forehead. Creepy with big C!

3 Garnet cuts her hair. It's a very symbolical scene, she proves she really wants to change and the beautiful gesture tells us 'Princess Garnet til Alexandros 17th is dead for good, fighter Dagger has returned to stay'.

zidane tribal
05-08-2002, 04:58 PM
*****************maybe spoils**********

its cool to see other people think as deep as me with the game.... there are many symbolical and ironic scenes in the game.... the most ironic is Steiner... he never thought for himself and only lived to his orders, but when he saw everything he protected for so long crumbling in the corrupted hands of his own queen, he realized how important being real was....he also finally accepts Garnet and Zidane being together, just at the time when he falls for Beatrix....great show of work....:D

Garnet aka Dagger
05-24-2002, 10:22 PM
I Love all the scenes with Garnet and Zidane. My favorite,if I had to pick, would be the one where Zidane saves Garnet when Alexandria is getting destoyed..I really love that one. But its really hard to pick a favorite out of all the scenes with Garnet and Zidane.

05-27-2002, 04:56 AM
id have 2 say the 1 with ekio and Dagger meeting on Alexandra castle and Alexander appearing and kuja breaking the castle and Zidane saving Garnet , and my 2nd =fav is the start 1 where they go flying down the flag and my 3rd is the 1 where you see the storm in madin sari, hehe mmaaaddd:D :D

Crater Seraph
05-28-2002, 01:40 AM
1)When Zidane saves garnet when she falls. (something like that)

2)When you first fight beatrix.

3)And when you get Alexander and Kuja takes it away.

05-28-2002, 02:43 AM
1. Kuja destroying terra
2. Invincable blows alexandria away
3. Bahamut bombs alexandria
4. Odin destroys cleyra
5. o and wut about that ending there we could have used a few high advanced snipers on the bloody castle but anyways good ending could have used sommer unhappy endings though

05-31-2002, 03:19 AM
Hey is everyone forgeting about the movie when Zidane is running down the lifa tree to go find Kuja??? And he is running just as fast as his little legs could carrie him! That was a great one. But not my favorite. The END would have to be my favorite. Besides that. Ummm........ when they are running from the petrified forest(there was alot of good views of Zidane face in that one). ANd definitely when Dagger cuts her hair off athough it was short(the movie not her hair) it was a key part in Dagger's story. Other then that any movie with Zidane and Dagger.
Oh yah when Kuja trances and blows up Terra, thats an awesome one to!!