03-19-2008, 11:35 PM
would you like to see covered by them?

my top ten are...

10- Kefka: FFVI (I feel that they could make a really cool cover of this. i know the song from the game doesnt have too much going on in it, but they could do something really cool with it.)
9- Electric de Chocobo: FFVII (The did Brass de Chocobo, no it's time they do the rock chocobo song.)
8- Don't be Afraid: FFVIII (This is a great battle song, and I think it would make a great rock cover.)
7- Auron's Theme: FFX (Auron is badass, his song is badass, so there is only one more thing to do... make a back ass Black Mages cover.)
6- Mt. Koltz: FFVI (I love this song, so I want to see it done.)
5- The Landing: FFVIII (This is a great song which is really intense, it would make a great rock cover.)
4- The Birth of a God: FFVII (I heard some random band make a heavy metal cover of this song, and it was awesome... but they are in no way, shape or form The Black Mages.)
3- Battle: FFIX (Another geat battle theme, why hasn't this been done?)
2- Fighting: FFVII (My favorite battle theme, I don't know why they haven't dont this one.)
1- Valley of The Fallen Star: FFVII (Probably one of my favorite songs from FF game, they could really make an epic rock orchestra song of this, kind of like their version of One Winged Angel.)

Here are five which didnt quite make the top ten. (no particular order)

*Dark Messanger: FFIX (This one just missed it, one of my favorite songs ever. I love battle themes, and this one is no exception.)
*Returners: FFVI (Another great tune which I think would make an awesome rock cover.)
*The Mission: FFVIII (Great song which is fast paced.)
*Crazy Motorcycle Chase: FFVII (This is an awesome song, another one that I am suprised they did not do.)
*Battle: FFX (I am a sucker for the battle themes, this is no exception.)

Obviously I would love to have many more songs covered by The Black Mages, who knows what the future will bring. All I can hope is more great music.

Which songs would you like to see covered?

03-20-2008, 03:23 PM
FFXI songs would be a nice addition. I know they did one in the new album, but I think some more would do quite nice as it is my fav FF Score ever.

03-21-2008, 07:01 PM
10. The Mission (FFVIII) - Not the most common choice, but this song has a special place in my heart. Can't explain why, but the melody just kind of captures me and doesn't let go. Wish it was used more often in the original game, but that's life.
9. The Legendary Beast (FFVIII) - I only heard this in the original game for, like, 10 seconds while Griever was frying my ass with Shockwave Pulsar. I had to download the soundtrack to discover its greatness. This song deserves an apology, and a spot on the next album.
8. Auron's Theme (FFX) That theme was just awesomeness. Besides, Auron always seemed like the kind of guy who'd want guitars wailing away in his theme song.
7. Terra (FFVI) - Don't have a reason, really. It's just a really great song. Not the fastest out there, but if Uematsu-san arranged it like he did Matoya's Cave, I think it would do just fine.
6. Feel My Blade (FFIX) - Wow, didn't see that one coming, did you? But it's a really good melody, definitely worthy of a hard rock transformation.
5. Boss Battle (FFIII) - I listened to the Remix in Final Fantasy I (PSP), and it's awesome. Just goes to show what breathing new life into old tunes can do.
4. FFVII Main Theme (FFVII) - Come on, admit it. Everyone loves this one. Everyone stood on the world map for hours at a time, just listening. So majestic.
3. The Landing (FFVIII) - One of the most high-energy songs Uematsu-san's ever done. I'm surprised it hasn't been done already.
2. You're Not Alone (FFIX) - Not quite as fast as the others, but I'm interested to see what Uematsu-san could do with it.
1. Dark Messenger (FFIX) - After Seymour Battle, my favorite battle theme ever. If this song doesn't get picked for the next album (if we get another), I'll be very disappointed. Perhaps a little angry, too.

Songs I wish they could've done better the first time:
The Extreme (FFVIII)
Premonition (FFVIII)
Zeromus (FFIV)
Decisive Battle (FFVI)

03-21-2008, 07:04 PM
Songs I wish they'd never done in the first place:
Battle Scene (FFI)
Battle, Scene II (FFII)
Otherworld (FFX)
The Skies Above (FFX)
Opening ~ Bombing Mission (FFVII)
Distant World (FFXI)

But hey, you gotta take the good with the bad, right?

03-21-2008, 08:46 PM
One i would like to see Final Fantasy V's Walking the Snowy Mountain.

03-21-2008, 10:29 PM
10. The Mission (FFVIII) - Not the most common choice, but this song has a special place in my heart. Can't explain why, but the melody just kind of captures me and doesn't let go. Wish it was used more often in the original game, but that's life.
9. The Legendary Beast (FFVIII) - I only heard this in the original game for, like, 10 seconds while Griever was frying my ass with Shockwave Pulsar. I had to download the soundtrack to discover its greatness. This song deserves an apology, and a spot on the next album.
8. Auron's Theme (FFX) That theme was just awesomeness. Besides, Auron always seemed like the kind of guy who'd want guitars wailing away in his theme song.
7. Terra (FFVI) - Don't have a reason, really. It's just a really great song. Not the fastest out there, but if Uematsu-san arranged it like he did Matoya's Cave, I think it would do just fine.
6. Feel My Blade (FFIX) - Wow, didn't see that one coming, did you? But it's a really good melody, definitely worthy of a hard rock transformation.
5. Boss Battle (FFIII) - I listened to the Remix in Final Fantasy I (PSP), and it's awesome. Just goes to show what breathing new life into old tunes can do.
4. FFVII Main Theme (FFVII) - Come on, admit it. Everyone loves this one. Everyone stood on the world map for hours at a time, just listening. So majestic.
3. The Landing (FFVIII) - One of the most high-energy songs Uematsu-san's ever done. I'm surprised it hasn't been done already.
2. You're Not Alone (FFIX) - Not quite as fast as the others, but I'm interested to see what Uematsu-san could do with it.
1. Dark Messenger (FFIX) - After Seymour Battle, my favorite battle theme ever. If this song doesn't get picked for the next album (if we get another), I'll be very disappointed. Perhaps a little angry, too.

Songs I wish they could've done better the first time:
The Extreme (FFVIII)
Premonition (FFVIII)
Zeromus (FFIV)
Decisive Battle (FFVI)
these are all awesome choices too.

Protecting My Devotion (FFIX) would be a good choice too, it's kind of like Feel My Blade

03-21-2008, 11:48 PM
FFXI songs would be a nice addition. I know they did one in the new album, but I think some more would do quite nice as it is my fav FF Score ever.

No way.. FFXI is that a typo ? Well I play that dang game and started a radio station just to listen to something else. hehe.. Please dont take offense, its great soundtrack the 1st or 2nd year.. at 4 years of listening would be nice if BM redid that whole thing leaving out the bag pipes.

But anyways what song did BM cover from FFXI ?

Personally I think that guitar theme when you are talking to the galka on the stairs just after 5.1 mission would be great done by them. Sorry cant think of the name of that atm.

03-22-2008, 01:01 AM
Yea i only played it a year straight and most MMO music gets that way lol.

But looking back its excellent stuff =)

03-22-2008, 06:38 AM
Protecting My Devotion (FFIX) would be a good choice too, it's kind of like Feel My Blade

Oh, wow, almost forgot about Protecting My Devotion. I just love what Uematsu-san did with Beatrix's theme there. In my opinion, ALL things beatrix are pure awesomeness.

03-22-2008, 01:48 PM
There's A Lot I Would Like Covered By Them (Most of the FF soundtracks for example lol :-D ) but Especially - You're Not Alone (FF IX). It's Always Stood Out For Me And I Still Love It Now.

03-22-2008, 03:54 PM
Yes please.

03-23-2008, 12:42 AM
Well I got my dream come true.... thay actually covered the whole Ultimecia battle, but I'd like to hear the dark messenger and only a plank beetwen one and prediction.

03-23-2008, 01:26 AM
Well I got my dream come true.... thay actually covered the whole Ultimecia battle, but I'd like to hear the dark messenger and only a plank beetwen one and prediction.

what about "The Legendary Beast"?

they really need to do a victory theme though

03-23-2008, 09:28 PM
If you didn't notice, the legendary beast appears in The man with the machine gun. I was suprised at the idea, but it turned out quite well.

03-24-2008, 12:51 AM
does it really, at what point in the song?

edit: yeah it does, i never put those together. that's cool.

03-24-2008, 02:37 PM
Chocobo theme
moogle theme

03-26-2008, 06:20 PM
More Etrian Odyssey ones.

03-26-2008, 06:27 PM
Here would be my list:

1. The Legendary Beast (FF VIII). They gave us a taste of it in the Man With the Machine Gun, I would like them to do the whole song.
2. The Landing (FF VIII)
3. Birth of God (FF VII)
4. Dark Messenger (FF IX)
5. Boss Battle (FF IX)
6. Jenova Absolute (FF VII). Mostly just to complete the Sephiroth battle music.
7. Liberi Fatali (FF VIII). For this one, they should handle it like they did with One Winged Angel, with an orchestra + Rock mix.
8. The Stage is Set (FF VIII)
9. Don't Be Afraid (FF VIII)
10. Those Who Fight (FF VII)

03-27-2008, 12:19 AM
Gee I see everyone talking about the CD on this forum, but where is it?, I'm getting anxious already.

03-27-2008, 01:34 AM
Personally, I'd wish they would do other VG music rather than just Uematsu-exclusive...I know he's their keyboardist, but I've really become desensitized to FF muisic, and I'd like something else.

In any case, I'd really like them to cover The Decisive Battle from FFV. I absolutely love that song.

03-27-2008, 11:56 PM
Gee I see everyone talking about the CD on this forum, but where is it?, I'm getting anxious already.

I downloaded it here, on this site. I suggest that you do the same.

03-28-2008, 02:20 AM
FF VIII The Landing (Alternate) from the demo
I just love that song. My school's marching band did a field show with vg music, and that was in it. Once we were able to play it, it sounded amazing. I think it would sound cool if the Black Mages played it.

03-28-2008, 06:20 AM
I downloaded it here, on this site. I suggest that you do the same.

Here where dude? Galbadia hasn't updated in eons.

03-28-2008, 06:35 AM
Too lazy to make a list, but one uncommon choice that probably no one else here will say but I could see them doing something really cool with it is Residents from FFVIII. For some reason that track kinda captures and doesn't let go kinda like cornman said with "The Mission".

And surprisingly no one said "Eternal Harvest".

Mr Muay Thai
03-28-2008, 04:33 PM
Here where dude? Galbadia hasn't updated in eons.

in the forums.

03-28-2008, 07:28 PM
Personally, I'd wish they would do other VG music rather than just Uematsu-exclusive...I know he's their keyboardist, but I've really become desensitized to FF muisic, and I'd like something else.

In any case, I'd really like them to cover The Decisive Battle from FFV. I absolutely love that song.

haven't they already covered that song?

03-28-2008, 08:01 PM
The Decisive Battle from FFV is completely different from the The Decisive Battle in FFVI. The Decisive Battle in FFV plays during the first form of Exdeath.

03-29-2008, 03:04 AM
Well I found the album somewhere else, if anyone wants it I can provide the link, tracks are available by separate.

Well whatever:

03-29-2008, 03:38 AM
For the record, after having done "Premonition" I find it to be extremely unlikely that they'll do "The Landing".

Also, part of "The Legendary Beast" is in their "The Man With the Machine Gun" so that lowers the chances of that.

03-31-2008, 05:54 AM
Wow! the track 'Darkness & Starlight' is amazing! a perfect blend of opera and rock, and thank goodness it's in Japanese!

03-31-2008, 12:05 PM
The track 'Darkness & Starlight' is great but I think its out of place in the middle of the album at 15 minutes long. I think with Nobou's genius he could have made a version that was smaller as prologue to whole work then ended the CD with this really cool mini opera. But this has to be the best work so far, I think the last song "Life" is truly amazing and now my favorite song of theres. I thought you might be interested to read why he wrote that one. This is quote from the blm's website;

In this album, there is a track which wasn't used in the videogame of FINAL FANTASY.
It is "LIFE" which is included as track#10.

About 8 years ago, I met a boy named "Yoshitaka Tagawa" who was 15 years old then. Yoshitaka(who is the big big fan of FINAL FANTASY) got acute myeloid leukemia from his childhood, and it was difficult for his doctor to expect how long he could live. I wish him to get better and presented him the song "LIFE". After I presented him that song, he started to participate in a lot of events of mine from far Kyushu with his mother. When I first met him, he seemed to lack energy, but while meeting him for a several time, he got energetic and smiled a lot. In fact, I met him at "PRESS START CONCERT" last year, and he was full of vigor. Everybody around him was thinking confidently that he is getting better, but on Jan.25th 2008, He suddenly passed away. I was really sad and was full of regret. I thought that the delightful things must have waited for him in his future. But no one can predict what's going to happen, he passed away.

Is Life unequal? No, I don't want to think like that. I expect Life to be fair and each of us has a equal role in their life. We also want you to know the meaning of his 22years life and decided to include "LIFE" in this album.

How hard the life is if someone whom you love or someone who is important to you passed away suddenly. If I had known this would happen, I would have given him more opportunity to have fun, and I would have invited him to the recordings and the concerts more. But after the sad thing happened, It's too late even if I thought so. If you have a family, friends, girl friend or boy friend whom you love, please send them your love and express your hearty thanks to them as much as you can at this moment. Yoshitaka let me know about the importance of it through his own experience.

Thank you, Yoshitaka. Rest in peace.
I'll always remember you with your wonderful smile.

Nobuo Uematsu

04-01-2008, 03:57 AM
That's sad.

Saint Ebony
04-01-2008, 07:16 PM
7. Terra (FFVI) - Don't have a reason, really. It's just a really great song. Not the fastest out there, but if Uematsu-san arranged it like he did Matoya's Cave, I think it would do just fine.
They did. Found it on LimeWire ages ago~

And yes, it is awesome.

04-01-2008, 07:47 PM
Wait a minute... there are some tracks outside the albums?? W W...HOW? WHERE? Guide me , oh , enlighted one... Guide, the poor ignorant, me!

Saint Ebony
04-01-2008, 07:56 PM
I got almost all the Black Mages music I have on LimeWire- s'all I could tell you.

Mr Muay Thai
04-01-2008, 08:00 PM
I don't know who made that, but that's not the Black Mages' doing.

Don't believe everything you hear.

Saint Ebony
04-01-2008, 09:42 PM
I don't know who made that, but that's not the Black Mages' doing.

Don't believe everything you hear.

Apparently it's by Nobuo Uematsu also, so may as well be the Black Mages :p

04-01-2008, 11:21 PM
Thanks for the link Saint Ebony and thanks for the advice
Mr Muay Thai.

04-02-2008, 01:34 AM

Apparently it's by Nobuo Uematsu also, so may as well be the Black Mages :p

Actually,Mr. Muay Thai is right. Don't believe everything you hear. That song is a remix done on overclocked remix's site. It was a fan's doing. Good song, but not by The Black Mages

04-02-2008, 04:13 AM
Ummm... I hate unofficial remixes.

04-02-2008, 08:44 PM
Thanks for clearing that out, but anyway...
There are quite few remixes that are outstanding. Some of them better than the originals, (I'm speeking in general) for example... chrono trigger stuff. Mostly because the game couldn't have better music these days. I also respect those people, because I know how much hard work is needed for a decent remix.

04-09-2008, 06:23 AM
Honestly, they've done almost every song I've wanted to hear.

I'd personally like to hear a remake of ShinRa's Theme from Final Fantasy 7, a remake of Final Fantasy 7's Battle Theme and Final Fantasy 8's Battle Theme.

04-09-2008, 06:50 AM
There's a remix of FF VII battle theme already.

Oops, sorry, that's the boss battle theme.

04-09-2008, 06:57 AM
The Black Mages did the Final Fantasy 7 boss battle theme. I'm talking about the general battle theme.

04-09-2008, 07:01 AM
Read again.

04-09-2008, 07:33 AM
'Twas posted before the edit. =\

Wow! the track 'Darkness & Starlight' is amazing! a perfect blend of opera and rock, and thank goodness it's in Japanese!

Yes. Fully agreed.

04-20-2008, 02:58 AM
I personally would like to hear a Black mages take on the song from Final Fantasy VIII Titled "Only a plank between one and perdition" it's the song that also plays during the battle with Ultima Weapon in the deep sea research facility and it's (in my opinion) of my favourite tracks in FFVIII I'd love to hear a black mages remix version

Johnny Garland
04-23-2008, 10:00 AM
Here where dude? Galbadia hasn't updated in eons.

Look for Final Fantasy ^ Square Enix Ost's or use the search
button and search for Black Mages OST

05-24-2008, 11:00 PM
they should do The Castel(FFVIII) and do Liberi Fatali but like with Succession Of The Witches and Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec(like as the title of they album but a new name)

05-28-2008, 10:01 PM
Dark Messenger (9)
Jenova Absolute (7)

If they decided to do anything like Distant Worlds again, I'd like to see them cover Terra and Bran Bal. (9) These could very easily be done together, and have been unfortunately ignored with just about every release that's been done (except Piano Collections). I always kinda thought they could use either an orchestra or an acoustic rendition. (This is why it sucks that they didn't come out w/ an arranged album for 9.)

Also, it'd be amazing to hear a Metal de Chocobo.

And yeah, they already did do the FF7 battle theme. It was on the Advent Children OST & not one of their albums, but it has been done. (On a related note, am I the only one who thinks the AC version of Jenova is better than the one off the original BM album?)

05-31-2008, 08:21 PM
i dont think that was the black mages though it doesnt sound like them i think that one winged angel was the only one redone on that album but like the final battle theme in FFIII it could be put one this album

i agree that the AC version of jenova is better though