05-06-2002, 06:56 PM
Yo i yust want to know what ya top 3 on FMV's in FFVII is

post ya top 3 here

3. Rocket liftoff

2.Big shootout at yunon vs The Esmerald weap

1.The sister ray fires at Diamond and the Barrier

the one
05-06-2002, 07:42 PM
1.the ending FMV is just the best fmv ever lots of unexpecting things happeing
2.aeris death kinda funny/sad/unexpected also
3.prolly the rocket take off as well

Neo Xzhan
05-06-2002, 07:56 PM
1. The ending FMV.
2. The fmv where Aeris dies.
3. The shooting of the mako cannon when attacking Diamond weapon.

05-06-2002, 08:08 PM
when they shoot the junon cannon ...then the sister ray/junon cannon at dimond weaopn and the ending fmv

Miyati Guado
05-06-2002, 10:11 PM
My favs are 1: Aries' death, never did like her!
2: Sephiroth going balistic in Neiblhiem.
3: cloud on the bike.

05-06-2002, 11:01 PM
1. Sephiroth in Nibelheim
2. The intro...very cinematic
3. The ending

Corey Taylor
05-07-2002, 01:41 AM
When diamond attacks midgar, and Rufus is just standing there, not moving at all with no fear of the attacks, thats just so fucking COOL!!!!

05-08-2002, 06:29 PM
1: the scene when weapon's head is blown off (all those guns!!!)
2: when sephiroth gets cut up
3: ending sequence (cute baby puppies! (like :rolleyes: garnet:rolleyes: ))
4: when the weapons awake (coooooool)
5: when sister ra (or whatever) fires at the shield around Sephiroth

Majin Freeza
05-08-2002, 07:24 PM
The beginning and the ending:)

05-08-2002, 08:25 PM
probaly the beggining or when aries dies

Angel Aeris
05-08-2002, 09:56 PM
1 Aeris's death and when Cloud carries her to that pond. Awfully sad, still.

2 Sephiroth in the flames. That was CREE-PY. I'm still having nightmares.

3 Ending, when Cloud sees Aeris (It was moving...) and then suddenly realises it's Tifa and the Meteor hits

05-09-2002, 12:39 AM
1: Ending
2: Saphire or whatever weapon gets shot.
3: intro

05-09-2002, 09:56 AM
Guess you mean Diamond weapon

05-09-2002, 12:04 PM
1. ending
2. aeris' death
3. intro

05-09-2002, 11:54 PM
3. Aeris dying. 2. the Beginning. and finally my all time favorite one Cloud on the Hog escaping from the Shinra building. and A Hog is a Harley Davidson for those of you who do not know what I mean.:cool:

05-10-2002, 01:22 PM
Diamond WEAPON...


Big gun...

...hey, how close to perfection can you get? Without naked chicks?

05-12-2002, 05:52 AM
My favorite moment? That's a hard one. If you wanna go by FMV then the ending by far. If you want to go by overall... my favorite part was by far the point where Cloud "finds himself." I thought it was very touching ;)

Nanaki XIII
05-12-2002, 07:39 AM
Lets see

3: Cloud on motorcycle
2: Aeris dying
1: Weapons coming up from the North Crater.

05-12-2002, 06:45 PM
the introductio:alien:

05-13-2002, 01:28 PM
1- Aeiris's death.
2- Opening.
3- Escaping from Shinra building

05-16-2002, 01:29 AM
fav. fmv is...{drum roll plese! }
2.death of Aeris
3.Motorcycle with Cloud

i haven't finished the game yet, last time the memory card corrupted and i was on disk two!

Omega Flare
05-16-2002, 08:23 AM
I think that the ending is number one.
the one were aeris dies is number two.
and the one where all the weapons escape. just to see how big these beasts are.