GreyFox Domain
03-19-2008, 04:43 PM
Hi everyone...I came across this and thought this is a sweet one..if anybody has come across this in there travels...I would love to get a hold of it...they've given preview tracks here:
have a listen they are remixes done in famous 80's style beats and sounds..

many thanx for the help if found ;)

GreyFox Domain
03-25-2008, 02:15 PM
any takers on this one :( really is worth it...

04-01-2008, 10:56 AM
any takers on this one :( really is worth it...

Yes, you're right, it IS worth it. We put a lot of love (and money) in the production of this CD, and we'll be happy if we can cover our expenses with the CD sales, so every little helps. Pretty please consider buying the CD if you like it - you'll get a nice booklet and all. :)

Buy here:

Thanks. :)

- LMan /

GreyFox Domain
04-02-2008, 04:04 PM
Yes, you're right, it IS worth it. We put a lot of love (and money) in the production of this CD, and we'll be happy if we can cover our expenses with the CD sales, so every little helps. Pretty please consider buying the CD if you like it - you'll get a nice booklet and all. :)

Buy here:

Thanks. :)

- LMan /

will do mate..I've already purchased it..thanx ;)

04-03-2008, 08:02 AM
will do mate..I've already purchased it..thanx ;)

Thanks mate, I really appreciate it. :-D