05-06-2002, 05:51 AM
This is something I'm writing on the fly as in I made it up just now.

My heart is filled with worries about things far in the future...
I think about my life and what does it mean...
My voice hides my true feelings, saying little...
My mind silences the thought in fear and waits...

Then from within me is pulled something...
I feel it growing and moving, but I'm not afraid...
It's not bad, its the very reason I'm here...
I feel it when I look in you eyes...
I find it in every thought of you...

What is this emotion? Is it happiness?
Yes, and it calms me, but will it last?
Questions pile in my mind but then you smile.
All I think of is you and nothing else matters.

I hear the silence of my mind, and then something.
It's music, but from where I ask myself?
It comes from the feeling in my heart.
It has no sound but I still hear it...
When I'm looking in your eyes.

05-06-2002, 08:26 AM
That made me shiver o.o; I like it ^^

05-24-2002, 06:51 AM
I'm not usually one to post in this forum but I do strange things every now and then. I'm not a very good at expressing emotions in the way of "good job" or "I like it" because it never truely talls the other person anything. After reading Nymph's poem I decide to write something cause I like "Iris". Mainly her thoughts in MMX4 about Zero and her brother..

Off you go again, to fight..
I tell you to stay with me...
I ask you to stop fighting...
I ask you to do it for me...
I can't choose between you...
and my only brother...

Before I can stop you, fate decides...
In one stroke my brother is gone...
Before I know it I lose you...
I destroy myself and your feelings...
I still care. Will You?

*Nymph might neve read it but I wrote it anyway :p