03-17-2008, 01:08 AM
The Title says it all. Just say what music would be in a Video Game Concert if you could produce one or at least decide what gets played.

I will Start.

My Ultimate Final Fantasy Concert

1. The Prelude (Series)
Artist: 2 harps (and probably a choir)
Comments: This one is required.

2. Liberi Fatali (VIII)
Artist: Choir plus Orchestra
Comments: Also pretty much required.

3. Blue Fields (VIII)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: Originally orchestrated for the FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC album, they never used it again, which really pisses me off because I'm starting to get tired of "Fisherman's Horizon," and I like Blue Fields better anyway.

4. Rydia (IV)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: The version I have in mind is the arrangement from Project Majestic Mix. This particular version was done by Matt Stofferahn. I suspect it was done in synth, but very real-sounding orchestral synth. This would be fricking awesome in concert.

5. To Zanarkand (X)
Artist: Orchestra or just Piano. Uematsu's choice.
Comments: As most of you know, there are two versions to this: Piano and Orchestra or Just Piano. I like both, so either one will do. It would probably be the Orchestra version though.

6. Theme of Love (IV)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: Again, required. However, It would be nice if they did the practice version that originated as the last track on the FFIV Piano collections. Not gonna happen though.

6. Aeris' theme (VII)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: Also required.

7. Final Fantasy VII Main theme (VII)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: Required as well.

8. Tifa's theme (VII)
Artist: Orchestra

9. Terra (VI)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: Also required.

10. Relm (VI)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: Imagine the one from Grand Finale, but an instrument other then bagpipes doing the bagpipes part. Trumpets maybe? Arnie would know what to do. *Actually, I listened to it again, and the Bagpipes ain't bad. A comparison between this and the original SNES synth clearly shows that Uematsu wanted bagpipes.*

11. Forever Rachel (VI)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: Also from Project Majestic Mix, this Arrangment is by Chris Tilton, a seasoned pro who composed several VGM OSTs. This one is also orchestral, and would be fricking awesome in concert.

12. The Man with the Machine Gun (VIII)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: I never played VIII, but I heard this was Laguna's theme. Fricking Awesome.

13. Eyes On Me (VIII)
Artist: Ideally Faye Wong, but Angela Aki did a good job.
Comments: The thing here is that Faye Wong retired a few years ago and is now a housewife, so Angela Aki or someone else is really the only choice. Can be exchanged with Love Grows, which is basically Eyes on Me without lyrics.

14. Melodies of Life (IX)
Artist: Emiko Shiratori
Comments: I'll take any version of this, there are at least 5.

15: Suteki da Ne (X)
Artist: RIKKI
Comments: Again, required. Kinda wish it was in English, though.

16: Kiss Me Goodbye (XII)
Artist: Angela Aki
Comments: Since this was a joint venture between Uematsu and Aki (He did the music, She did the lyrics) , she is the only one allowed to sing it. Also, my favorite rendition of this song is from the Voices Concert. Proof that Concert Halls have better acoustics than recording studios

17. Memoria de la Stona (XI)
This one is a good song, but they NEED to get someone who can sing! It keeps getting ruined by the horrendous voices of the people they choose (although to be fair, I did not have to strain to understand Susan Calloway in the Distant Worlds album. But whoever they got for the Voices Concert sux0red lots.)

18. FF I-III Medley (I-III)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: Pretty much required.

19. Maybe I'm a lion (VIII)
Artist: The Black Mages
Comments: I would also like their version of Otherworld (X), but that might be pushing it. Otherworld would go right after this.

20. Otherworld (X)
Artist: The Black Mages & KAZCO
Comments: I'm also obsessed with Dana Fuch's rendition of Helter Skelter by the Beatles. I think I have a thing for female rock stars.

21. Final Fantasy (VIII?)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: I heard this was based on the version from the end of the FFVIII ending theme. Not too sure about that, VIII fans please confirm.

22. The Dream Oath - Maria and Draco
Artist: Stephanie Woodling, Chad Berlinghieri, and Todd Robinson
Comments: If these three did the full-length version from Orchestral Game Concert 4 (in english), that would AMAZING!!!!!! However, I would be content to hear the shortened version from these masters of the art.

23. Advent: One Winged Angel (VII AC) OR One Winged Angel (VII)
Artist: Black Mages and/or Choir
Comments: I'll leave this one up to the producers. I like both, but we should only hear one per concert.

24. Cloud Smiles (VII AC)
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: Not the best, but it does make for a pretty good finale, seeing as how this ended the only decent movie ever to come out of SQE Studios.

However, that is NOT the ending...


1. Dancing Mad (VI)
Artist: The Black Mages or whoever they got for PLAY!
Comments: I don't really care who does it. It just screams to be heard. Makes sense though, since it is only the best boss theme in history. I understand Dancing Mad was so good, they split it up across 4 bosses in-game to keep people heads from exploding.

2. Ending Theme to Final Fantasy VI
Artist: Orchestra
Comments: I am serious. All Twenty-One Minutes and Thirty-Six seconds. Every note in this composition NEEDS to be orchestrated. I am more serious about this than about Tifa's Theme. IT MUST BE DONE OR THE HULK WILL EAT YOU.

And that is it, My idea of the Ultimate Final Fantasy Concert. Remember, your ideas do not have to be as detailed as mine, nor do they have to be from FF or any single game or series. Just say what you want to hear in concert form.

Also, I have an album of most of these songs (the ones that actually did make it to concert) I call it the "Final Fantasy Orchestral Anthology", and it is a collection that I compiled myself of most of these songs. So if there is enough demand, I can upload it in another thread.

03-17-2008, 03:26 AM
These are in no particular order and are pieces that I think would lend themselves to a reading from an orchestra or extended orchestra (or that I think would be funny/cool to hear).

Item Acquisition Fanfare - Metroid
Time Circuits - Chrono Trigger
Opening Theme - Final Fantasy VI
Ghost Island - Chrono Cross
Go-Go March - Ogre Battle
Time's Scar - Chrono Cross
Blue Fields - Final Fantasy VIII
Home Sweet Home - Beyond Good and Evil
Water - Donkey Kong Country
Love Theme - Secret of Monkey Island
Minotaur Boss Battle - God of War
Dog Maze - Secret of Evermore
Dark World - Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
Swift Horse - Shadow of the Colossus
Northern Country Kamui II - Okami
The Theme of Grandia - Grandia
Death Marshes - Turok II: Seeds of Evil
A Moment of Courtesy - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Extra Life - Sonic