03-16-2008, 06:45 PM
Does Anybody Know where I can get the entire Aiden chronicles soundtrack as well as the Donkey kong 64 soundtrack. Please help.

03-16-2008, 11:11 PM
Welcome, T-ROD23. For future reference, there's a board for Requests, but for now, I'll provide you with what I can.

Thread 47866 Here's a link to the thread with the DK64 OST. The *complete* OST consists of 5 or 6 discs worth of music. I downloaded the USF file, and converted the tracks to .wavs, then converted them to .mp3s. The above link is good for about 70 or so songs; everthing else is variations of main themes.

As for Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage, I have never seen any game rip of the music. I own most of the N64 OSTs and Gamerips available on the internet and through purchase, and I don't recall ever having come across that. Hope the DK64 stuff is helpful!

03-20-2008, 10:55 PM
Thank you very much, if you do come across Aiden Chronicles, please send to me, i'd much appreciate it.

I wonder if I could also get thief: The dark project & Thief: the dark project II soundtracks, as well as Heretic II & Oddworld's Munch's Oddysee soundtracks.