03-15-2008, 06:08 AM
Does anyone play any (free) MMO's? I was playing Granado Espada for a while, and that was pretty good. I haven't played any payed subscription games except Lineage 2 from two years ago, though I very nearly picked up WoW.

I was wondering if anyone else here has any recommendations. I've been seeing alot of ads for Rappelz and Last Chaos, lately - has anyone tried those?

jewess crabcake
03-15-2008, 06:21 AM
I play Guild Wars, other than the cost of the key it's 100% free. Good members, fun gameplay, constant updates, and expansions (which are nonlinear to each other and you have to pay for them too.). But if you want 100% free I had fun playing Flyff, and hero online. GPotato makes some good MMO's

03-15-2008, 08:02 AM
Knight Online is pretty good. Great community, constant updates, and the world is just huge.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-15-2008, 09:33 AM
i am downloading Granado Espada as i type!

J. Peterman
03-15-2008, 10:56 AM
i am downloading Granado Espada as i type!

I am not though.

03-15-2008, 07:24 PM
Hmm.. I'm kinda interested in Guild Wars now. I just checked out Cabal Online - it seems pretty good. The community seems alright too. It's one of those f2p with an option to pay for extras.

jewess crabcake
03-15-2008, 09:41 PM
Guild wars is great, it has a lot of customizations, a ton of abilities, a lot of professions and skills, and every holiday there are exclusives. Like right now you can find Shamrock Ale and Four leaf clovers and sell them for a pretty penny, and they have great attributes.

03-15-2008, 10:04 PM
Runescape anyone?

jewess crabcake
03-15-2008, 11:03 PM
so you enjoy riding the failboat?

03-16-2008, 10:20 AM
i would have, in another life, contributed to this thread. but i found WoW so i can't. :p

before wow i would have said

Maplestory and Risk your life. they were my addictions for a few good years and still my top picks if you don't play wow. but since i play wow, i say, go get wow. :p

but mostly because maplestory's lving grind is the worst of any game in recorded history. :p and risk your life will kick you out of the game from a crash like every 20 minutes. guaranteed. either my install is shit, or the game can't use the pure awesomeness that is my pc. :p but i would definatley play ryl if it dind't crash everytime and didn't have wow. good thing i have WoW.

also. i recently tried out silkroad again. wow. they added a whole europeon side i never saw when i first played it. very nice looking and pretty good. i hate the diablo-esque character "creation" where there isn't very much "creating". but i guess you can get over it.

gorgeous chracter designs though. espeically the girls. ;)

03-16-2008, 11:48 AM
Silkroad is pretty cool, but when I played it the lag was unbearable. Reaction time was 10-30 seconds at worst.

03-16-2008, 04:51 PM
so you enjoy riding the failboat?

Not really, I stopped playing that before I even joined here, some of the elements are frustrating (like that STUPID STUPID FUCKING SHOP SYSTEM) and the players are just plain retarded.

03-16-2008, 05:48 PM
I found one that seems really neat. It's called Shaiya - I'm going to give this a try.

jewess crabcake
03-16-2008, 05:54 PM
Not really, I stopped playing that before I even joined here, some of the elements are frustrating (like that STUPID STUPID FUCKING SHOP SYSTEM) and the players are just plain retarded.

Lies remember your uber-fail battle with Sain?

03-16-2008, 06:19 PM
Ah yes, I decided to bring my account out of retirement. It was only for that battle though.

03-16-2008, 11:55 PM
I'm playing Angel Love Online and GetAmped. However, it will take some day before I get to upgrade my laptop into the latest processor and higher memory.

03-17-2008, 11:10 AM
i love checking out new mmo's. the ones mentioned so far look really good and fun. :p

maybe when i run out of wow money i'll chck em out. :)

J. Peterman
03-17-2008, 11:29 AM

prostitution simulator ONLINE

be ready

03-17-2008, 12:41 PM
I haven't seen Last Chaos, but I have tried Rappelz. It's pretty much just grind and chat. There are quests, but they're basically all kill quests, and the occasional loot quest. Still, trying to get 15 boar eyeballs (or whatever) isn't much different from having to kill 15 boars. Except for when said eyeballs don't drop everytime, for some ungodly reason, then it's worse.

On the plus side there are plenty of classes to try and lots of skills to play with. The community is generally nice, as MMO communities go. It was also an interesting change of pace for me to see combat pets as a pretty big aspect of the game. I don't know how common combat pets are in MMOs, since I only have experience with a few (mostly WoW, and a few others), but I thought it odd that they have no restrictions on their use in this game, considering they level much like players do. If you're good at working the economy you can just buy someone else's high lvl pet and have it essentially run you through much of the game (you could even trade it to your alts).

Anyway, I ended up quitting recently, mainly due to a lack of mid/late-game content (only a couple of dungeons in the game, and not much else to do after a point). Also, the art style is a little bland. No variety in gear made that even worse for me. Lastly, even though I avoided buying a high lvl pet for my first guy, I found when faced with knowing that I could it was like having access to Knights of the Round materia or something (ok, not that bad, but still). Never was the same after that.

03-17-2008, 02:57 PM
This topic has my Avatar written all over it! GUILD WARS YEAH!!!

note: i'm totally more badass that that stupid old pic there...

jewess crabcake
03-17-2008, 07:55 PM
Guild Wars Yeah! Someone else who the greatness of GW.

03-18-2008, 10:20 PM
GW is beautiful, but i'm a solo type player and yet still found it very lonely going outside of towns where the world is instanced. and lvling is SUPER HARD but only because the 20 lvl max in GW is like a 40+lvl effort in other games. at least that's how it felt like cause all games let you glide through 1-5 or 1-10 in a day. thsi thing took forever. :p

i blame myself for just wanting something diffrent or whatever. so i still think the game is really good just not what i was looking for. and so i just couldn't get into it.

03-19-2008, 01:31 AM
How is the story in Guild Wars (I know you can't really ask for much in MMO's but just comparing it to the norm out there)?

jewess crabcake
03-19-2008, 02:24 AM
That's the beauty of GW there is a tangible storyline. It develops in the Primary quests. The manuscript explains the story, and the rare video cut-scenes explain them as well.

03-20-2008, 04:05 AM
yah. the farthest i got was when the town goes from looking nice to looking destroeyd. and to get there i had to fight a little group with my group and i'm still not sure if they were real people but i got beat and was able to advanced through the story via that event. o_o :p

still hella confused as to what went on though.

jewess crabcake
03-20-2008, 05:14 AM
lol, that's "The Searing". That's the main story lol. The "Charr", found a way around the wall, and destroyed the city.

J. Peterman
03-20-2008, 05:36 AM
I was going to write a story today maybe I will.

03-21-2008, 11:21 PM
I agree with the above posters, GW would be a good suit for ya.

04-02-2008, 07:21 PM
So I spent some time playing Shaiya. It's actually pretty good albeit a total Lineage 2 clone (I could have sworn some of their music is ripped directly from L2). The community is pretty ace, but it's pretty small. It's still in its open beta stage, so there are still a few kinks.

Last Chaos (also from AG) has very large community, and it looks alright. I've been hearing alot about Rappelz, but there seem to be alot of complaints about that one...

I'm thinking about picking up GW - my friend says you can actually BEAT GW, so that's something different. Are there any compilation packages for the GW series yet?

04-02-2008, 07:58 PM
GW was something that lasted me maybe 4 days before I quit. I never got into that game AT ALL.
Seeing as I am an original WoW fan and find converting from it would make things, lets just say foreign? I never understood GW. I know I didnt give it nearly enough time for me to understand it. So I'm stickin with WoW and WoW tends to have new patches every few months and I hear Blizzard wants to release a new expansion every year- Crazy.

04-06-2008, 11:08 AM
I play MapleStory.. That's the only MMO that actually grabbed my interest. It's childish, but I met some pretty cool people on there. I don't train much, just chill in FM :D (FM training).

04-08-2008, 01:10 AM
though I very nearly picked up WoW.

DO IT!!! WoW is the greatest MMORPG I have ever played....you really get what you pay for. Great story, great community. The only bad thing I suppose is after over a year of playing, and three level 70 characters, I am looking to get into something different..

Something different, that is until WoW: Wrath of the Lich King is released. :P

Neo Xzhan
04-08-2008, 10:21 AM
Rising Force Online (RFO). It's gotten free a while ago, currently in Episode 2. It's more PvP orientated and it's quite a nice game. It's alot of grinding though, but the game itself is quite entertaining.

execrable gumwrapper
04-08-2008, 03:16 PM
I keep seeing ads for this free MMORPG called Mabinogi.

Has anyone tried it?

06-02-2008, 09:48 PM
Cabal online. It's free but if you pay and make an account you get some benefits.(eg. 25% more experience). If anyone needs information i would be happy to answer them (if i know the answer of course :P). I play on Jupiter server (on the European Cabal version) so if anyone is playing there just pm me on the game. Otherwise on the forum.

ps. for the next couple of days the game is off line due to servers move.

Desert Wolf
06-02-2008, 11:03 PM
I started playing some MMO's with my friend a while back for lack of something better to do, Shaiya and Eve come to mind which I would suggest avoiding at all costs. I developed a strange unwillingness to do anything after the Eve experience which I now call "Eve syndrome". Theres something about the sheer grind of it that turns me off. Free ones tend to be pretty crappy in general. If you wanted to go wild and buy one Age of Conan is sounding pretty good.

06-04-2008, 12:38 AM
Sorry about this but its my honest opinion: Shaiya is rather lousy, too much grind. Cabal is crap, and I dont even want to talk about it. Granado espada is cool but it's community is 99% botters who wont even respond to you..

Guild wars is a revolution, a work of art as far as MMORPGs go though. I've played that game for almost 700 hours of my life, and it was $200 well spent.

To the one who went on about WoW expansions once a year: GW did a whole new campaign every six months.

About it's storyline: My dervish has done each campaign's individual storyline itself, and my god I have to say, they're all awesome! Nightfall stands out quite a bit as the best one in my opinion but no matter, they're all great

Comparable to alot of normal RPGS to be honest.

06-04-2008, 12:47 AM
I've played Maple Story, Runescape, and Ragnarok Online (until my free 7 day trial expired). All fun titles, but I didn't have the time or patience for them.

06-04-2008, 10:14 AM
Chalk another one up for Guild Wars, it is a great system and the storyline is ace.

If you are looking for free though there is Dungeon Runners which has a good community going and a nice helping of humor.

06-04-2008, 08:48 PM
Chalk another one up for Guild Wars, it is a great system and the storyline is ace.

If you are looking for free though there is Dungeon Runners which has a good community going and a nice helping of humor.

alot of humor: Cardboard axe from the ghetto? LOL!

But, its another of those games that aren't truly free, you can pay for extra stuff, I believe the free portion is quite restricted... last I understood free players can't even trade.

06-05-2008, 11:59 AM
alot of humor: Cardboard axe from the ghetto? LOL!

But, its another of those games that aren't truly free, you can pay for extra stuff, I believe the free portion is quite restricted... last I understood free players can't even trade.

I enjoyed the game enough for what was free, and the fact that the weapon name length is proportional to it's power.

But we had no problem trading and such as free players.

06-05-2008, 12:14 PM
Check out Archlord. Download and create a free account online and your set. Lots of expansions to come too.

06-23-2008, 05:44 AM
Plenty here to try: