Frozen Dragon
05-04-2002, 10:29 PM
Does anyone like Gundam Wing or Endless Waltz? Just a question. :P

Kool Ranch
05-05-2002, 02:18 AM
This thread fits better in the anime/manga forum. Just go post in it there.:cool:


Crazy Chocobo
05-05-2002, 04:16 AM
Gundam Wing had good music, and that was about it, compared to other Gundam series. I keep my Endless Waltz DVD stashed around to keep my kiddie cousins entertained while I sneak off to watch Gundam 0080 or 08th MS Team.

05-05-2002, 04:23 AM
YO! I love(d) GW...I had questions of the GW boys, like if they were gay, other then that I really like GW and EW I had like all of the pic and alot of the models, like 11 or something and like 79 pics.

05-05-2002, 09:20 PM
Endless Waltz was one of the best animes I've ever seen. The music and clarity of it was amazing and overall a favorite of mine.

05-08-2002, 08:36 PM
i saw the movie endless waltz, its pretty good, but kinda boring

05-11-2002, 09:43 PM
I love gundam wing! Its one of my favorite anime series. Any one else like it?

05-11-2002, 09:49 PM
Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz is my favourite anime. Could have done without the big colourful robots, that makes it a bit childish. Otherwise i think its awesome.

05-12-2002, 05:17 PM
GW = Super Mecha Yaoi

05-12-2002, 05:51 PM
Lol, Zero. :P

Of course I like Gundam Wing. Who doesn't? ^_^ The big colourful robots *do* make it seem childish, but it's still a good show, ne? The best thing I love about it is that it has Duo~! XD

Crazy Chocobo
05-12-2002, 10:47 PM
good *COUGH* show...

Zero, I couldn't agree more.

05-13-2002, 03:51 PM
I've not seen enless waltz but it looks amazing. I got the first endless waltz magna though.

ps I like the robots!

05-13-2002, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Zero
GW = Super Mecha Yaoi

Hey! What's so bad about that? =P ;)

Obviously, I love Gundam Wing. And actually.. I love the fanworld around it more than the anime itself XD

I had like all of the pic and alot of the models, like 11 or something and like 79 pics.

*cackle* I have 42 MB worth of Gundam Wing images ^_^
Um.. the main folder contains around 530 images, plus two other directories. I think I should clean up some time.. :uh?:

Crazy Chocobo
05-14-2002, 12:12 AM
Well Nymph, I had 1.3 gigs worth of screen captures of all sorts of Gundam DVDs on my laptop before the harddrive went wacko and deleted it all. :P

05-16-2002, 02:45 AM
i wish they would get more gundam wing or something! that would be the best! but not likely to happen. :uh?: they just waste their money on cheapo shows like pokemon, thundercats, or sailor moon! dumbest show ever!! just plain corny.

Crazy Chocobo
05-16-2002, 03:01 AM
Well Musty Guy, Gundam Wing has been over since 1995 in Japan... plus I would rather see Z or ZZ Gundam show up here, along with the F91 movie, V Gundam, Turn A, etc. after G Gundam's airing. Gundam X might be nice to see too, though I'm not big into AU, like Gundam Wing (I hear Turn A is good, though, but it contains Bojarnons (damn spelling!) which are like Zakus, and Kapools, which seem to be repainted, sized down versions of the Kapool from ZZ (or Z, can't remember)).

05-16-2002, 11:28 AM
YESSSS!! You guys hav made my day! I'm in the UK right now so I only saw the 1st series (?) and Endless Waltz.. Most site I've bin on show no intrest at all and I was beginin to get worried! *lol* I luv the deathsythe, probably cos I think Duo Maxwell and Hyro Yui are the coolest (what r they're REAL names anyway???):D

05-16-2002, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Makoto-Tribal
I think Duo Maxwell and Hyro Yui are the coolest (what r they're REAL names anyway???):D

It's Heero Yuy (Hiiro Yui in Japanese XD). I believe his real name was Odin Lowe Jr.. Not sure, though X_x;

Duo doesn't have a 'real' name.. There's a whole story behind the name 'duo maxwell', you can read it in his part of the episode zero manga ^_^

05-16-2002, 12:56 PM
Man are u eva lucky... Can't even watch Gundam ova here right now, unless u wanna stay up till 12pm.... *shrugs*

05-23-2002, 05:11 PM
I have just read that Endless Waltz will be released over here... on my birthday. This must be an omen.

From what I have seen of the Gundam universe... I am disgusted.

- The Gundam Wing manga is absolute crap
- The Turn a Gundam manga is... even crappier. (KILL THIS MAIN CHARACHTERRRRR!!!!!!!"

05-23-2002, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Iris

It's Heero Yuy (Hiiro Yui in Japanese XD). I believe his real name was Odin Lowe Jr.. Not sure, though X_x;

Duo doesn't have a 'real' name.. There's a whole story behind the name 'duo maxwell', you can read it in his part of the episode zero manga ^_^

Odin Lowe Jr.?

I just thought his name was Hiro and left it at that. I've seen every episode of the anime and it never mentioned that. Oh well.

Crazy Chocobo
05-24-2002, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Misao
I have just read that Endless Waltz will be released over here... on my birthday. This must be an omen.

From what I have seen of the Gundam universe... I am disgusted.

- The Gundam Wing manga is absolute crap
- The Turn a Gundam manga is... even crappier. (KILL THIS MAIN CHARACHTERRRRR!!!!!!!"

Have to agree with you there.

Watch 08th MS Team or 0080 instead.

05-24-2002, 10:41 AM
*lol* You say so....
But I think u're off your trolly!

06-13-2002, 03:22 AM
I Wish Everyone Would Stop Slagging Of W! Why On Earth Is it So Bad? Mecha Yaoi? True But Theres Nothing Wrong With That and Anyway Whats So Bad About Relena Or Colonel Une And Stuff. If the Guys Annoy you let The pretty Girls Distract Your Attention. But the Guys Was All i Basically Watched it for In The beginning Trowa... Treize... Duo... Quatre... Drools! But it Actually Developed into A Brilliant Story And It Was Easily One of the Best Series i Have Ever watched. And Endless Waltz Ruled! The gundams All Tooled up looked Awesome Except For the Deathsychte Those Bat Wings Looked terrible but the Altron And Angel Wing 0 Were great.

Gundam W Is Good!
*Blasts DBZ To Bits With Buster Rifle*

06-14-2002, 03:29 PM
The series overall is great. But my favorite would have to be 8th MS Team. In 8th MS, the charaters dont have any Gundams that can wipe out fifty others in one blast. I also like 8th MSs characters better than most of Gundam Wings characters. Except Duo Maxwell, he's just kick ass. :cool:

Corran Horn
06-24-2002, 07:12 PM
Wing sucks, no other words. Wingers are only wishing and praying that their show can beat UC Gundam. FC is even better than AC. UC has better characters, music, and plot. Wing pilots should have been dead 20 times over.

06-27-2002, 12:24 AM
So are they gay? Is the anime for chicks? Is there any good action?

06-27-2002, 12:41 AM
Who says Gundam Wing is for girls? It's for everybody who likes and enjoys anime. And I doubt if they're gay... though they could be. Their sexuality isn't revealed in the series. Whether they're gay or not doesn't really matter all that much, anyway.-_- And yes, there is plenty of good action. Gundam Wing is about as good as mecha anime gets. As for the people who think Wing sucks, they're in denial. They only say wing sucks because they think it's newbie anime, and having seen the other gundam series, they think they're all that.

06-27-2002, 04:39 AM
Originally posted by Crazy Chocobo
Well Musty Guy, Gundam Wing has been over since 1995 in Japan... plus I would rather see Z or ZZ Gundam show up here, along with the F91 movie, V Gundam, Turn A, etc. after G Gundam's airing. Gundam X might be nice to see too, though I'm not big into AU, like Gundam Wing (I hear Turn A is good, though, but it contains Bojarnons (damn spelling!) which are like Zakus, and Kapools, which seem to be repainted, sized down versions of the Kapool from ZZ (or Z, can't remember)).


Crazy Chocobo
06-27-2002, 05:04 AM
Originally posted by megalomania
Who says Gundam Wing is for girls? It's for everybody who likes and enjoys anime. And I doubt if they're gay... though they could be. Their sexuality isn't revealed in the series. Whether they're gay or not doesn't really matter all that much, anyway.-_- And yes, there is plenty of good action. Gundam Wing is about as good as mecha anime gets. As for the people who think Wing sucks, they're in denial. They only say wing sucks because they think it's newbie anime, and having seen the other gundam series, they think they're all that.

I never said it was for girls, or that the pilots were gay. I just said I liked Zero's joke. I'm not saying I'm all that, I just don't like Wing, since it was the only Gundam series that managed to bore me.

07-01-2002, 05:02 PM
*Smacks Crazy Chocobo Around the Head Repeatedly* Is This Gonna End Up Like the Last Gundam W War We Had at the Shrine?

If you call it kiddie anime youre very very wrong the stroy is deep complex and entertining... sure it is slow going and it comes to complete dead ends sometimes but its just like a good ff... it has to have boring points in the plot but this is all in the purpose of making the plot clear and understandable.

as for homosexuality well its suspect but it wouldnt happen this is not porn its anime. i like tho the fact that these guys can get along on a deeper level than most anime guys relationships... theyre always so cold hearted and insincere to eachother. pus they are all really cute.

i hope my points are going to be accepted becasue they are all valid... gundam W is not the best mecha anime out there (I like robotech/macross better) but its really good... please dont knock it til you really try it and know it. and dont listen to cc hes just a gundam purist...

Tactical Error #5
07-05-2002, 07:00 AM
I only ever saw a few episodes of Wing and I must have come in at one of those dead ends in the plot because it seemed a little stale. Suffice to say I was rather disinterested in it. 08th MS team however, I saw quite a few episodes of and it was a lot more interesting than Wing. These are really the only Gundam series I've seen so I am by no means an expert.

07-05-2002, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Zachron

Odin Lowe Jr.?

I just thought his name was Hiro and left it at that. I've seen every episode of the anime and it never mentioned that. Oh well.

I know.. It's said in either the Ground Zero or Episode Zero mangas. Not sure which one.
Heero was raised by a man named Odin Lowe, so got named Odin Jr.. Or something. When he met dr. J he got a code name.. Heero (or Hiiro) Yuy.

Who says Gundam Wing is for girls? It's for everybody who likes and enjoys anime. And I doubt if they're gay... though they could be. Their sexuality isn't revealed in the series.

Actually, GW was designed to attract girls as well as guys XD The reason their 'sexuality' isn't really revealed is because the creators aimed for the yaoi (and we all know that's a HUGE fandom o_O) AND het-couple fans. There's hints of both of those relations in the serie.. (Hilde/Heero & Duo, Quatre & Trowa, Relena & Heero, Zechs & Noin.. etc XD)

Oh.. I've seen some episodes of 08 and Gundam X, and I thought it was extremely boring.. X_x;

07-06-2002, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by Setzer
I Wish Everyone Would Stop Slagging Of W...Whats So Bad About Relena Or Colonel Une And Stuff. If the Guys Annoy you let The pretty Girls Distract Your Attention....

Ehem... -_- I have something to say about this... Your right gundam wing isnt bad and I'm really confused to why people bash it, it was one of the most popular Gundams out of all the series. But I can't belive that some people think relena was a good character. She was sooooooooo ew (sorry there is no other way to describe her) . With her funky ass outfits and the "OH PLEASE COME KILL ME! MAYBE WHEN YOU DO WE CAN HAVE SOME TEA AND TALK ABOUT YESTERDAY'S BIG POLLO GAME!!!" Nope, just couldnt take her seriously. If they made her a little less.... ew. And can someone really fix "ew"? No! because its "ew" its impossable to know what the hell "ew" is! I rest my case they should have just had Wu fei go on a woman hating rant and squish her, or beat her to death, or decapitate her, or poison her, or take off her space helmit when she gose to space, or eat her brains, or....ect.

07-09-2002, 06:29 PM
i didn't get to watch a whole lot of gundam wing episodes but what i did see was pretty cool but i really can't say that it's my favorite but i also can't say that i hate it since i haven't seen much of it but i have seen some of the other gundams

Crazy Chocobo
07-12-2002, 03:13 PM
Greetings from Hong Kong, at the Kowloon Hotel!

I can't believe I'm using this "free" hotel internet in Hong Kong to post this, but this is the best I can find at the time. Enough OT. Back to the topic.

The reason I refer to Gundam Wing as "kiddie" anime is simple. It's not the slow pace or the mobile suit designs. It's the way the plot is told. Obviously recycled scenes (Wing always landed buster rifle first, flipped over, and transformed from the same angle when landing in the first 5-6 episodes, Heavyarms always fired up, then brought the beam gatling across to fire the other way, Sandrock always jumped from the front and chopped Leos in half, Shenlong always grabbed with the Dragon Fang, then fired the flamethrowers, Deathsycthe always spun it's sytche above itself, Leos always fired in place, and Aries always circled while firing, one firing missiles, the other a machine gun. Gundam 0080 reuses 2 scenes noticeably, the town scene with cars moving and people walking, and a Rick Dom II attack scene. 08th MS Team doesn't noticeably reuse any scenes) and endless "good guy kills all bad guys but barely takes any damage" scenes in the beginnning (first few episodes) really get annoying. Sure, the plotline may be deep, so you say, but it's not as deep as say, Gundam 0080, 08th MS Team, or Z Gundam. In the end, it's still a good guys kill bad guys but with a couple of character side-switches and long speeches. You don't get long monologues in the middle of the battlefield in other Gundam shows. There are arguements, but never a speech about why the characters shouldn't be fighting.

Come on, think about it. Everyone has different tastes, and consequentally, likes different things. However, I will not stop trying to convince people that UC Gundam is far better than Gundam Wing.

EDITS: It was free. They didn't charge anything for about 3 hours of usage. Also, I noticed this one scene (from the first episode) in 08th MS Team that was reused, the Big Tray (blue UFO like thing) flying over the base. It's about 3 seconds long.
Oh yeah, and by the way, Setzer, I perfer "Stuck-up UC purist"

Death Knight
07-20-2002, 12:04 AM
I myself like it. my fav is HA Kai

07-30-2002, 03:05 AM
Ok CC... So They Not So Much Recycled Scenes But Did Things The Smae Way Alot... So? All Animes Do it! I Am Actually Watching Wing Again (I Taped All 50 Episodes When it Was lAst On Cartoon network) And i Can See What You Mean By Scene recyclage Especially Watching Eisode After Episode. But The problem is This Is Not the Point Of Gundam W... Its Like FF6 The graphics Suck But It Has A Story to Tell. Im not Saying the Animation In W Sucks... But Ahhhh.... You know What I mean. The Bad Dubbing Can Also Be A Problem... Sometimes Characters Say Weird Things *Remembers One Ep Where I Think one Of Relenas Friends Say "Whats With that Sad look on your Face?" But Its All Jacked Up And Sounds Badly translated* Tho most of the Time The Translation Isnt The Problem It Just That It Sounds like it Has Been Dubbed (Most Animes Do And probably Are But Its Especially Noticable in Wing) I Have No gripes Whatsoever With the Story Or How It Is told... If they Need to Discuss Why they Are Fighting Whilst On the Battelfield It Makes Sense... You Dont think About Fighting When youre Having A Bath Do you? The Plot Has Depth You Just Gotta Look For It... Seeing As How Purists Turn Their Noses up at anything that seems inferior they never look for the good stuff hidden deep. And Why Should they be Fighting? This Is Gonna Evolve Into Another Relena Bashing Area of the topic But The Whole Point To The Series Was PEACE! Not All Of Us Wants to See Death And Destruction (Though When Executed By A Wing Model Gundam Its Extremely Impressive) Plus for A Bad Guy Treize Did It With Class And Style... Same With Zechs/Milyardo Not Many Villains Have That Much Rennasiance-esque Style. Also If You Thought the Fighting Scenes Were All The Same You must hAve Paid More Attention to the Bad Points Rather than Plot. Becuase It Is Truly An Epic Story... Gundam Wing Would have Made A Better Book But The Anime Will Suffice... Good Stuff Is Gundam W... Look For it... Its In There...

*Fires Buster Rifle At Kowloon Hotel Hong Kong*
"Eat this CC!"

Crazy Chocobo
07-30-2002, 07:49 PM
There is good stuff in Gundam Wing. The music. That is what I like about Gundam Wing.

As for the rest.... it's just not my thing. I've seen iGundam Wing itself dubbed in Chinese (a bit more likeable than the English dub), Japanese with subtitles (probably the best, since it's original), and in English (the worst version by far).

Now, to try and make sense of the rest of your post..... *scratches head* I'm a bit confused as to what you're trying to say there.

BTW, why'd you blow up a hotel for nothing? I haven't been near there in almost three weeks now.

07-30-2002, 08:21 PM
I don't know what endless waltz is or any anime show really. I gots cable now. REally sux. I never get to watch gundamwing anymores (its on Cartoon Network right?) It makes me mad. All the cool anime shows I can't watch. But on Sci fi I saw something really cool, it was anime I think

08-18-2002, 10:31 PM
Excuse me but
I really dont like that attitude man! Drop it!

~The Evil Of Innocence~

Crazy Chocobo
08-19-2002, 01:21 AM
Nobody said that female anime viewers were inferior. Where did you get that assessment?