03-13-2008, 09:56 PM
I know I'm not the only forum members who like having their music properly tagged with their original information. I burnt a couple of Japanese soundtracks a while ago but when I checked them later, the file names all change into something incomprehensible so there's no way for me to identify the tracks at a single glance. Nero automatically converted them into random numbers and alphabets. Is there any burning program I can use to get around to this issue?

03-13-2008, 11:26 PM
I am not 100% sure about this.. but i think the matter comes from the language installed on your OS..

So, go into your regional and language options > languages tab > supplemental language support in the control panel and tick both boxes to install support for "asian languages" (you will need your OS cd), it should be ok then.

I know this is needed to read asian characters.. but i don't know if it still will burn them correctly.

03-14-2008, 06:34 AM
get Microsoft AppLocale and run Nero through it (select japanese language). I think this will solve your problem. And I believe if you like to have your files in their original language then you already have done the steps that Anatar mentions, so I am guessing your only problem is with burning it.

I am sorry I didnt get into the details of AppLocale but I am sure you can google about it. Hope this helps.

03-20-2008, 09:42 PM
Sorry about bumping this one up. But AppLocale doesn't work with Nero it seems. Gave me an error and the program shuts off itself. Anyone knows another burning program that supports foreign language?

03-20-2008, 11:15 PM
I run Sonic through AppLocale and it works, (Sonic MyDVD Plus, came pre-installed on my PC). I never tried it with Nero but now I know. Good luck.