03-12-2008, 03:33 AM
I thought I'd check online first for the prices and store availability of a used GameCube controller so I can once again play Metroid Prime on my Wii. And here's what my "investigation" found...

Look at this link. (

Then look at this link. (

They really need to do something about the pricing. $30 for a system and controller is fine. But with that price I shouldn't have to pay half that amount for a used controller. I think $7 is reasonable. Oh, and for $5 less then the referbed system and controller I can get a brand new controller. (

Landlord of Sector 7
03-12-2008, 03:38 AM
it's pretty much obvious that gamestop sucks


03-12-2008, 03:46 AM
I try not to get my games (or anything) at gamestop, I look around first
usually gamestop always loses and i buy my game elsewhere... Really good
investigation, that price for a controller is just dumb...

Marshall Lee
03-12-2008, 03:47 AM
I always did it EBay and that's how I lost the house, the kids, and ended my marriage...oh well there's always EBay.

03-12-2008, 03:49 AM
I always did it EBay and that's how I lost the house, the kids, and ended my marriage...oh well there's always EBay.

lol. Quote of the week.

03-12-2008, 04:37 AM
I agree that Gamestop is terrible but I think there are much worse things about it than that, like the fact that they make all their money paying next to nothing for used games and reselling them at hugely inflated prices, or the way they train their employees to be a total pain in the ass when you are trying to buy something. I never go there anymore.

03-12-2008, 04:49 AM
Thats just one of the many reasons why I hate them. But every once in a while I try give them a another shot and it ends in an epic fail.

execrable gumwrapper
03-12-2008, 05:24 AM

I never really have much of a problem in the ones I've been to. EB Games is worse, actually. The GameCrazy by my old house in Texas was a fantastic place to get games, but maybe that's because I knew the workers.

Either way, I traded in 5 PS3 games so I could get Brawl, and they gave me about 125$ in store credit. I don't know if that's a rip off or what, but yeah. Also I had no choice but to buy a GameStop brand GC controller. I need to find a way to hide that damn logo...

Sorry about all your bad experiences, btw.

03-12-2008, 08:21 AM
I never go to gamestop anymore. I sold my Call of Duty 4 (360) to my brother for $40 (I offered $30 but he said he'll buy it for $40). We both ended up with a good deal. What did gamestop want for it? $25. What were they gonna sell it for? $5 less than a BRAND NEW ONE!

Think about it. People would rather pay the extra $5 for the NEW game than the used. At least I would. Now I just go to this comic book store now for my games.

03-12-2008, 08:55 AM
Awww, man. I need one of those. Guess I'll hit da bay.

03-18-2008, 02:19 PM
Man, what happened to the good ol Electronics Boutique...I remember that's where I got all my cheap Starcraft stuff back in the day...

Anyway, EBay is amazing...I'm thinkin about buyin an old LD player and some of the old Tenchi Muyo LD's...

EBay has all, just watch out who and where you buy from.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
03-18-2008, 02:29 PM
Why do I keep reading that Gamestop makes an even bigger profit, year after year? :/

03-18-2008, 05:15 PM
Cause they have a monopoly over the game selling industry...they own EB, Gamestop, and the remnants of Funcoland as well as a few other smaller chains.
I'd rather buy my games and stuff like from the best buy or the ebay like I said earlier...

03-18-2008, 05:34 PM
I do go to Best Buy, but rarely for games. And it's usually the kids that don't know any better that give Gamestop their money. Gamestop sucks ass. We should boycott it!

I can't remember the last time I went to any Gamestop to buy anything...

03-18-2008, 10:26 PM
i still look around places like wal-mart and target for cheaper deals. and since they always try to claim cheapest prices most of the time you win. and they never sell used anything so it's good to have nice shiny new games.

and even though it might not seem like it, there was a time, (and i think they're back at it again) when KB toys stores, toys R US and even Sears sold games. yep, that's right. SEARS! they're basically another type of JC Penny or Gottchalks, mostly clothes and crap. but since they also do tools and sporting equipment and TV's and appliances, they do mess with media and games.

never hurts to check em out i guess. but if your gonna make that much of an effort, normally the best prices are just online. (my fav) and ebay for those that trust their sellers.

J. Peterman
03-18-2008, 10:28 PM
Tact, I'm pretty sure those store still sell games. Sears and KB probably just certain stores but toys man everyone should sell them.

Erebus Wraith
03-18-2008, 11:12 PM
Yeah I was in need of a gamecube controller and the only ones they sold were GameStop made ones. So i was like "Whatever, I hate anything 3rd party" but i bought one anyways. I get home and open it up and find out the damn joy stick didnt even work. $15 for something that didnt even work. So I go in to return it because it was faulty. They would only give me $8 back because it was opened. OPENED!!!! Now I ask a question to all of you. How is someone to know that a product is defective until they open it and try it? I mean, yeah i only lost $7 but it's the principle of the thing.

I found and won an original controller on E-Bay so I hope it will turn out to be worth it.

03-19-2008, 12:48 AM
Yeah I was in need of a gamecube controller and the only ones they sold were GameStop made ones. So i was like "Whatever, I hate anything 3rd party" but i bought one anyways. I get home and open it up and find out the damn joy stick didnt even work. $15 for something that didnt even work. So I go in to return it because it was faulty. They would only give me $8 back because it was opened. OPENED!!!! Now I ask a question to all of you. How is someone to know that a product is defective until they open it and try it? I mean, yeah i only lost $7 but it's the principle of the thing.

I found and won an original controller on E-Bay so I hope it will turn out to be worth it.

same thing happened to me, i was in need of a PS2 controller, and like you
"I too don't like 3rd Party" (especially EB, or Gamestop) and the F'en O button didn't work, they would'nt even exchange it, i had recipe(i think thats spelled wrong) and still nothing...

mr. patterson
03-19-2008, 01:49 AM
the main reason i hate gamestop, every worker seems obsessed with preordering evererything

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

03-19-2008, 02:21 AM
I went in to buy a DS which they had a deal on for €150 with a game and when i went in magically the sale was over they still had the advertisement up for it would have cost an extra €50 for it and when i said i changed my mind the guy asked me did i want to buy a ps3 instead if i wasnt willing to pay €200 for a DS i sure as hell wasnt goin to pay 5 or 600 for that

03-19-2008, 03:06 AM
the main reason i hate gamestop, every worker seems obsessed with preordering evererything

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

yeah why do they do that?like brainwashing lol

03-19-2008, 03:51 AM
There used to be a Rhino's down the road from my place, I loved them because they were the only place left in the city that sold games for older systems. New and sealed Dreamcast and PS1 titles (sweeeet) and a display case that sold obsolete systems and controllers.

Then about a year ago GameStop showed up in a hostile takeover (not unlike say...Napoleon or Hitler) and restocked the shelves with used games...and more used games and tossed out all the classic stuff. WTF!?

The only circumstances in which I would ever buy a used game is if I could get it no other way. Like if it's hopelessly old and out of print (like an NES game perhaps) or incredibly rare (like Rez). Needless to say I don't have much use for GameStop's approach to selling games, nor do I have the patience to sift through all that crap to find the five new games they have hidden in a dark, haunted corner somewhere only to be hassled by some mindless automaton at the checkout counter later about Game Informer subscriptions and strategy guides...

I agree IDX, let's boycott em! The GameStop regime must be overthrown!

03-19-2008, 05:22 AM
I wouldn't blame the employees for trying to force more garbage on you, I've seen workers subjected to that stuff in a couple jobs I worked at, it's management that's to blame. Maybe if customers complain that it's pissing them off, they might stop forcing their employees to do it...then again, nah, probably not.

03-19-2008, 05:39 AM
Some of the workers do it just to annoy the people.

Marshall Lee
03-19-2008, 04:20 PM
there's always EBay.

03-20-2008, 01:24 AM
I've never had a problem with the people at Gamestop, it's a lot of the management policies that bug me. Here's a good example, I was looking for a game, and they had a several copies on the used shelf, yet when I tried to buy one, they couldn't find any discs of the game. It turns out they had run out, despite having several cases still displayed for sale. I understand that they don't put the games in the boxes so no one steals them, but why do they have them displayed for sale? Were there a number of people coming in before me asking for just the disc without the case or instructions?

J. Peterman
03-20-2008, 01:27 AM
sorry that was me

won't do it again

03-20-2008, 01:31 AM
I've never had a problem with the people at Gamestop, it's a lot of the management policies that bug me. Here's a good example, I was looking for a game, and they had a several copies on the used shelf, yet when I tried to buy one, they couldn't find any discs of the game. It turns out they had run out, despite having several cases still displayed for sale. I understand that they don't put the games in the boxes so no one steals them, but why do they have them displayed for sale? Were there a number of people coming in before me asking for just the disc without the case or instructions?

Someone probably didn't do a good job with inventory? Let's say there was one game left,t hey grab it, and forget to take the "display box" off the shelf.

... I don't really think that is an issue with gamestop specifically, or any management issue. Just someone forgetting to taek down the display or a mistake in inventory D:

03-20-2008, 02:46 AM
Agree that priceing there is outragous.

Marshall Lee
03-20-2008, 02:47 AM
the way the employees badger the customers is also outrageous :mad:

03-20-2008, 02:59 AM
Here's another thing Devil May Cry 4 used on 360 is €40 and used on PS3 is €60 whats up with that

03-20-2008, 03:07 AM
All game stores suck unless you have friends that work at those stores.
I never buy new games there, unless it's a game I'm waiting for and they have a giveaway with a pre-order. I remember pre-ordering GT2 and getting a free shirt.
I'm a big fan of GT!

J. Peterman
03-20-2008, 03:12 AM

03-20-2008, 06:21 AM
Someone probably didn't do a good job with inventory? Let's say there was one game left,t hey grab it, and forget to take the "display box" off the shelf.

... I don't really think that is an issue with gamestop specifically, or any management issue. Just someone forgetting to taek down the display or a mistake in inventory D:

I could understand if it was only a copy or two, but it was at least four or five, which seems just odd to me.

03-20-2008, 06:56 AM
I would've bitched about it then say something like Gamestop is a horribly excuse for a company if they can't keep track of the games they have and the ones they don't. Then knock something over and leave.

03-20-2008, 07:34 AM
the main reason i hate gamestop, every worker seems obsessed with preordering evererything

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

would you like to preorder gta iv?

Actually most places that even sell games have that annoying tendency I go to block buster and they say that shit all the time

03-20-2008, 07:45 AM
Actually most places that even sell games have that annoying tendency I go to block buster and they say that shit all the time

Blockbuster says that too??? I didnt know that? Well I havent gone to a
Blockbuster in a really long time...

Marshall Lee
03-20-2008, 07:56 AM
I don't go near my local Blockbuster in fear of the evil Asian lady that works there, whom all of my friends simply refer to as: "The Blockbuster Lady." I remember calling her up and asking for such movies as: "In my ass", and she would reply, "I'm sorry, what about your ass?" Yeah...good times.

03-20-2008, 07:56 AM
Ya i go all the time i dont like buying games I have a thing called a GAMEPASS its the best thing to happen to games for 20 bucks a month you can rent as many games as you want then when you are done bring it in and grab another one the reason i did this is because i have a real problem beating games real fast so it was a match made in heaven but the only down side is only one game at a time but i dont really care lol and everytime i go in there they say that

03-20-2008, 10:49 AM
Well the game might be a few bux less at walmart than gamestop, but I usually end up giving some money to the homeless guy outside the store so it evens out.

03-20-2008, 05:59 PM
Walmart really doesnt know what there doing as far as games go, They are still selling Tekken 5 for $5O,and asking people to Pre order Frame City Killer which got cancelled a loooong time ago, but this walmart is run by idiots so your probably right.

03-20-2008, 11:40 PM
I remember my kid bro tried to sell a game and they would only take it for 5 bucks. The game was pretty rare and still fetch up to 200 + dollars!? on ebay and amazon today. They're like con-men.

03-21-2008, 03:00 AM

03-21-2008, 05:09 AM
I hate how they gut the new games.

Marshall Lee
03-21-2008, 05:23 AM
FYE is much worse when it comes to selling used games. My friend sold KOTOR II & Fable (I know big mistake) and only got like $20 for them both, we went back next week and they were being sold for like nearly thirty each. I simply would not have accepted their offer for a mere $20 for both games, but on the other hand I wouldn't be caught selling or giving away my Fable or KOTORs in the first place.

03-21-2008, 05:25 AM
Like it was said before, Electronic Boutiqe (spelled wrong, sorry) was a good store.

03-21-2008, 05:25 AM
FYE is much worse when it comes to selling used games. My friend sold KOTOR II & Fable (I know big mistake) and only got like $20 for them both, we went back next week and they were being sold for like nearly thirty each. I simply would not have accepted their offer for a mere $20 for both games, but on the other hand I wouldn't be caught selling or giving away my Fable or KOTORs in the first place.

If they were brand new at the time of the trade, Gamestop would've only given them about $25.

When it comes to trading in new games, Gamestop usually only gives you half of the retail price.

Marshall Lee
03-21-2008, 05:30 AM
Yeah but they still turn around and sell it for higher than they bought it, but I guess that goes without saying.

03-21-2008, 05:37 AM
But they do that everywhere.

Marshall Lee
03-21-2008, 05:53 AM
Which is why I don't ever sell my games ;) The replay value makes up for them in the end, since the games I chose to buy do all have a pretty good replay mark-up.

03-21-2008, 06:05 AM
Hells Yeah, man... I have never sold any of my games either.

J. Peterman
03-21-2008, 07:41 AM
Check your Sears if they have a Gamecube it should be $20.00

This is old news I forgot to tell everybody.

03-24-2008, 06:12 AM
Hells Yeah, man... I have never sold any of my games either.

never sold any game i own ever in my whole life. the whole concept still puzzles me. i can only assume dumbasses never heard of renting to try out new things. -_-

03-24-2008, 06:17 AM
Times get rough, Tact. Or at least they were Lol.

03-24-2008, 07:37 PM
Yeah but like what tact said theirs always renting games, u save your money
and you get try out a game, if you didnt like it, well there you save $50.

03-24-2008, 09:20 PM
Now, it's $60 :).

Of course, still ridiculously high for a game but whatever.

execrable gumwrapper
03-24-2008, 09:31 PM
$60 for 360/PS3

$50 for Wii

Just to clarify :)

03-24-2008, 10:11 PM
I've probably purchased 20+ Games from Gamestop, cant really complain, i dont usually need help, or ask many questions.


Do the math people, they gotta make money too, cost of business (retail) is around 22-33% (US) That means they break even if u turn in a 49.95 game, give you 16.50 cash, and sell it for 26.00 . Breaking even is loosing money given the time it takes to turn that product.

Only problem i've had with them cats is sometimes purchasing a "New" title, games are opened with Gamestop stickers ans barcodes.

03-25-2008, 03:53 AM
Only problem i've had with them cats is sometimes purchasing a "New" title, games are opened with Gamestop stickers ans barcodes.

I hate that i tell them to give me a new one, and sometimes they won't. so i say peace out...

03-25-2008, 06:37 AM
If you turn in a $49.95 game, they sell it for $5 less of a brand new one and only give you around $15 anyways. I've found a better place anyways to sell my games (besides ebay).

03-25-2008, 06:00 PM
I hate that i tell them to give me a new one, and sometimes they won't. so i say peace out...


03-25-2008, 08:28 PM
I hate that i tell them to give me a new one, and sometimes they won't. so i say peace out...

lmfao i'm exactly the same! that's why i always ask "do you have one thats factory sealed?" if they say no, i just go somewhere else. :p

funny. i always thought i was the only one that was like that. i'm glad i'm not alone.

03-25-2008, 09:02 PM
If ur paying for a brand new product, it should be unmolested.

Alice Wonderbra
03-27-2008, 12:26 AM
employees ask you to preorder things because that is how their business works. if you dont get good numbers you look really bad. i dont have my card anymore that tells you the circle of business but its much like the recycle circle. if you preorder they get enough games to fit the demand which makes their business better but also leads to you coming back. it also leads to subscriptions. subs lead to tradeins which also lead to preorders. its this whole really great system they have set up.

as for the cases and no games thing, its just a dumbass employee that misplaces shit. either the games have been misplaced in the drawers or they couldnt find the cases so gave them a generic one at a previous time so those are still there.

i worked at gamestop.

th great
05-15-2008, 08:55 AM
Well as a worker for the gamestop/eb/funco/babagges/borders company i have some things to say, first gamestop is a ripp off store i know we buy games at a shit price and sell for more, and yes it gets fucking annoying when we have to ask you to preorder stuff, but just like a car dealer we work on quotas and if we dont meet a certain quota we lose our job, try selling 10 cars to 30 customers in one day, or try selling our game informer subscription to people that already have one... its hard working there and we dont ask you for reservations to piss you off , just to save our ass, most of the times if you sign up for the gamestop newsletter you get coupons in your email when you get those , those are the best times to go shopping at gamestop... gamecrazy works the same way , now if i recieved a 1 dollar to every reservation i made in a day from the company i would be a happier person but they dont give us commision, honestly thats where gamestop makes there money off trades reserves and subs..... oh and to make it even worse ive worked with managers that check out new games to play at home they return em all scratched and they sell em like that....thats super gay! anywho i just wanna let everyone know that im sorry if I personally have met one of you guys and gave you a hard time...i just wanna keep my job

05-15-2008, 12:20 PM
I still sell my games to the local comic book store. They give me more money for them and they don't take off a certain amount if I want cash. I gave them my Gears of War game. Got $40 back in cash. I asked what I would've gotten if I sold him my CoD4 game. $45. I'll stick with the comic bookstore.

05-15-2008, 01:17 PM
In my small backwards town it is still EBGames... I don't know if gamestop does it but I HATE HATE HATE how they put stickers right on their cases cause you cant get the fucking things off. I wish they'd sell me them with the plastic wrapping its shipped in. I like to take all the cases for a game i want, and tuck them behind another game and then ask if they have any copies of the game im looking for in the back cause there's none on the shelf... then i get a stickerless game.

ARUARUARUARURAGHHHHHHHHHHH is what i feel like with a sticker on my boxes. Sometimes ill go out of my way to head to futureshop instead, a 6x farther walk at least cause RAGE

EDIT: Maybe it wasn't clear; I mean the price tag stickers.

Sorry for ranting here rofl.

execrable gumwrapper
05-15-2008, 10:32 PM
Well as a worker for the gamestop/eb/funco/babagges/borders company i have some things to say, first gamestop is a ripp off store i know we buy games at a shit price and sell for more, and yes it gets fucking annoying when we have to ask you to preorder stuff, but just like a car dealer we work on quotas and if we dont meet a certain quota we lose our job, try selling 10 cars to 30 customers in one day, or try selling our game informer subscription to people that already have one... its hard working there and we dont ask you for reservations to piss you off , just to save our ass, most of the times if you sign up for the gamestop newsletter you get coupons in your email when you get those , those are the best times to go shopping at gamestop... gamecrazy works the same way , now if i recieved a 1 dollar to every reservation i made in a day from the company i would be a happier person but they dont give us commision, honestly thats where gamestop makes there money off trades reserves and subs..... oh and to make it even worse ive worked with managers that check out new games to play at home they return em all scratched and they sell em like that....thats super gay! anywho i just wanna let everyone know that im sorry if I personally have met one of you guys and gave you a hard time...i just wanna keep my job

That was YOU?

Son of a...

05-16-2008, 01:20 AM
Well as a worker for the gamestop/eb/funco/babagges/borders company i have some things to say, first gamestop is a ripp off store i know we buy games at a shit price and sell for more, and yes it gets fucking annoying when we have to ask you to preorder stuff, but just like a car dealer we work on quotas and if we dont meet a certain quota we lose our job, try selling 10 cars to 30 customers in one day, or try selling our game informer subscription to people that already have one... its hard working there and we dont ask you for reservations to piss you off , just to save our ass, most of the times if you sign up for the gamestop newsletter you get coupons in your email when you get those , those are the best times to go shopping at gamestop... gamecrazy works the same way , now if i recieved a 1 dollar to every reservation i made in a day from the company i would be a happier person but they dont give us commision, honestly thats where gamestop makes there money off trades reserves and subs..... oh and to make it even worse ive worked with managers that check out new games to play at home they return em all scratched and they sell em like that....thats super gay! anywho i just wanna let everyone know that im sorry if I personally have met one of you guys and gave you a hard time...i just wanna keep my job

I got a "last/store display box" copy of Final Fantasy 3 for my DS, and well I always been weary of 'last copy/store display box" games.
While waiting for my younger brother to pay for something else I popped in the game only to find a save with some rather well developed characters. Needless to say all I did was hand the clerk my DS and ask him to credit me the price difference between new and used.

However in the daily rush of "business" I have had some rather favorable errors too. Wanted a used copy of x-men legends, got x-men legends 2. Asked for Capcom Vs SNK new, again last copy.. however they could not "find it" so I told them to just give me the "new" case with a used copy. Turns out the game was in the f'ing case to begin with so In turn I got 2 copies as the clerk just kinda blindly put the used copy into the case.

Quotas... I don't even wanna touch that.
Preorders.. yea those are so necessary.
With the exception of some collectors editions this is a total waste of time. Reason? You guys are probably told to hype the games you need to pre-sale.. yet when we pick em up, there's no "signs" of the hype being true. Example... You'd think that since you reserved a game a copy itself would be put away, nope you guys right out just pull them from the purty shelf behind the counter. Kinda negates the "need" to pre-order since at that point it's kinda implied that gamestop has mega stock of the game.

Personally I still shop gamestop but I never leave w/o checking discs for major scratches, DS games for saves, etc etc.
Pre-order only what I know may actually sell well and may be hard to pick up as a walk in. F*** game informer.

05-16-2008, 02:36 AM
I borrowed a friends EDGE card (lol), and traded in RE4 GCN (have the Wii version), Pokemon Battle Revolution (shitsux), NSMB (shitsux, plus I have an m3 if I ever want to play it again), and Mr Driller DS (shitsux) each for more or equal to what I would've gotten trying to sell them on eBay.
So I dunno what the big deal is. Maybe I got lucky though.

The gutting practices and stickers-on-used-cases are annoying, but eh. It's the only gamestore within walking distance.

execrable gumwrapper
05-16-2008, 02:38 AM
You got that much... cause "EDGE" card. Without it, you'd have gotten much less. (shitsux)

05-16-2008, 02:47 AM
You got that much... cause "EDGE" card. Without it, you'd have gotten much less. (shitsux)

Too bad your pretty much forced to get that sh** magazine to get the card.

execrable gumwrapper
05-16-2008, 03:08 AM
...What, Game Informer? I like GI, personally.

J. Peterman
05-16-2008, 03:15 AM

or buy off ebay

05-16-2008, 03:52 AM
Stores like this are only good if you make friends with the salespeople. That's how I acquired my Halo Edition Xbox original, Ico (back when it was actually rare), mint Xenogears, and a few other pointless collectables. The unfortunate side of course, is that they are still salespeople who must sell not only games, but add-ons too.

I was really annoyed with the whole sticker thing too, but once I started to go more regularly, the guy I knew there decided not to sticker stuff I'd voiced interest in buying or pre-ordered. Of course always check your shit before you buy it no matter how well you know the people. Still, some goodwill can go a long way toward getting superb customer service.

execrable gumwrapper
05-16-2008, 03:55 AM
Stores like this are only good if you make friends with the salespeople. That's how I acquired my Halo Edition Xbox original, Ico (back when it was actually rare), mint Xenogears, and a few other pointless collectables. The unfortunate side of course, is that they are still salespeople who must sell not only games, but add-ons too.

I was really annoyed with the whole sticker thing too, but once I started to go more regularly, the guy I knew there decided not to sticker stuff I'd voiced interest in buying or pre-ordered. Of course always check your shit before you buy it no matter how well you know the people. Still, some goodwill can go a long way toward getting superb customer service.

So you're saying you blow the Gamestop CSRs? Ohoho!

Sorry... :(

Phil S
05-16-2008, 06:20 AM
GameStop are con-artists imo.

05-16-2008, 08:55 PM
I got a "last/store display box" copy of Final Fantasy 3 for my DS, and well I always been weary of 'last copy/store display box" games.
While waiting for my younger brother to pay for something else I popped in the game only to find a save with some rather well developed characters. Needless to say all I did was hand the clerk my DS and ask him to credit me the price difference between new and used.

However in the daily rush of "business" I have had some rather favorable errors too. Wanted a used copy of x-men legends, got x-men legends 2. Asked for Capcom Vs SNK new, again last copy.. however they could not "find it" so I told them to just give me the "new" case with a used copy. Turns out the game was in the f'ing case to begin with so In turn I got 2 copies as the clerk just kinda blindly put the used copy into the case.

Quotas... I don't even wanna touch that.
Preorders.. yea those are so necessary.
With the exception of some collectors editions this is a total waste of time. Reason? You guys are probably told to hype the games you need to pre-sale.. yet when we pick em up, there's no "signs" of the hype being true. Example... You'd think that since you reserved a game a copy itself would be put away, nope you guys right out just pull them from the purty shelf behind the counter. Kinda negates the "need" to pre-order since at that point it's kinda implied that gamestop has mega stock of the game.

Personally I still shop gamestop but I never leave w/o checking discs for major scratches, DS games for saves, etc etc.
Pre-order only what I know may actually sell well and may be hard to pick up as a walk in. F*** game informer.

damn that reminds me. this happend to me only ONCE of buying from gamestop/ebgames and the other names this place used to have.

this was waaay back when; when they were having some sales on all n64 and psx games i think. this was prolly around 2002 can't rmemeber. anyway. the idea is they're all used so that's why they're all cheap. and by then, it's a miracle to find "new" n64 anyway. so i see perfect dark for 3 bucks (just some beat up box) and i'm like "meh...i rented it and hated it but maybe i can like it again..besides. it's a buy 2 get 1 free of equal or lesser value. i already have my 2, but can't decide what doen'st suck balls to get as my 3rd." so i end up getting the 3 dollar perfect dark as my 3rd free choice.

so i go in and get my nice used copies of nightmare creatures and some other game i forgot, and when they pull out what's supposed to be my used free game, i see a PERFECTLY FACTORY SEALED copy of perfect dark!!! shiny plastic is still on the damn box. and when i pulled that off, the gamepak was also still in it's little plastic bag, all books and papers are there and it smells nice as hell. (we all know that awesome new game smell)

that shit blew me away man. i'll prolly never get that lucky ever again. and then it turns out i loved the game afterall and was unlocking the hell out of all it's secrets. very awesome. >.<

05-16-2008, 08:59 PM
Worst thing about the Gamestop where i live is it's the ONLY game store in the town so i have to resort to buying online in order to not have to pay 120 euro for guitar hero 3 & the controller (which is ASTRONOMICAL)