Neblug the Hedgehog
03-11-2008, 08:13 PM
Sorry i made the post in the wrong catagory. woopsie.
but hey diamond and pearl had some good kick ass music. I would have assumed that someone would have ripped it and uploaded it by now. I unfortunatly have no VG music ripping capabilities so i can't..but if somone has the soundtrack from the game and could upload it, or knows where to get it for free downloadingness, that would be awesome.
i hope im not the only one who is askin here.
thanks for reading and thanks to whom ever gets it. I and many others will be glad.

03-12-2008, 05:32 AM
You assumed right, the only thing is that most of the links have expired. Give it about 1.5-3 hours to upload, and then I'll post the link tomorrow morning. I tried using Megaupload but it was going all slow to the point that it stopped uploading. I'm trying FileFactory now, and hopefully that would work. The only thing is that the file names weren't fully translated from the Japanese so we have the romanized titles. (You know, like "Shinou" vs. "Sinnoh" for example.)

03-12-2008, 07:48 AM
Ugh. I'm so pissed right now. (Not because of you.) I sacrificed sleep and waited over 3 hours only for the file to fail twice in the upload. If you want the D/P soundtrack, sign up over at's forum and download it there. This is the link to the page, but you have to be a member to view it.