View Full Version : Thread 52280">Pok�mon "OST" requests

03-11-2008, 06:42 AM
Pok�mon Red/Blue/Green (individual tracks, two listed directly below. It's pointless to download a whole file for 2 songs.)
~ Battle (Vs. Trainer) WITHOUT pok�mon attack sfx - just the music.
~ Battle (Vs. Gym Leader) WITHOUT pok�mon attack sfx - just the music.

If at all possible, I'd love to have these by Wednesday, March 12. Later, though is okay too, worst case scenario, but I hope the songs can be on my iPod for the trip I'm taking starting Thursday morning at the butt crack of dawn. Help is definately appreciated. The sooner the better, though.

Special request - if you'd please use Megaupload or FileFactory. Rapidshare doesn't work for me. It's slow, and you have to wait 561651165 minutes to download something if you aren't a premium member. I don't think Yousendit is used much around these parts, and they delete everything like a week later anyway.

The individual PKMN RBY battle tracks I downloaded are the ones on GH, but I haven't found a clear enough one yet to suit my needs. So that's definately out of the question, just for the record. I have the other OSTs now that I needed, so I took those out of my list. It shrunk a lot.

Neblug the Hedgehog
03-11-2008, 08:17 PM
does anyone check requests?

03-12-2008, 01:17 AM
Sorry, it was late at night when I conducted my search. I probably forgot to check when I made my topic after the long day of work and school I had. Still, though, I'd appreciate it a whole lot if someone could fulfill my requests. And unfortunately, I'm so brain dead that I can't think through much anymore. If you haven't noticed, I have issues. I hope you understand. I'm still quite new anyway and I'm a slow learner as well. It's my fault.

EDIT: In addition, you came off kinda harsh considering that you said in your topic that you hoped that you weren't the only one asking about the availability of the OST. I don't think you meant to piss anyone off either, but when you left your response, it kinda hurt. And now, I found it by searching and signing up for yet ANOTHER forum >.< I'll stay here though. There isn't much on that other site. (If you wish, you can start sucking up to me and be my bitch. Then you may find some of the files you desire thrown your way. :) JK.)