03-10-2008, 10:03 AM
Which should I pick up first? I'm talking somewhat recent games, nothing on Super Nintendo or anything. So what's the best "current gen" ff game?

03-10-2008, 04:01 PM
I would say 10, or 12?
10 cause its got a good story line, battle system is great, graphics are good exept the part were Tidus is eating(was he eating his hand, or sumthing?)
overall great game.
11 is online but i havent played much.
12 has a great storyline, and graphics are good too. battle system is good if you get into it, it gots an online (FF11) feel to it, It also has sum mis-pronounced words they say.

All this are great, Even the ones before these 1-9 are Good, Happy Gaming if you decide to play any

Edit:I Didnt know how far back you wanted to play 1 and 2 is for Nes, Gameboy advance, Playstation, 3 For DS (havent played yet), 4-6 Snes, Gameboy Advance, Playstation
7-9 Playstation, 10 PS2, 11 Computer, PS2, X-box 360, 12 PS2
Sum of the old ones had a Wonderswan release too.

03-10-2008, 08:34 PM
Please, for the love of God, spell "some" properly. Typing one more letter will not kill you and will make you look a lot better. Everybody wins.

The same thing applies by extension to all other words that get that dumb shorthand treatment.

03-11-2008, 07:19 AM
Please, for the love of God, spell "some" properly. Typing one more letter will not kill you and will make you look a lot better. Everybody wins.

The same thing applies by extension to all other words that get that dumb shorthand treatment.

Ok my bad, man. I'll try not to do it again.