03-09-2008, 09:13 PM
Oh, and Raidenex. I could have picked up a copy of Patapon and God of War: Chains of Olympus today for PSP (I might pick it up later anyway) But instead I picked up a Wii and SSBB. As soon as I get my 172 digit Wii friend code, I'll post it.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-09-2008, 10:44 PM
i downloaded both of them

for FREE


oh and someone else has brawl so u kno i guess i "have" that too

03-09-2008, 11:55 PM
Yay, Marvin! Get RE4, mang.

03-11-2008, 06:04 AM
As a new owner, heres my lil' Wii system review.

Let me just say that the Wii is a neat system. the nunchuck is very comfortable because it fits nice in my hands and while playing SSBB I can have my arms wide appart to my sides while leaning in my bed. Gaming never felt so lazy. lol. However, I don't like the classic controller, but I got it mainly for the classic games. It just doesn't feel good in my hands and I hate having to plug it into the Wii-mote. But for $20 I guess its not that bad.

the Vurtual console is also nice, I've already downloaded Super Mario Bros. 1 and 2 and Super Mario 64 - it beats having to plug in my old systems just to play them. I hate clutter so I store all my Nintendos under my bed until I want to play an old school game. I'm already about to download some more games. lol. I'm not going to compare games, but I kinda like the "vurtual console" more on the PS3 for 1 main reason: widescreen and resolution adjustments. If a game was originally in 4:3, well thats how I want to play it. Since I'm playing on a widescreen tv, I hate anything that is 4:3 then stretched just to fit the screen. I also don't mind the black bars on either side of the screen. As soon as I start a vurtual console game, I have to use my tv remote to switch from widescreen to 4:3, unlike the PS3, those options are in the PS3 menu anytime in the game just by pressing the "PS" button on the controller. On the PS3 I can also changes the resolution during the game.

As for games, I'm really looking forward to playing Metroid Prime 3, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario and I'm praying a Kid Icarus game for the Wii is true and Resident Evil 4. Including Super Smash Bros. Brawl that I already have, thats at least 6 must have games for me. But I believe Metroid will be next.

As for the Wii Shop Channel, I think it could use a little working on and tweeking. I'm not too happy with the navigation. But the overall navigation of the system's interface is pretty decent. Not my favorite, but good.

As for the hardware, I kinda wish the cool neon blue disc slot light would stay on, at least when a game is inside. Its kinda cool to look at. And just to blend with my tv, tv stand, speakers and PS3, a black, glossy Wii would really be cool. I'm such a neat freak that I'm worried about my controllers and system turning yellow.

Overall it was a good purchase which I'm sure will give me many years of fun gaming and is a nice complement to my PS3. I like seeing them both together because they both look so damn sexy.

03-11-2008, 09:11 AM
i prefer using gc controllers to the classic controller personally, but i got the classic for mk64 + i only have 3 gc controllers ;-)

03-11-2008, 09:34 AM
Well I don't have a GameCube anymore, but I do have my original copy of Metroid Prime and my memory card. If I ever want to play it again I better get me a GC controller.

03-11-2008, 01:10 PM
I need a GC controller and a memory card. They still sell those at GameStop o_O

Or do I need to hit da bay?

03-11-2008, 02:28 PM
i have 2 gc cards.

i forget where they are though. :(