05-04-2002, 04:26 AM

here's another poem

A shadow's life

shadows, on a lost plane
dances, in the starlit night
moving about like a wild
fire, buring in a deep forest

when the starlight dims
the shadow fades out like
the light of a snuffed out candle
at the end of a long night

But when the stars shine again
the sadow comes out
and frolics about in joy
for life is just a simple shadow

what ya think

05-04-2002, 05:30 AM
That was realy nice xio, it gave me a vivid image in my head.

Also, you could have posted both your poems in one thred. But its ok for now.

05-04-2002, 12:23 PM
mint, this has to be moved to the fiction forum, along with the other poem :)

05-04-2002, 12:25 PM
Moving to Fiction & Poetry.. ^_^

Kool Ranch
05-05-2002, 04:02 AM
both of your poems are really nice man. I didn't know you could write. They got a distinct style to them that's really cool.:cool: