03-08-2008, 12:46 PM
pleez help me

even in the original soundtrack I didn't find ... can you help me ...

I want the flute music when you are in the english class lesson

here's a sample

05-31-2008, 08:18 AM
Hello friends, I am a college student of 22 years. I would like to learn guitar lesson. I just bought an online guitar lesson program and I was wondering after I finish the online lessons should I look into getting a teacher? Will they teach more then the online lessons. What would teach you more about guitar online lessons or a teacher? Please suggest me. Thank you so much.

06-03-2008, 09:14 AM
Yeah, u can definitely find a lot of info online for beginning guitar -- and most of it is free. All kinds of videos on youtube and stuff -- but beware....

I just got from the "beginner" level to the "intermediate" level -- but it was with help from an online course that I had to pay for. I had started with the free stuff but the problem was that I couldn't ORGANIZE the free lessons in any kind of moderately rational way.. I was always switching between various videos and there was no order to anything. So I was trying to do scales when I should have just been dealing with really basic picking technique and etc.

So eventually I decided I need to do an actual online course -- -- it actually worked pretty well! I might recommend you try it out.
