03-07-2008, 07:44 AM
what do you guys think square enix should do to end all FF compilations?

i think "another movie" to end all FF would be nice...

a game, on the other hand could be a little challenging for square, cuz knowing its a RPG game, it will hav a storyline to it...and storyline is only for one story...not big enough to wrap the whole production...

03-07-2008, 08:50 AM
final fantasy will never end... if it does... ill cry myself into oblivion... being the proud owner of almost all things squaresoft/enix, i would be greatly disappointed if they just ended the series... plus there is always FFXI which is constantly being updated and such... ill stop there... getting me started on FF is a bad idea... I tend to rant :D

03-07-2008, 05:59 PM
I seriously doubt FF will end soon, but I think they'd have to a game to finish it if it did. A movie doesn't quite have the length to show all the intricate character development FF usually has, so they'd at least have to make a game to go with the movie.

Also, this should really go in the FFXIII and Beyond thread.

execrable gumwrapper
03-07-2008, 06:27 PM
what do you guys think square enix should do to end all FF compilations?

i think "another movie" to end all FF would be nice...

a game, on the other hand could be a little challenging for square, cuz knowing its a RPG game, it will hav a storyline to it...and storyline is only for one story...not big enough to wrap the whole production...

Two things; First, are you saying that "another movie to end all FF" woud not have a storyline? Second, if a video game that can span up to 60 hours if needed is "not big enough to wrap up the whole production" how in the fuck is it going to be done in 2?

03-08-2008, 01:03 AM
Two things; First, are you saying that "another movie to end all FF" woud not have a storyline? Second, if a video game that can span up to 60 hours if needed is "not big enough to wrap up the whole production" how in the fuck is it going to be done in 2?

a storyline focuses on "one" story, which means one cant really mixed stories up like that

*even though i made this thread, i didnt mean to hav FF to end, i wouldnt want it to end of course:-( ...just to see wat u guys think*...

03-08-2008, 03:03 AM
The FF gaming series was never ment to be a series, the guy who made the original was about to retire and it was to be his last game and thus he called it Final Fantasy. It was such a hit though that they made a second one and made it the series it is now. The only way I can imagine the series ending now is if the games got so bad that no one bought them anymore, if sales and such dropped so horribly, thats the only way I can see the series dying out, either that or they get bored with making them anymore.

Marshall Lee
03-08-2008, 03:10 AM
Final Fantasy: STFU

Dot Centaur
03-08-2008, 11:58 PM
That would kick ass if the FF series would make it past 20. It would be Final Fantasy XX (Roman numeral fro 20) and so one. Or Final Fantasy XXI (Roman numeral for 21 I think).

03-09-2008, 12:23 AM
I sense FFXXX jokes...

03-09-2008, 01:20 AM
Not until I get my job in Square-Enix! I don`t want my 3D modelling and Japanese language studies [which I only took for FF] to go in vain.

Anyway if it does end before it, It`ll probably be eleven years from now and as I can guess Kazushige will probably direct last CG movie which will be dedicated to the series. Actually maybe it will not even be a CG movie, but a documentary instead. Like "31 years of Final Fantasy".

But I hope FF wont end. Maybe it wont always remain under the same name, but I wish it to be somehow reincarnated in future games... Maybe 20 or 30 years after now.

03-09-2008, 07:01 PM
I sense FFXXX jokes...

this joke will come true, for i never sense sin.=)