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03-03-2008, 08:03 PM
ftp closed.

03-03-2008, 10:48 PM
Nice collection getting Final Fantasy Potion 1 & 2

03-04-2008, 12:29 AM
Thank you! I'm getting Sonic 1, 2, and 3 OSTs, as well as the One Up Studio Albums. Again, thank you!

PS: is fireftp (ftp plugin for firefox) a hammer for your server? If so, I'll get another program once these downloads finish.

03-04-2008, 04:20 AM
Just checkin' it out. Probably grab a think or two. AMAZING collection!

03-04-2008, 04:31 AM
Incredibly impressive collection. I'm getting Alshark, Telenet Vol. 1, and All Sounds of Emerald Dragon. Thank you.

03-04-2008, 05:55 AM
Awesome list and thanx for the FTP. I'm grabbin SF Zero 3 :)

...and Tantei Jinguji Saburo Yume no Owari ni Soundtrack 10th Anniv Special~!

03-04-2008, 02:31 PM
amazing i just got the ftp browser but i am still learning how to use it.since it is a 7 day trail and i have to work, i want so bad nitro plus tre donne crudeli ost.

what is this for Port= 6697 is this your user name?
ohh and sorry for the questions i know i am a dummy.

03-04-2008, 03:09 PM
amazing i just got the ftp browser but i am still learning how to use it.since it is a 7 day trail and i have to work, i want so bad nitro plus tre donne crudeli ost.

what is this for Port= 6697 is this your user name?
ohh and sorry for the questions i know i am a dummy.

Since he pretty much said that you need to figure it out yourself, here's a tip:

You set the port in the connection dialog most likely (don't know which client you're using) and your username is diamondback, per his instructions.

I tried to grab the black mages albums and didn't get through one before the ftp died on me personally. Now I can't even ping the IP address.

03-04-2008, 06:07 PM
i couldnt even connect

03-04-2008, 07:45 PM
yup, it's NULL

03-04-2008, 11:13 PM
I connected successfully just now. However, I noticed the server does not have the Golden Sun Soundtrack. Since I do, (and the torrent for it is extremely unreliable,) how would I go about donating this album to the cause?

PS: If you want to find the Golden Sun OST yourself, be warned: there is a good version and a not-so-good version. the good version is 80kbps, but recorded at 44100khz, while the not-so-good version is 128kbps, but recorded at half the quality of the better version. Since there is no official OST to buy, this game rip is the best choice.

PPS: Actually, I'm going to upload it (the good version) to megaupload first. PM me with directions on ftp uploading if you are interested.

03-04-2008, 11:42 PM
Just got into your ftp : Transferring Max Payne


EDIT : I just added to your ftp : Conan Main Theme LIVE.mp3...

03-05-2008, 01:00 AM
Having just finished my downloads from yesterday, I'm about to transfer Combat ChoroQ. Thank you.

03-05-2008, 02:38 AM
Sorry , When I called comcast to pay my bill and inform them that after 8 years of service I was going to go to FioS, my service went down shortly.

If all goes well guys I plan on doing this longer than 7 days. Just note than March 7th my servive will be down for a short time.


If there is a Game soundtrack I don't have feel free to list it. I'm sure I could root it out but untill I upgrade my comp I got to be picky about what I grab due to space limitations

03-05-2008, 01:53 PM
help please in order to connect what do we do when the ftp asks:
site name? is it
server address? is it
host name?
user id? (diamondback?)
password? rydia
this is what i get every time;
Connection Error
This could be caused by any of the following reasons:
Your network connection is down.
The host address is incorrect.
The server you are attempting to connect with is not available.
also i disable my firewall and nothing works.
any more help would greatly be appreciate it.
ohh and sorry for the inconvinience.

03-05-2008, 02:19 PM
So I can just upload a soundtrack myself? I'll try adding my stuff. If it doesn't work, I will ask for help. I think I can figure it out though.

EDIT: Strange. It would not create the directory, so instead two tracks ended up in your /G directory, instead of the folder I was trying to create under that directory. I tried to delete them, but of course I don't have those permissions. If you have time, maybe you could delete those? Sorry if I made any extra trouble for you. It's just two tracks in /G, but not in a folder under /G.

Thank you.

03-05-2008, 05:29 PM
Downloading Hanachirasu OST right now. Man, you rule - there's tons and tons of music I searched for but never found X__x Will probably return later for more!

03-05-2008, 06:16 PM
I don't allow uploads because Ive had people upload BS stuff ranging from under age girls in swimsuits to hair fat gay man bondage pron. Thanks, but someday I will allow uploads ( just not now)

diamondback: You only need put one IP address and it typicaly goes under FTP/URL/Server address depending on what its named for your client.

Than for port put 6697

PW is rydia, log in name is your nick.

Lastly PLEASE feel free to que up more than one album at a time. Ive noticed about 4 regulars so if theres not a ton of people than why not download more than an album at a time.

Please remember there is NO requirement to upload anything to me but just pass it along.

I suggest cute ftp for newbies or flashfxp.

03-05-2008, 09:07 PM
thank you, this is brilliant =D

03-06-2008, 01:36 AM
I'm sorry i'm still learning is it like this can you please help:
Connection name:
Server address:
User name: diamondback
Password: rydia
i still donot know where the port 6697 goes
thanks for your patience.

03-06-2008, 04:14 AM
Dont put anything other than IP address in the server name and dont use windstream, that does not belong.

UPDATE server capped for a few hours so my gf can surf the net.

Diamondback IP address goes in server address, PW is correct, User name looks correct port goes where it says port.

03-06-2008, 06:31 AM
Hi! Getting your Burai soundtracks and The Legend of Heroes IV Original Soundtrack.

03-06-2008, 12:41 PM
yay it works downloading now thanks!
you rule.....................!!!

03-06-2008, 07:00 PM
I got the Final Fantasy Tactics A2 soundtrack yesterday... forgot to post 'til just now. Sorry about that! Thanks a ton... you're amazing.

A question: what affects the download speed? I know I shouldn't be picky, but there were some moments where I was going at a phenomenal 1 kb/s, and I'm wondering if something I'm doing on this end might be causing that.

03-06-2008, 07:54 PM

I tried to retrieve the opening theme of Persona 2 Eternal Punishment but got a 550 Error : No such file.

I guess the problem is in the character '�' in the file name (as I could download other files), but don't know if it's related to my ftp client or if it will occur with every client I could use...I'm going to try by direct access via my browser, but I just wanted to have you notice this issue.

[Sorry if my english is sometimes wrong I am French]

Thanks for the service though, this is great.

03-07-2008, 12:12 AM
I got the Final Fantasy Tactics A2 soundtrack yesterday... forgot to post 'til just now. Sorry about that! Thanks a ton... you're amazing.

A question: what affects the download speed? I know I shouldn't be picky, but there were some moments where I was going at a phenomenal 1 kb/s, and I'm wondering if something I'm doing on this end might be causing that.

Not really. Rather than turn my server off completly, I do whats called Capping it. Basicly this limits the download speed ( for you ) or Upload speed for me (For me) So I or my gf can surf the net.

That way your still keeping your place in line and at least having a steady download while we are able to enjoy surfing the net at NON AOL SHIT SPEEDS.

03-07-2008, 05:27 AM
hi i just wanted to thank you again awesome thread.

03-07-2008, 07:34 AM
Downloading a handful of soundtracks....thanks :)

03-07-2008, 07:53 AM
Downloading some of your DooM music, nice collection BTW :P

03-07-2008, 06:32 PM
I got the Final Fantasy Tactics A2 soundtrack yesterday... forgot to post 'til just now. Sorry about that! Thanks a ton... you're amazing.

A question: what affects the download speed? I know I shouldn't be picky, but there were some moments where I was going at a phenomenal 1 kb/s, and I'm wondering if something I'm doing on this end might be causing that.

Well if I have a lot of people on my ftp that can affect it OR if I cap my server to make you go slower so I can surf the net with out completly shutting you guys out.

I've also lived by the motto of better to be slower and steady than fast and unsteady...

Today Update:
My server is off right now but thats because I am getting FioS installed ( prays that it won't NOT work with my ftp and such)

03-07-2008, 11:12 PM
Hm.. I try to connect but it's not letting me. Am I missing a setting?

I'm using the FireFTP extension for Firefox. (

03-07-2008, 11:13 PM
EDIT: *deleted* Stupid comp x.x

03-07-2008, 11:27 PM
* fixed Ip addresses *

03-07-2008, 11:28 PM
Well, if you're running through a router, you probably need to designate within the router that whatever port you choose is forwarded straight to the server.

Just a thought.

Also, you need to find your outside IP Address.
192.168.*.* is a LOCAL ONLY address. Meaning, that it is reserved ONLY for your LAN.
You need to use something to find your current IP.

03-07-2008, 11:33 PM
I've never seen anyone that has all the Need for speed soundtracks. I love the music in 2, but I only have 4 of the tracks!

Thanks again!

03-07-2008, 11:52 PM
I don't know how any of these people are connecting. 192.168.*.* is NOT a valid IP Address. It is NOT possible for anyone to connect to it unless you are LOCAL.

That, and I've noticed a lot of these people have very, VERY few posts. And they all claim to have connected.

Care to explain this?

03-08-2008, 12:20 AM
I don't know how any of these people are connecting. 192.168.*.* is NOT a valid IP Address. It is NOT possible for anyone to connect to it unless you are LOCAL.

That, and I've noticed a lot of these people have very, VERY few posts. And they all claim to have connected.

Care to explain this?

When I connected last night it was with the WAN IP. I got a connection timeout error before I could complete my download queue.

03-08-2008, 12:22 AM
What IP?

03-08-2008, 12:23 AM on Port 6697.

03-08-2008, 12:26 AM
I don't know how any of these people are connecting. 192.168.*.* is NOT a valid IP Address. It is NOT possible for anyone to connect to it unless you are LOCAL.

That, and I've noticed a lot of these people have very, VERY few posts. And they all claim to have connected.

Care to explain this?

hey care to go ask a mod about your concerns, I'm busy not only trying to share Game music but adjust to using a service that requires a router ( someting I've never used before )

So I'f I jumped the gun than sorry for the disapointment but I am working on getting this fixed.

I just ditched comcast today for Fios.

UPDATE: Server address
Login name ( your forum Nick )
Password ( rydia )

03-08-2008, 12:29 AM
hey care to go ask a mod about your concerns, I'm busy not only trying to share Game music but adjust to using a service that requires a router ( someting I've never used before )

So I'f I jumped the gun than sorry for the disapointment but I am working on getting this fixed.

I just ditched comcast today for Fios.

Like he said, no one can connect to your FTP with a local IP like that. Go to and it will give you your WAN IP. That's the IP you'll need to use for your FTP server. Hope that helps :)

03-08-2008, 12:38 AM
Ok well I provided my external ip, I assume thats what you guys were after. Verizon fios did a few things differently than most router providers do, after all they still want to limit you as much as they can.

someone test it out and tell me if it works.

03-08-2008, 12:38 AM
I'm not trying to be angry or anything :P I was only stating.
And I wouldn't mind helping you out with your router and whatever, I was just commenting on the fact that it was odd that people were connecting to a Reserved IP Address that can't possibly be used.

Note - If you could tell me what kind of router you were using, I could help you open the port you wanted.

Another Note - If you have MSN/Yahoo/AIM/GMail, let me know your SN through PM or something and I can talk with ya' there and maybe help guide you.

EDIT: ** And yes, it does work now **

03-08-2008, 12:42 AM
I think its up and working, Now my only concern is getting this off port 21 and on to something else, preferable 6697 but I may need to talk to verizon fios reps to get them to open it...

Right now I am operating on 4 hours sleep in the last 24 due to work... I couldent sleep till I know my ftp and a few other progys would work.

My Aim is shivelykegler, right now im headed to bed but drop me a line and Ill msg ya when I wake up :) Thanks btw.

03-08-2008, 12:43 AM
UPDATE: Server address
Login name ( your forum Nick )
Password ( rydia )

Just tested it working fine for me

03-08-2008, 04:58 AM

03-08-2008, 05:11 AM
SO nice to hear... Also I'm able to surf the net with out capping it ( 4 users ) in which 4 users on comcast would have sucked.

The only issue I have is port 6697 not working but thats what their tech support is for to get that port open. lol its a historical first me using port 21 on a ftp... Bleh.

Edit: I want to add that there i no longer a max limit of 10 people. Curently there are two people downloading albums and between them two of them they are enjoying a total of 198 KB/s as my connection is 15Mbps/15Mbps

03-08-2008, 01:09 PM
I got the Alundra missing tracks and Seiken Densetsu & Chrono Trigger Best Collection thanks

03-08-2008, 01:27 PM
Everything works fine... thank you, Shively!

How could I contribute to your collection?

Some titles you don't have, for example, are:

Crash Bandicoot (original +extras) - PSX
Brain Age (or Brain Training) - DS
Katamari Damacy - original JAP CD - PS2 (great music!)

And a lot of film music.

Could you be interested in?

03-08-2008, 02:21 PM
Nice work! I'm getting Ar Tonelico 2 OST. Thank you.

03-08-2008, 07:37 PM
Honestly guys I really don't require uploads nor have I ever. Every one has their own style online with trading or ratios or what not.

I do like movie OSTS but I'm very picky about which ones. Katamari Damacy I think I have that one already but perhaps not on my list... Dam this new job sometimes.

Sunday I will update my list along with have my gf translate a few Japan game albums.

I'm also starting something I should have done a long long time ago. I am going to slowly but surely get proper info for some of these game audio rips. At the very least names for the different stages or some type of order.

Its been a sore spot with me as I mainly focused on collecting back in the day, or just tagging the stuff I ripped. Anyway if any one has a good site for Sega, NES, PC game audio tracks it would be usefull. I already found a great SNES game audio site where I could look up names of some of these audio tracks.

Well enjoy.

03-08-2008, 08:08 PM
I do like movie OSTS but I'm very picky about which ones.
Well... me too ;-)

Anyway, thanks! If you're looking for something, just ask and if we're lucky enough....

03-08-2008, 08:13 PM
You got me thinking... I have a few anime osts and a small nice collection of movie osts.

I think after I arrange some stuff and update my list on Sunday, I just, JUST may add them to the shared files.

I movie osts are what lead me to game osts. Its pretty hard to find a vgm fan who is at least not a small fan of movie osts.

What I could use help on is track lists or names of audio files that I lack. If any one runs across an album they downloaded or know about and you have the information about it than please let me know. That would help greatly.

check my profile, ill post my AIM and email.


03-08-2008, 08:27 PM
Its pretty hard to find a vgm fan who is at least not a small fan of movie osts.

Yes!!! I absolutely agree!

I started when I was 10 y.o. with the Morricone's western and now I'm here to look for every played game's soundtrack! (yes, I had to put a limit... I don't look for a soundtrack of an "unplayed" game or "unseen" movie)

03-08-2008, 09:24 PM
Thanks so much for putting up such a great resource!
However, I managed to connect fine the first time (I'm using filezilla), but when I tried to download anything, it hasn't been working, and if I try to reconnect, I can't. Any help would be much appreciated.

Edit- By the way, the message I get is:
Response: 331 Password required for lvrndbcn.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 530 No more connection allowed for this IP.

I know I've entered the correct password, so what's happening?

03-08-2008, 11:39 PM
Your list says you have Darius Gaiden The Last Kiss. I can't find it anywhere. Did you not upload it or am I just looking in the wrong folders? =P

I'm also downloading the D2 albums. Beautiful music right there.

03-09-2008, 12:47 AM
Anyway if any one has a good site for Sega, NES, PC game audio tracks it would be usefull.

Here's a few sites for ya:

Go crazy! :D

03-09-2008, 06:55 AM
Yes!!! I absolutely agree!

I started when I was 10 y.o. with the Morricone's western and now I'm here to look for every played game's soundtrack! (yes, I had to put a limit... I don't look for a soundtrack of an "unplayed" game or "unseen" movie)

Oh man this will give me away but I used to record game music to tape and listen to it in my car. ( just hit 30 ) hehe been doing this since I was 20!!

Anyways I remember having my snes hooked up to a stereo and being so happy at the test sounds of street fighter, oh man got the best looped recordings from that.

Man my mom listened to Weird Al when I was a kid, as I got older I got into movies and used to go crazy when I listened to Darth Vaders theme from Star Wars 6. What sucked was I watched that before I saw 4 or 5 :(

Anyways my very first Movie Soundtrack was KRULL, than Starwars... Still got the tapes too ( no way to play them any more )

03-09-2008, 06:57 AM
Here's a few sites for ya:

Go crazy! :D

A friend runs vgmbd but I've found it to be more for Track lists of CD's. Granted I know I'll use it for the few Cds I don't have track lists for..

I'm mainly looking for Game audio lists in which people take the music str8 from say a Rom.. Generaly when I did it I would list them in order of stage and name the stage but over the years I've been lazy taging the ones I ended up downloading from others.

Thanks for the links though I know I'll use them..!!

03-09-2008, 06:59 AM
Thanks so much for putting up such a great resource!
However, I managed to connect fine the first time (I'm using filezilla), but when I tried to download anything, it hasn't been working, and if I try to reconnect, I can't. Any help would be much appreciated.

Edit- By the way, the message I get is:
Response: 331 Password required for lvrndbcn.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 530 No more connection allowed for this IP.

I know I've entered the correct password, so what's happening?

I've banned a few people ( it auto bans ) for people who try to connect X ammount of times per 30 secs. I assume by the message your getting you are using a FTP browser. By chance did you use your forum nick name or my name? I did catch someone using my nick as a log in name.

PM me your IP and I will unban you asap. Sorry for the mix up if you did nothing wrong

03-09-2008, 01:26 PM
Here's the best site for all your genesis tagging needs

03-09-2008, 03:05 PM
I've banned a few people ( it auto bans ) for people who try to connect X ammount of times per 30 secs. I assume by the message your getting you are using a FTP browser. By chance did you use your forum nick name or my name? I did catch someone using my nick as a log in name.

PM me your IP and I will unban you asap. Sorry for the mix up if you did nothing wrong

Yeah, I think I might have been banned because it looks like filezilla automatically tries to reconnect. (a program that hammers!) Ill try to use a different ftp browser or prevent it from doing this again. I don't seem to be allowed to PM on this forum (maybe due to very low post count), but I can AIM you or PM you when I'm able to. Thanks!

03-09-2008, 06:12 PM
Yeah, I think I might have been banned because it looks like filezilla automatically tries to reconnect. (a program that hammers!) Ill try to use a different ftp browser or prevent it from doing this again. I don't seem to be allowed to PM on this forum (maybe due to very low post count), but I can AIM you or PM you when I'm able to. Thanks!

Go make more posts!!! hehe Just email me Shivelykegler At gmail

03-10-2008, 08:47 AM
thank you for this great work :)

03-10-2008, 10:17 AM
downloading daytona ost

thanks for sharing!!!

03-10-2008, 10:58 AM
i've snagged "Chrono Trigger The Brink of Time" thx bud!!! ur amazing!!

03-10-2008, 05:42 PM
I doubt I'll be turning my server off for any other reason than to reboot or if the power goes out.

You guys are welcome

03-10-2008, 09:53 PM
Downloading the No More Heroes soundtrack. Thanks a bunch!~

03-10-2008, 10:47 PM
Downloading Ace Combat 5...
Thanks man!

03-10-2008, 10:56 PM
Downloaded one bubble bobble file then got the
"421 Sorry you are not welcomed on this server" message.

03-11-2008, 02:36 AM
Downloaded one bubble bobble file then got the
"421 Sorry you are not welcomed on this server" message.

I guess if thats all your gonna post than fine, we can leave it like that. I NEVER and I repeat NEVER ban someone on a whim.

If you hammer or don't use a forum nick than yea IP gets banned. THIS server is for forum members..

If you PM your IP than I am happy to unban it.

Password for logging on will change from time to time... at least once a week

03-11-2008, 02:52 AM
Thanks a ton for this man, I've been looking for the Soul Hackers OST for ages now.

03-11-2008, 04:23 AM
Thank you so much! This is pretty amazing, not to mention convenient.

03-11-2008, 04:52 AM
Thanks for the pleasure of letting us download from your collection. I'm grabbing Odin Sphere. Once again, thanks!

03-11-2008, 05:20 AM
Thank you, I have been looking for Arcturus. I love SoundTeMP!

03-11-2008, 05:12 PM
Sorry again sometimes my computer crashes due to power spike. No worries if the server is down for more than 24 hours than typicaly feel free to complain on this thread :P

Anyways I'm upgrading to something way better later this year. Any ideas on surround sound speakers though? I have 5.1 logitec but they are my 2nd pair and logitec sucks for honoring warentys or telling me where I can go to have one of the speaker outlets fixed... I am interested in 6.1 or better. Don't want to spend more than 400ish though...

03-11-2008, 06:12 PM
I'm logged on atm, downloading some Ambassadors of Funk, and various other rare Nintendo gems.

Thanks a lot. =D

03-11-2008, 07:10 PM
Aw thank god, I was looking for Ar Tonelico music for a while.

03-11-2008, 08:24 PM
Wow I thought I had all the Final Fantasy Albums - and I stumble across the Hollywood Orchestra

Excellent :) Thanks :)

03-11-2008, 09:40 PM
I'm logged on to get CONCERTO. Thanks a bunch!

03-11-2008, 10:34 PM
Wow, there was so much good stuff I had to get Jet Set Radio, Super Mario RPG arranged, Ragnarok Online Sound Stories 1, Secret of Mana Arranged, FF Hollywood Orchestra, FF HM Crow's Claw, and Saga Remix Best. Sorry for taking so much. I won't log onto your FTP for a while. Thank you again.

03-11-2008, 10:55 PM
clockwork knight plz

03-11-2008, 11:05 PM
So I think I may be a total noob, but I can't seem to log on to the ftp server. Get to the authentication part, I type in my user name and then the password rydia and I get an error stating username/password is incorrect. I have double checked the password several times. Any suggestions?

03-11-2008, 11:06 PM
So I think I may be a total noob, but I can't seem to log on to the ftp server. Get to the authentication part, I type in my user name and then the password rydia and I get an error stating username/password is incorrect. I have double checked the password several times. Any suggestions?

Check the first post once again..

03-11-2008, 11:14 PM
Thank you. I'm grateful to you for sharing, i really appreciate.

03-12-2008, 12:03 AM
Wow, there was so much good stuff I had to get Jet Set Radio, Super Mario RPG arranged, Ragnarok Online Sound Stories 1, Secret of Mana Arranged, FF Hollywood Orchestra, FF HM Crow's Claw, and Saga Remix Best. Sorry for taking so much. I won't log onto your FTP for a while. Thank you again.

Dude don't be sorry, go log your ass back on and download some more. Thats why I posted it here and trust me, you are NOT hurting my bandwidth in the slightest.

Trust me if it was so bad I would take my ftp down for a few days. So go get back to downloading.

As far as not being able to log back on ( to the other poster) you should read the first post every so often because I change the PW every so often as well as make updates to my list or post a note.

03-12-2008, 04:11 AM
See, I knew I was doing something stupid. It works now. Thanks a ton, I grabbed the password off a post on page 2. Woops...

03-12-2008, 12:43 PM
thanks, i've grabbed a couple of tracks from one of the fate albums

03-12-2008, 02:33 PM
Thanks for access to the FTP :)

Grabbing the Super Mario Bros 3 Remasters

03-12-2008, 06:58 PM
If any one likes POWERFULL music, with some what of a dark edge might I suggest Chronicles of the Black Moon.

If you like a darker edge than I sugest ANY and ALL of the castlevania music, especialy the Special CD " edition.

If any one has dark erie type orcherstral or game music please give me the song name or album name. I'm always loking for almost gothic, dark erie music.

No marylin manson crap:P

03-12-2008, 07:57 PM
Thanks for sharing all of this its a Great collection, and im just grabbing the Romancing Saga minstrel song OST

03-12-2008, 08:54 PM
Going to cap server for a bit, I have 27 people on there and I'm Starting to notice a little lag while I surf. I'll take that cap off a little later today sometime...

03-13-2008, 04:57 PM
I came back to grab the rest of the DooM PSX soundtracks i didn't get before, once again thanks for the music man. :P

*EDIT* Doh! I downloaded the same 8mb song twice! Sorry man it's 1:00am where I am, maybe i should come back tomorrow :D.

John Booty
03-13-2008, 07:58 PM
Oh, thank you. So so so much. I never thought I'd find those Technosoft collections ever in my lifetime!

03-13-2008, 08:02 PM
Your collection is very good ! It's a big list of goodies you've there !

I'll get something soon, perhaps :-)

03-13-2008, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the music!!
This is so awesome

03-13-2008, 09:23 PM
Hi, IM new here and I just wanted to say a quick thanks for sharing all this great music! =)

03-13-2008, 11:10 PM
Ok it was weird, I connected and started downloading Chronicles of the Black Moon, and then it prompted me for my pass and nick again, which it ended up refusing and now I can't get in.

I tried again after and it said "Child transfer failed' child?

03-14-2008, 12:01 AM
Dude don't be sorry, go log your ass back on and download some more. Thats why I posted it here and trust me, you are NOT hurting my bandwidth in the slightest.

Thanks man. I didn't see it the first time, but I HAD to get BIONIC COMMANDO OST. Man i love that game. Classic NES game. I would love to help your collection. I have a bunch you don't have.

03-14-2008, 02:32 AM
Ok so now I can download Track 1 and Tracks 6-14 of Chronicles of the Black Moon, the other four files claim there's some kind of error that's login related?

03-14-2008, 03:40 AM
Thanks, currently downloading Super Smash Bros. Melee.

A few things... I got a little trigger-happy logging in the first time and my FTP client tried to log in as anonymous. Then when I started downloading SSBM, I forgot my client was set to multiple download there may be a few of those in the log from my username/IP. Sorry about that, I got it sorted out, won't happen again.

Thanks for access to your excellent collection!

03-14-2008, 05:57 AM
Currently downloading...
i log on just fine using fire ftp.

THANKS for this..D.C. Da Capo OP&ED Single Sakura Saku Mirai Koi Yume

i've been looking for the singles everywhere. Most site don't have complete songs, mostly they don't put the off-vocal version.

What a mass collection you got.!!.

03-14-2008, 06:53 AM

Been looking for the good ol' Um Jammer Lammy OST for quite a while now and you guys have it! Thank you again for the wonderful stuff!

Awesome site tooz.

03-14-2008, 06:57 AM
Oh man this will give me away but I used to record game music to tape and listen to it in my car. ( just hit 30 ) hehe been doing this since I was 20!!

Anyways I remember having my snes hooked up to a stereo and being so happy at the test sounds of street fighter, oh man got the best looped recordings from that.

Man my mom listened to Weird Al when I was a kid, as I got older I got into movies and used to go crazy when I listened to Darth Vaders theme from Star Wars 6. What sucked was I watched that before I saw 4 or 5 :(

Anyways my very first Movie Soundtrack was KRULL, than Starwars... Still got the tapes too ( no way to play them any more )

Hey dont feel so bad i use to do the same thing; I remember having a little boombox with a tape player and a a piece to plug in a microphone; so in that slot i would plug in a pair of earphones; put them up to my speaker and record a few tracks from Mega man X, 7, X2, X3 (at the time i was so into Mega Man)

03-14-2008, 09:42 AM
Wow, thank you SOO MUCH!!! I just lost my 300gb hd which contained all the music I've found in the last 7 years!!! This will go a looong way in quickly restoring much of what I lost, I can't thank you enough!!!!!

03-14-2008, 06:21 PM
Ok so now I can download Track 1 and Tracks 6-14 of Chronicles of the Black Moon, the other four files claim there's some kind of error that's login related?

Are you using an ftp browser or internet explorer>? IE will sometimes randomly pop up and ask for PW and log in names ( thus why I hate using it ) plus it hammers my server when you browse.

Shoot me an email with your IP plus go make sure you are using a FTP browser like cuteftp OR better yet FLASHfxp.

This way I can make sure it did not auto ban you and you can DL stuff again..

03-14-2008, 06:23 PM

Been looking for the good ol' Um Jammer Lammy OST for quite a while now and you guys have it! Thank you again for the wonderful stuff!

Awesome site tooz.

Hey I HATE and LOVE that song soul brother lol, for some reason I kept listening to it and getting repulsed at the same time..

Enjoy the ost

03-14-2008, 06:24 PM
Wow, thank you SOO MUCH!!! I just lost my 300gb hd which contained all the music I've found in the last 7 years!!! This will go a looong way in quickly restoring much of what I lost, I can't thank you enough!!!!!

Don't take this the wrong way but you are not the first person I've heard say that :P

I'm sure you did indeed loose that music, GL getting it all back and enjoy.

03-14-2008, 08:07 PM
Hey dont feel so bad i use to do the same thing; I remember having a little boombox with a tape player and a a piece to plug in a microphone; so in that slot i would plug in a pair of earphones; put them up to my speaker and record a few tracks from Mega man X, 7, X2, X3 (at the time i was so into Mega Man)

Right on, hmm let me see here. I want to list all the games I recorded music from and lets hope I can remember straight enough to get them in order.

Final Fantasy 2 ( SNES ) FF4 Japan.
Final Fantasy 1
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
8-Eyes NES
Time Lord NES
Street Fighter 2 SNES
Zelda Link to the Past SNES
Zelda 2 NES
Metroid 1 NES
Super MEtroid SNES

After that I think I stoped for awhile but right after PS 1 came out I got a computer and started going crazy on Midis. That was back in oh 1997ish. By 1998 I think it was Napster came out and my 56k and I worked our asses off to grab shity singles from greedy napster users.

Than I meet a dude named Ateka and he introduced me to the wonderfull world of Mp3s. At first he shared some with me on Napster than got me into IRC and taught me how to use a FTP server / Browser.

One day back towards the end of 98 I asked him how I could ever repay him. I knew there was no real way unless he wanted all the porn scraps I collected on line. ( hey we all surfed porn when we first got out computers :P)

He told me the best way to repay him was to pass it on. So 10 years later I'm passing it on. But I will never trash them tapes I made, they are priceless.

tapes still have their uses I guess, back then there was no real way to capture that sound on to CD with out some facy and quite expensive set up.

03-14-2008, 08:19 PM have a great collection and i would like to download some of them.
The only problem is, that i don't know how to connect. I copy the IP address and paste it in a blank page. But it doesn't connect. What i must do??

(I can download those albums direct from the IP you say, or they are just links or torrents?)

Thank you.

03-14-2008, 11:14 PM have a great collection and i would like to download some of them.
The only problem is, that i don't know how to connect. I copy the IP address and paste it in a blank page. But it doesn't connect. What i must do??

(I can download those albums direct from the IP you say, or they are just links or torrents?)

Thank you.

First off you need to obtain by downloading an FTP browser. Google FLASHfxp and download install it.

Next you open it up and put in the revelant information like the IP address, your forum nick name and password. Hit enter and you will be connected.

PS This is an example of hammering my FTP and this is what gets people banned. I understand some of you are NEW at this and while I'm always happy to unban someone who accidently does this, it serves as an example of WHY information must be double checked in the first place.

(000119) 3/14/2008 3:29:58 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:29:58 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:29:58 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:29:59 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:29:59 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:00 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:00 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:01 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:01 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:02 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:02 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:03 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:03 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:03 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:03 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:04 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:04 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:05 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:05 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:05 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:05 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:06 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:06 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:08 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:08 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:09 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:09 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:13 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:13 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:18 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:18 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:19 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:19 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:19 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:19 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:20 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:20 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:23 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:23 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:24 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:24 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:24 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:24 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:25 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:25 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:25 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:25 PM - (not logged in) ( > 331 Password required for Administrator.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:26 PM - (not logged in) ( > PASS ********
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:26 PM - (not logged in) ( > 530 Login or Password incorrect.
(000119) 3/14/2008 3:30:26 PM - (not logged in) ( > USER Administrator

03-15-2008, 12:07 AM
Ok I had the trouble with Cute ftp and so I downloaded Flashfxp and everything worked fine.

I got the rest of Chronicles of the Black Moon
Sonic Rush Adventure
Mother 1
and Brandish

I hope that wasn't too much, I just got excited at all the great music.
Thanks so much for opening up your server.
btw nice one on having all the Monkey Island soundtracks :D

(I have more Lucas Arts music if you're interested, or I can give you easy links to it)

03-15-2008, 12:54 AM
Shively, what are some of your favorite soundtracks? I really like fully orchestrated works. Anything to recommend?

03-15-2008, 01:15 AM
Lunar, SakuraM, and (dear god, wow!) FoH music? I love you

03-15-2008, 01:33 AM
Hi, do you require certain clients? Or deny certain clients? I'm familiar with FTP but for some reason I can't login to this server. Perhaps the server is down at the moment? I'm connecting to using the password in parenthesis off the 1st post. I'm asked for login info, so I know I'm connecting, it just doesn't take my ID/pass combo...

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm using FlashFXP fine :) Thanks!

03-15-2008, 05:06 AM
Ok I had the trouble with Cute ftp and so I downloaded Flashfxp and everything worked fine.

I got the rest of Chronicles of the Black Moon
Sonic Rush Adventure
Mother 1
and Brandish

I hope that wasn't too much, I just got excited at all the great music.
Thanks so much for opening up your server.
btw nice one on having all the Monkey Island soundtracks :D

(I have more Lucas Arts music if you're interested, or I can give you easy links to it)

My friend there is no such thing as too much game music...

03-15-2008, 05:21 AM
Shively, what are some of your favorite soundtracks? I really like fully orchestrated works. Anything to recommend?

Well forgive me if I recomend something not orchestrated as you like but I am assuming you not only mean FULL BIG ocherstral but also done with the same instruments ( non synth )

Alright here are a few albums I recomend... As they appear on my FTP

Zelda Link to the Past Ocherstral.. These are tracks taken from actualy the drama CD but Ive never ran across the drama part but did get all the music tracks..

Zelda 64 Hyrule Symphony
Zelda Ocarina of Time Rearrange.... Ok enough of Zelda!!

Lets move on to Street Fighter
Street Fighter 2 Nesshou ( vocal )
Street Fighter 2 Instrumental ( same music as vocal but no vocals )

Now If I was wrong and its strictly Ocherstral Big Style albums you like than don't download any of them cept Zelda link to the past and Hyrule Symphony.

Now on to some of my all time favorites ( besides the ones every one loves )

Dragon Quest.. There are so many to name so just look for ones that say brass quintet etc... Stay away from the others cause they contain a lot of game sound.

Castlevania Special Music CD ( best of all castlevania IMO )

Lastly you MUST get a hold of this..

Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon Labyrinth of Forgotten Time

PS I'll be adding more albums and updating my list Sunday. I'm also going to add an upload folder strictly for uploads. It will be on a seperate account but pretty much you can upload anything, not just music.

I collect game wallpapers, media of any type. I'll also be expanding my FTP to include the few anime and movie albums I have.

Matt Soulblade
03-15-2008, 07:14 AM
Hmmm a lot of Nitro+ stuff... do want :)

03-15-2008, 09:13 AM
Thank You so much!!

03-15-2008, 09:59 AM
Love the FTP....Thanx for the support!

If I have some OST's or Anime Music, where can I upload some of it?

03-15-2008, 12:31 PM
It was pure hell trying to find the Ar Tonelico 2 Hymnos Albums. Thank you very much. ^^

03-15-2008, 02:57 PM
My apologies for poking your FTP kinda hard.
Only browser I have is Firefox, and I ddint think it'd tag it that many time.

My apologies again.

03-15-2008, 05:06 PM
Thanks for the suggestions! =) IM getting the Chocobo album now. Can't wait to hear it! =)

03-15-2008, 06:04 PM
I am probably a complete knucklehead, but are the albums on page 1 supposed to have hyperlinks? I am new and cannot figure out how to download. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

03-15-2008, 06:25 PM
Thank you Shively for your help. I connected and started downloading. Can i ask something? I download only with 30+ kb/s. You have set that speed or i have a problem?

03-15-2008, 07:20 PM
Yeehaw I'm lovin it! Thanks again!

03-15-2008, 08:07 PM
My apologies for poking your FTP kinda hard.
Only browser I have is Firefox, and I ddint think it'd tag it that many time.

My apologies again.

No problem, email me your IP address and I can unban you/

03-15-2008, 08:13 PM
I am probably a complete knucklehead, but are the albums on page 1 supposed to have hyperlinks? I am new and cannot figure out how to download. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Sucks these forums don't have a FAQ about FTP since they have a whole sub forum dedicated to downloading.

Alright well Go download a program called Flashfxp , if you want google what a ftp browser is. WOuld not hurt to google ftp server either.

Flashfxp is a program that allows you to log on to an FTP server. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. You would open it up and where it said URL you would put the IP. Port you would put the port etc.

Than hit connect and you will see a bunch of files pop up. IT will show them on one side while showing where you could download them etc.

Maybe one of these days I'll make a faq and post it OR make a cheep site to post my list and faqs since the mods here don't have them post.. ( maybe they don't want them here? )

03-15-2008, 08:15 PM
Thank you Shively for your help. I connected and started downloading. Can i ask something? I download only with 30+ kb/s. You have set that speed or i have a problem?

No that might be normal considering back when I had comcast any one person would be lucky to have that speed.

Considering I have a ton of people on my ftp id say your getting dam good speed. Honestly stability trumps speed any day, not to mention its better getting something slower than not at all....

Although I'd hardly call 30 KB/s slow to the point of being harsh...

03-15-2008, 08:22 PM
Hi Shively

After entering the IP, Username etc. AND using the Password celes, i get connection to the server, but when I try to download something, I receive the error-message "530 No more connections allowed for this IP"

But I only connected. BtW: rydia doesn't let me connect.

The prog i'm using is FileZilla

Slight correction: Nothing works now for me...

03-15-2008, 08:54 PM
Fillezilla is not good to use, please try flashfxp..

celes is the PW, set to be changed sunday.

Flashfxp is easy to use. just enter IP for URL, log in name and pw+ port. Matter in fact I think it comes with port 21 set by default.

Really easy to use and much better than filezilla.

03-15-2008, 09:07 PM
421 You are banned becuase you did a naughty on my server

sniff.. what did i do wrong? just the first time on the server.. was blown away by the collection and just wanted to download katamari damacy.. after a disconnect i tried to resume the transfer and now i am banned..

what rules did i forgot to follow? please tell me...
i feel guilty without knowing what i did wrong.. :(

03-15-2008, 09:08 PM
FYI on download speed, I've been able to consistently download at 100-120 kb/s, though I live in Oregon as well as Shively according to profile, so perhaps I have the best luck :)

03-15-2008, 09:14 PM
Ok I grabbed the Chocabo Dungeon on your advice, but when I went for the Castlevania special CD it stopped downloading at track 22, it said something about passive mode I had the same problem with Curse of Darkness too; not sure what's going on.

03-15-2008, 09:17 PM
Ok I grabbed the Chocabo Dungeon on your advice, but when I went for the Castlevania special CD it stopped downloading at track 22, it said something about passive mode I had the same problem with Curse of Darkness too; not sure what's going on.

Email your IP, I want to make sure it did not autoban you for something....

03-15-2008, 09:20 PM
421 You are banned becuase you did a naughty on my server

sniff.. what did i do wrong? just the first time on the server.. was blown away by the collection and just wanted to download katamari damacy.. after a disconnect i tried to resume the transfer and now i am banned..

what rules did i forgot to follow? please tell me...
i feel guilty without knowing what i did wrong.. :(

just rebooted my system.. same error.. i am banned.. sounds horrible... :-(

could you please explain it to me? i'm quiet new with this...

03-15-2008, 09:30 PM
Thanks for FTP :)

03-15-2008, 10:28 PM
Hey thanks,
getting Sonic + Actraiser OST, Castlevania after that.

Lance Bean
03-15-2008, 11:51 PM
Hello, Thans for this man, I'll be traying to download Konami Amusement Sounds Summer 93' (I really love this album and I can�t find it). Maybe I'll uptload one or two albums later. Just thanks again. See ya!

03-16-2008, 12:05 AM
just rebooted my system.. same error.. i am banned.. sounds horrible... :-(

could you please explain it to me? i'm quiet new with this...

Your IP is unbanned.

Nothing is wrong although I am going to be closing the server ( later tonight ) to add some shared folders so there is more music to choose from. I have a small selection of Movie and Anime albums. I am picky about what movie albums I like and anime is no different.

As far as music tastes in the non game area I prefer dark gothic ocherstral OR hard core industrial. Classical, Vocal is not bad...

03-16-2008, 05:43 AM
Hi Shively,

Awesome collection. Once I saw you have Twinbee Rainbow Bell Adventure, I know i'm gonna come back for some more!


03-16-2008, 07:47 AM
Taking my FTP offline for a few hours so I can DL 4 movies. Won't take too long, I'm getting 1.6 DL speed and 1.9 UL speed.... Thanks Verizon for making this possible. You may have OK FioS TV and Ok Fios phone ( both compareable to comcast) but yout FiOs internets give comcast a black eye....

EDIT: Ok back up, see that was not hard... about an hour or 3 movies later its up...

Sunday it will be down though for a short time while I add some new albums and share some folders of different albums..

Does any one collect game or anime related wallpapers. I've been considering adding the stuff I've collected over the last 10 years.

03-16-2008, 10:03 AM
Yah I would love the wallpapers :)

03-16-2008, 02:51 PM
ha ha just posting to keep the thread alive thanks again, love forever.

03-16-2008, 03:21 PM
I gotta take a look at this one thanks man.

03-16-2008, 04:48 PM
Ok I don't think I'm banned, but now when I got to download things, like Curse of Darkness, it makes a queue, but then nothing happens. I took a screenshot.

03-16-2008, 05:03 PM
That same exact thing happens to me as well.
I wonder what the problem is

03-16-2008, 07:16 PM
I have a doubt. Alien vs Predator OST is Capcom's arcade game? If it's like this I would like to download it.

By the way, I can upload Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes if you want.

03-16-2008, 07:53 PM
Sometimes it has hang ups. Routers are strange indeed. I tried connecting to my own server by using my computer + flashfxp and it won't even list stuff for me!!!

I looked into passive mode and will look into it further, that may be a key issue. ( I personaly never had these problems before the router ) But with shity router comes shity responsability....

PS don't got to ask me to upload, just do it :)

03-16-2008, 08:52 PM
Awesome collection, although, when I tried to download a song, it said incorrect pass, and I know I put it in right...

03-16-2008, 09:24 PM
Server going off line for awhile, it will be back up later today less than 5 hours. I am going to be adding some more crap to it.

I need to sort wallpapers that I want to add.

Ok Done, enjoy

03-17-2008, 12:18 AM
Basically just wanted to post in here so you don't end up banning me (thinking that I may not be a forum member..although I'll admit that it's not like I have a lot of posts)

Anyways, this is a very cool idea and a hell of a nice thing you did by setting this all up, I'll definitely be loving some of the stuff that you have on there...thanks

Edit: Also I guess it helps that I posted and bumped the thread as your request in your original post, just now got through reading thtat, at any rate...thanks once again

03-17-2008, 12:58 AM
Really Nice collection buddy, Bump!!!

03-17-2008, 03:18 AM
Hi Shively

I seem to be getting an odd error today :confused:
STATUS:> [17/03/2008 02:24:32] Connecting FTP data socket...
[17/03/2008 02:24:33] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting.
[17/03/2008 02:24:33] 226 Transfer ok
ERROR:> [17/03/2008 02:24:43] WARNING! Invalid FTP reply received: 3 digit number expected at the beginning of the server reply.

Is this on my end?

03-17-2008, 03:43 AM
Ok grabbed

Black Mages 1
Final Fantasy V
Pirates of the Carribean

Thanks again :D

03-17-2008, 03:44 AM
Thanks for the ftp site.. Might take a look what you have :-)

Grabbing Eye of the Beholder.
Addams Family


03-17-2008, 03:46 AM
to be honest, I'm new to this whole thing. getting the hang of it quick though.
Dang! That is a nice collection dude. Wow, Thank you! I've been looking for Kirby: crystal shards everywhere! :p Thanks again. :)

03-17-2008, 03:58 AM
Grabbing Final Fantasy IV DS OST :)

Grabbed few OCRemixes from Various.

Will upload something a little later - or when your next online.
Different Timezones.

03-17-2008, 05:47 AM
Hi Shively

I seem to be getting an odd error today :confused:
STATUS:> [17/03/2008 02:24:32] Connecting FTP data socket...
[17/03/2008 02:24:33] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting.
[17/03/2008 02:24:33] 226 Transfer ok
ERROR:> [17/03/2008 02:24:43] WARNING! Invalid FTP reply received: 3 digit number expected at the beginning of the server reply.

Is this on my end?

I honestly don't know why some people get these errors while others do not/ You may want to google a phrase of that error and see what comes up. On my end and I have checked it, my router is working fine and the majority 99% of the people on my FTP are having no issues. Thats about the best I can do.

I've only had to perma ban 1 person for being stupid enough to try and mass delete my stuff and they have not been from these forums.

03-17-2008, 05:59 AM
looking forward to grabbing the sleleton warrior music

Sound Reaper
03-17-2008, 06:23 AM
Hello, this is Sound Reaper. Unfortunately, I don't know everything that you have on you FTP, so I will have to look around a bit upon attempt of logging in. If I find something I like, I will edit this post respectively.

Approx. time for searching: 5- 10 mins. I hope this isn't too much of a problem.

Okay, now downloading a bit of: 1080 Snowboarding (as a test).

EDIT # 2 - Please contact me in regards to adding my gamerips to your FTP in the event that you don't have them. I will be glad to provide a list (there's at least 12 or so rips).

EDIT # 3 - Now attempting to find apropriate soundtrack downloads.....

Okay, so 1080 was all I decided to get for now, be sure to contact me about possible additions I can make since I may just go ahead and upload some soundtracks I know you won't have (like Sonic Rivals perhaps).

03-17-2008, 10:35 AM
thanks man you are a life saver i am looking for memories off 5 torigeta film mp3 thanks again keep me post on where you get the other song thanks

03-17-2008, 12:38 PM
Hey, you also got a freakin' nice collection.

But check this thread (Thread 49374), this guy have the most awesome collection i ever saw!

03-17-2008, 12:50 PM
I thought I would help. Here is some nice rips of

Shinobi X and Shinobi Legends..

Hope you enjoy..

Also here is The Super Shinobi And Works OST


03-17-2008, 02:32 PM
Definitely It's not the Capcom's arcade game. Anyway, I upload Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Knights of the Round and Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes.

03-17-2008, 02:52 PM

and What is the problem?
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-Game Albums
Response: 220-Welcome to Shively Game Album FTP server. Please don\\\'t hammer the server
Response: 220-or complain about what you download. No one is forcing you.
Response: 220-
Response: 220-
Response: 220 Thank You and enjoy the music.......
Command: USER -FDM64-
Response: 331 Password required for -FDM64-.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 230 User General Acct Share logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 \\\"/\\\" is current directory.
Status: Directory listing successful
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-Game Albums
Response: 220-Welcome to Shively Game Album FTP server. Please don\\\'t hammer the server
Response: 220-or complain about what you download. No one is forcing you.
Response: 220-
Response: 220-
Response: 220 Thank You and enjoy the music.......
Command: USER -FDM64-
Response: 331 Password required for -FDM64-.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 530 No more connection allowed for this IP.
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-Game Albums
Response: 220-Welcome to Shively Game Album FTP server. Please don\\\'t hammer the server
Response: 220-or complain about what you download. No one is forcing you.
Response: 220-
Response: 220-
Response: 220 Thank You and enjoy the music.......
Command: USER -FDM64-
Response: 331 Password required for -FDM64-.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 530 No more connection allowed for this IP.
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-Game Albums
Response: 220-Welcome to Shively Game Album FTP server. Please don\\\'t hammer the server
Response: 220-or complain about what you download. No one is forcing you.
Response: 220-
Response: 220-
Response: 220 Thank You and enjoy the music.......
Command: USER -FDM64-
Response: 331 Password required for -FDM64-.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 530 No more connection allowed for this IP.
Error: Could not connect to server

03-17-2008, 02:58 PM
Cool Xd

03-17-2008, 08:16 PM

and What is the problem?
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-Game Albums
Response: 220-Welcome to Shively Game Album FTP server. Please don\\\'t hammer the server
Response: 220-or complain about what you download. No one is forcing you.
Response: 220-
Response: 220-
Response: 220 Thank You and enjoy the music.......
Command: USER -FDM64-
Response: 331 Password required for -FDM64-.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 230 User General Acct Share logged in.
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 \\\"/\\\" is current directory.
Status: Directory listing successful
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-Game Albums
Response: 220-Welcome to Shively Game Album FTP server. Please don\\\'t hammer the server
Response: 220-or complain about what you download. No one is forcing you.
Response: 220-
Response: 220-
Response: 220 Thank You and enjoy the music.......
Command: USER -FDM64-
Response: 331 Password required for -FDM64-.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 530 No more connection allowed for this IP.
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-Game Albums
Response: 220-Welcome to Shively Game Album FTP server. Please don\\\'t hammer the server
Response: 220-or complain about what you download. No one is forcing you.
Response: 220-
Response: 220-
Response: 220 Thank You and enjoy the music.......
Command: USER -FDM64-
Response: 331 Password required for -FDM64-.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 530 No more connection allowed for this IP.
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220-Game Albums
Response: 220-Welcome to Shively Game Album FTP server. Please don\\\'t hammer the server
Response: 220-or complain about what you download. No one is forcing you.
Response: 220-
Response: 220-
Response: 220 Thank You and enjoy the music.......
Command: USER -FDM64-
Response: 331 Password required for -FDM64-.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 530 No more connection allowed for this IP.
Error: Could not connect to server

Are you using an FTP browser to connect, looks like it but also it looks like you are trying to make more than one connection at a time. It allows only one. I also suggest you google a part of that phrase for more info

03-17-2008, 08:17 PM
Definitely It's not the Capcom's arcade game. Anyway, I upload Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Knights of the Round and Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes.

Can you pin point the album, I want to correct any misslabeled albums. Unless its a rip than I hope to find a track list for it

03-17-2008, 08:21 PM
Hey, you also got a freakin' nice collection.

But check this thread (Thread 49374), this guy have the most awesome collection i ever saw!

Apparently I know him or he knows me from a different venue but there is a huge difference between us.

I collect ALL game music, CD music, Official OSTS and game rips. Typicaly Game Rips contain some sounds not found on official OSTS plus nothing like the original game sound reminds me most of the game I had so much fun with.

Another big difference is he trades. While thats fine and there is nothing wrong with it, I share and HOPE to run across that album I don't have.

While his method is better for ME than My own method, its not BETTER FOR YOU. If you have nothing, you get nothing. My method allows you to obtain something for nothing.. Well not entirely nothing, I do pay a huge ISP bill every month.


03-17-2008, 08:23 PM
Hello, this is Sound Reaper. Unfortunately, I don't know everything that you have on you FTP, so I will have to look around a bit upon attempt of logging in. If I find something I like, I will edit this post respectively.

Approx. time for searching: 5- 10 mins. I hope this isn't too much of a problem.

Okay, now downloading a bit of: 1080 Snowboarding (as a test).

EDIT # 2 - Please contact me in regards to adding my gamerips to your FTP in the event that you don't have them. I will be glad to provide a list (there's at least 12 or so rips).

EDIT # 3 - Now attempting to find apropriate soundtrack downloads.....

Okay, so 1080 was all I decided to get for now, be sure to contact me about possible additions I can make since I may just go ahead and upload some soundtracks I know you won't have (like Sonic Rivals perhaps).

I'm always looking for Labeled Track listed rips of albums I don't have...

because of you I'm going to re add my pasted music list to the first thread..... I guess it helps .

Looking for
Bjorn Lynne - Quiet Places
Bjorn Lynne - Return To Witchwood
Bjorn Lynne - Soothe
Bjorn Lynne - Statement

03-17-2008, 08:45 PM
Where did the Ace Combat soundtracks go? I took a peak and couldn't find them.

I haven't read the entire thread. Did the server have to be reset at some point or something?

03-17-2008, 09:24 PM
Please read the updates on first post.

If you can find something that was in a folder before, I sugest you look in the new folder added. Please enjoy.

03-17-2008, 10:10 PM
1st time posting but I wanted to thank you for this thread. It was great finding some long lost titles.

03-17-2008, 10:10 PM
Wow, you have everything. How did you find all of these soundtracks? It's like heaven, on your FTP! OMG

03-17-2008, 10:32 PM
Apparently I know him or he knows me from a different venue but there is a huge difference between us.

I collect ALL game music, CD music, Official OSTS and game rips. Typicaly Game Rips contain some sounds not found on official OSTS plus nothing like the original game sound reminds me most of the game I had so much fun with.

Another big difference is he trades. While thats fine and there is nothing wrong with it, I share and HOPE to run across that album I don't have.

While his method is better for ME than My own method, its not BETTER FOR YOU. If you have nothing, you get nothing. My method allows you to obtain something for nothing..

Hey, Shively!
Of course i know you (but you probably don't know me much..)
I am giving a hint for you, i downloaded a few soundtracks from you today (still downloading) ;)

But you are perfectly right on everything you said.
You collect game rips while i don't. And i am trading while you'r giving for free (but don't worry i also do that a lot).

I am also looking (without success so far) for
Bjorn Lynne - Quiet Places
Bjorn Lynne - Return To Witchwood
Bjorn Lynne - Soothe
Bjorn Lynne - Statement

do you got all of his other albums?

I'd love to share like you, but seems like your net connection is millions times better than mine..

Anyway, good continuation!

03-17-2008, 11:19 PM
I've had a steady queue of soundtracks downloading and just now noticed you requested that we post when we connect. Sorry about that and I'll make sure I post each time I connect from here on out :)

03-17-2008, 11:36 PM
Can you pin point the album, I want to correct any misslabeled albums. Unless its a rip than I hope to find a track list for it

The album that you have it's alien vs predator PC's game.

PS: I uploaded Cadillacs & Dinosaurs and Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes. I can't upload Knights of the Round because it's bad ripped.

03-18-2008, 12:21 AM
Downloading Luigi's Mansion

Would like to upload an album on your server I have yet to see anywhere.
Please PM me for details.


03-18-2008, 12:27 AM
I've been looking for the Metal Saga Sound tracks forever. Thanks!

03-18-2008, 12:38 AM
Thanks for the suggestions! IM downloading some of the Live Orchestra game concerts. Some really beautiful stuff on those. =)

03-18-2008, 01:25 AM
By the way can anyone provie a link to Romance of the three Kingdoms XI soundtrack? I've been waiting anxiously for it..But cant find it anywhere...Can anyone help? Thanks alot

03-18-2008, 01:44 AM
Thanks for this!

03-18-2008, 02:54 AM




03-18-2008, 03:00 AM
Metal Gear Solid 1
Mario Paint

It was slower than usual for me tonight, like normally I get 30-90 kbps
and today I got like 9, but oh well, its all good.

Thanks :D

03-18-2008, 03:34 AM
sweet collection bra

Et Filius
03-18-2008, 03:35 AM
Oh my... Thankyou so much for this post. I wil post every time I download something.

03-18-2008, 03:35 AM
Hey, Shively!
Of course i know you (but you probably don't know me much..)
I am giving a hint for you, i downloaded a few soundtracks from you today (still downloading) ;)

But you are perfectly right on everything you said.
You collect game rips while I don't. And I am trading while you'r giving for free (but don't worry i also do that a lot).

I am also looking (without success so far) for
Bjorn Lynne - Quiet Places
Bjorn Lynne - Return To Witchwood
Bjorn Lynne - Soothe
Bjorn Lynne - Statement

do you got all of his other albums?

I'd love to share like you, but seems like your net connection is millions times better than mine..

Anyway, good continuation!

Oh whew I was wondering if you would think I was being partial and not fair which I was trying to put a clear picture on things for newer people / collectors.

I NEVER got the collection I have by worrying about speeds. I would love to browse your list and plan on doing so this next weekend. I'm sure you have a lot of stuff I don't while I have some other things you don't. I'll trade but I'm not a tit for tat kinda guy, although I am not the type who will upload 1 album and grab 100 in exchange. Lets hook up on AIM sometime and chat about it, I'm sure we can come to some arrangement considering I might have to move my anime and movie albums to my main HD to clear up space on my slave drive ( where I keep all game music ) At any rate if you enjoy any rare japanese game music I'm sure we can keep each other happy.

I'm pretty sure we know a lot of the same people who we exchange stuff with on a equal basis. Not to mention any one knows me for good or bad will never say I'm greedy and don't share.

I have a lot of rips and honestly I am going thru each set A- Z and going to take all the non labeled ones out, lable what I can and hopefully find rips to the albums I can't find labels to.

EVERY ONE READ: Its hard with out playing the game to know what to name each track thus why a FRESH rip thats properly labeled is needed. Please note any tags you put on it will stay :) I'm not going to delete the rippers name / email.

Et Filius
03-18-2008, 03:43 AM
Mmmm, power outage in my area and got disconnected. I will try again... thnx!

03-18-2008, 04:31 AM
Hey dood. First off, amazing FTP. Found a link to it when googling for SSH and Hellion Sounds. (And I must ask to those who might know. Are the two one and the same? The instrument choice for their songs sound nigh identical!) In any case, i'm grabbing the Lost Child stuffs you have, as well as Hellion Sounds. Much thanks for hosting!

Shit. I had used Filezilla (apparently had read everything on your first post except not to use it. -.- ) and I think it got a little hammer happy. Have SmartFTP client installed now, but it looks like i already got myself banned from the server. In any case, sorry for the trouble and I'll try back at a different time. Thanks again for hosting all this goodness.

03-18-2008, 07:47 AM
Hey dood. First off, amazing FTP. Found a link to it when googling for SSH and Hellion Sounds. (And I must ask to those who might know. Are the two one and the same? The instrument choice for their songs sound nigh identical!) In any case, i'm grabbing the Lost Child stuffs you have, as well as Hellion Sounds. Much thanks for hosting!

Shit. I had used Filezilla (apparently had read everything on your first post except not to use it. -.- ) and I think it got a little hammer happy. Have SmartFTP client installed now, but it looks like i already got myself banned from the server. In any case, sorry for the trouble and I'll try back at a different time. Thanks again for hosting all this goodness.

Well I took care of the ban, enjoy the music.

03-18-2008, 07:48 AM
How come it looks like theres almost none of the Music on here that as here two days ago, just some wierd Anime OST's??

03-18-2008, 08:15 AM
great been looking for the Shirogane no Soleil Successor of Wyrd sound track.

03-18-2008, 08:34 AM
any one can sent me the song screen wiz you from Memories Off #5 Togireta Film Audio Collection i can't seem to download from there cause the files is big about 5.07 mb so if anyone have can you sent it to my email [email protected] thanks man

03-18-2008, 08:37 AM
Well I took care of the ban, enjoy the music.

oh yeah thanks man but can you sent me the song screen wiz you from Memories Off #5 Togireta Film Audio Collection. the files is too big for me to download so can you sent me pretty please with sugar on top thanks i'll be waiting for your reply

03-18-2008, 09:20 AM
sorry shively i got it already i kinda mix up i use the netftp which is online so it does not allow me download files more than 5 mb any i wanna say thank man can't find it without you uploading it here to your effort cheer man. thanks again. i will post again. until then.

03-18-2008, 11:13 AM
I never managed to finish downloading the albums I wanted. Thanks again, BTW.

03-18-2008, 01:03 PM
Thanks you very much for this, Got the Kirite Album :)

03-18-2008, 01:51 PM
hi, shively, right now, i can't connect your server address. i already used this Server address : but i can't connect. what should I do next? my firefox is completely white.

03-18-2008, 03:32 PM
Hey, JUST REFRESH and use the right password, its changed again and does so about once a week.

YOU CAN'T email mp3s via email, to dam big.

Just log back in...

Stop using filezilla, firefox or IE to log on, it will always mess up and never work right. go learn yerselves FTP browsers

03-18-2008, 03:40 PM
hi, shively, right now, i can't connect your server address. i already used this Server address : but i can't connect. what should I do next? my firefox is completely white.

Use a real FTP browser, firefox and other internet browsers suck. Read some past posts by people who had issues with it.

03-18-2008, 05:00 PM
i see... so all i have to do is to use FTP as a browser right? OK, I'll give it a try.

03-18-2008, 05:26 PM
thanks, hope this works!

03-18-2008, 05:32 PM
got some error here.

Connecting to: kenshiro
Connecting to host (
! Winsock error: an unexpected winsock error occured (10054)
! Unknown response from host
! Error connecting to: kenshiro

is there something wrong? I already use my nickname as ID and unclehams as password.

03-18-2008, 05:47 PM
lol i have my own website and use SmartFTP(the one im using for you) and dreamweaver.

I tried the changing password buddy, but I will try it again ^_~

*edit* it actually didnt work

03-18-2008, 05:59 PM
Please refresh your FTP Browsers. Please if you don't know what or how to use a FTP browser , look it up or seek help forums. I don't have time to write out a big FAQ but if someone wants to feel free to.

I added some new stuff but am not finished so if you want an updated list just download it....
Check out the incomplete albums folder, it houses both incomplete albums and a list of albums that are missing labels.

Decided no sense in seperating crap just for not having a label since I know they are complete. Ah well server back up for the day, go knock yer self out!!

03-18-2008, 06:09 PM
Your amazing nvm i suck ur right im wrong xD

ty ty ty

03-18-2008, 06:22 PM
ah... finally i can download. thank you very much mr. shively.

03-18-2008, 06:42 PM
I'm connecting, and I'll set my filezilla to 1 download at a time

03-18-2008, 08:49 PM
Awesome The Legend of Valkyrie thanks

03-18-2008, 08:50 PM
Hi Shively

Could you check the Luigi's Mansion tracks 44 & 45

I keep getting STATUS:> [18/03/2008 19:45:56] Connecting FTP data socket... and then a timeout for these two tracks.

I thought it was something on my end but from track 46 onwards it's fine.


03-18-2008, 10:14 PM
i'm interested to dl the Everquest and EQ2 ost.
will try to connect.
thanks in advance.

03-18-2008, 10:22 PM
sorry double post

03-19-2008, 12:12 AM
wow you have a lot of soundtracks. Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing:-D

Jackie Fhan
03-19-2008, 02:27 AM
Would it ever be possible for you to get all of the ridge racer 1 stuff?

I will keep an eye on this thread and the new stuff you get. There is a lot of things I want to get but I'd have to research that stuff a bit first.

Jackie Fhan
03-19-2008, 02:33 AM
And thank you for all your hard work, how did you get a hold of this collection, simply d/ling them or what?

Honestly, great work though. You should be proud.

Jackie Fhan
03-19-2008, 02:38 AM
Why is this not stickied?

03-19-2008, 04:20 AM
Thanks so much for making this stunning collection available! I'm downloading Rurouni Kenshin OST, probably will download more when I dig thru my memory and recall some other great soundtracks.

p.s. feel free to be proud to be the one that made me register on this forum :D

03-19-2008, 04:47 AM
Hi Shively

Could you check the Luigi's Mansion tracks 44 & 45

I keep getting STATUS:> [18/03/2008 19:45:56] Connecting FTP data socket... and then a timeout for these two tracks.

I thought it was something on my end but from track 46 onwards it's fine.


You know I listened to both of them and Track 45 seemed like it should have been longer but I kept thinking back to Super Mario Brothers 3, so it sorta makes sense that its just a short track. Sorry I never played the game but many rips contain not only the full looped tracks but also some of the short audio clips and or sound effects.

In any case it seemed normal to me, grab the missing tracks there.

03-19-2008, 04:50 AM
I'm connecting, and I'll set my filezilla to 1 download at a time

I hate your filezilla :( why not just use an FTP browser, works somuch better.. Plus you learn something usefull... You could even call it FTPzilla lol

Na as long as it does not pound my Server im happy.

03-19-2008, 04:59 AM
Hey guys You have no idea how happy I am right now LOL. with in 1 month my ass will have 1 TB space ( slave drive) that will operate on a 32 MB cache hehe Ill use a dinky 80 for main drive. that means I can add tons more stuff and you all can go crazy downloading.

I wish there was a better platform than this forum to host this stuff from, seems very hard to keep track of comments, requests etc when its confined to a thread but we shall manage for now...

Anyways as always please keep an eye for track lists or if you have a labeled album that I have but not labeled than please let me know. I promise any of you worrying types that any one kinda enough to take time to upload track lists or albums that are incomplete or unlabeled on my end will never be cut short from getting what they want. My FTP is not going any where and any one who knows me knows I LOVE sharing my music.


03-19-2008, 05:18 AM
Great collection of music there, thanks for the share~! Just wondering if you have the soundtracks for Wild Arms XF, would really love to have that :) Keep up the good job~!

Et Filius
03-19-2008, 05:35 AM
Just downloaded Last Odyssey OST... Marvelous!

03-19-2008, 06:36 AM
Just to state a small misplacement: The Rurouni Kenshin ost under Anime Albums is actually the game soundtrack no.1, while the one under game albums>r is soundtrack no.2

I've tried moving the first one down to it's fitting category, but the server wouldn't allow me.

Anyways, I thought I'd do you a favour and upload Rurouni Kenshin tv OST #1. Couldn't help myself not sharing, in my opinion, one of the best anime soundtracks. It's just that it has that "something".
I'll upload the rest of the Rurouni soundtracks from the tv series later on.

03-19-2008, 06:36 AM
Thanks man, I love ftp transfers, much easier to manage.

03-19-2008, 06:42 AM
What the hell, I forgot to post my post? Bah... Here it goes again:

The Rurouni Kenshin soundtrack under Anime Albums is actually Rurouni Kenshin Game 1 OST, while the one under Game Albums>R is Game 2 OST. Server wouldn't let me move the first one, guess only you can do it, so...yeah. You should do it :D

Meanwhile, I'm uploading the real Rurouni Kenshin anime ost, from the tv series. It'll take a while cuz my up speed sucks (25kB/s), but it's uppin', steadily and slowly :D

03-19-2008, 07:12 AM
Hello, Shively. Your collection are so great! There are many OSTs I'm looking for in the list. Thank you very much!

03-19-2008, 07:48 AM
Hello. Your collection is awesome! There are many things that I'm lookin for in your list.
Thank you very much.

03-19-2008, 09:02 AM
I hate your filezilla :( why not just use an FTP browser, works somuch better.. Plus you learn something usefull... You could even call it FTPzilla lol

Na as long as it does not pound my Server im happy.

hahaha. i agree. btw... thx for the soundtrack. :)

03-19-2008, 02:57 PM
Great collection. Downloading Dungeon Siege 2 OST.

Edit: It appears that there is no Dungeon Siege 2 Soundtrack, just for DS 1.

03-19-2008, 05:08 PM
Dropped by to download Vampirdzhija Vjedogonia OST. Will probably download more Nitro+ stuff in the future (Angelos Armas, at least).

And I am please with the speed increase. Keep the good stuff coming!

03-19-2008, 07:06 PM
I see alot of people here hate FileZilla, but people, it's free, thats why I use it, I don't exactly wanna bomb my PC full of illegally downloaded applications! :(

03-19-2008, 08:15 PM
noiz you're not crazy, you did post at the end of page 9 :) I'm going to grab some anime albums, thanks :) I'll see if I can contribute though I don't have much of a collection

03-19-2008, 08:17 PM
Had few problems uploading due to not being able to resume. :(
See the attached Readme in the folder


Downloading Best Of Grandia & some GMF tracks

Tracklisting for Best of Grandia

1. Theme of Grandia (I)
2. Town of Palm (I)
3. Ghost Ship (I)
4. Battle 1 (II)
5. New Palm - Frontier of My Heart (I)
6. Village of Ruku (II)
7. The Edge of the World (I)
8. Four Volley Rounds of Tension (I)
9. Prayers of Ganbo (I)
10. The Sandy Beach of Ganbo (I)
11. Battle 3 (II)
12. Farewell to Sue (I)
13. The Beautiful Woman of Alent (I)
14. Jilpadon (I)
15. Dungeon 2 (II)
16. Leen's Love Theme (I)
17. Time to Relax and Talk (New take)
18. PAVANE (New take)

Lance Bean
03-19-2008, 09:16 PM
Hey I dowloaded something a few days ago, tahbks man and I have a couple of Albums I haven't see in your list (Contra , Super Contra, Contra III, Mortal Kombat II -Arcade Versions- Mortal Kombat I (Sega genesis Version) - for example ) I'll upload it later (I don't know how to do it so i must learn first :P) and Konami amusement Sounds Summer '93 (ufff long name -_-U) track list. Thanks again, and good luck.

03-19-2008, 10:11 PM
Just to state a small misplacement: The Rurouni Kenshin ost under Anime Albums is actually the game soundtrack no.1, while the one under game albums>r is soundtrack no.2

I've tried moving the first one down to it's fitting category, but the server wouldn't allow me.

Anyways, I thought I'd do you a favour and upload Rurouni Kenshin tv OST #1. Couldn't help myself not sharing, in my opinion, one of the best anime soundtracks. It's just that it has that "something".
I'll upload the rest of the Rurouni soundtracks from the tv series later on.

Alright so I got this str8 I took the 4 seperate files and added them to the one which had mising tracks, plus I moved the ost out of anime albums and put it under game albums.

Hey email me, thanks for your help. I think you deserve to have a private account so msg me for details.

Also I am taking my FTP off line for most likely the better part of today because I have a good friend who is going to be uploading some replacement albums that I've been looking for. Private accounts will not be affected by this.

03-19-2008, 10:36 PM
Downloaded Yoshi, LOTR 2&3

I'd be willing to upload any soundtracks i have that are not here =)

03-19-2008, 10:56 PM
Ok I forgot to post:
yesterday I got

Final Fantasy 1,4
Devil May Cry
Dragon Quest 1

I have some stuff I'd upload when the server is back up again too if you're interested, mainly Valkyrie prof 2, the Flyff Soundtrack, and the Runescape sound collection.

03-19-2008, 11:58 PM
...because I have a good friend who is going to be uploading some replacement albums that I've been looking for.

Anything new &/or rare that have not been floating around before ? ;)

03-20-2008, 12:41 AM
Stealing some stuff. Thanks a ton.

03-20-2008, 01:01 AM
megabug7 Thanks for the track list, I copied it to the correct tracks right away. See that little bit saved me from doing a ton of searching when I honestly don't have tons of time with school starting and dealing with listing new stuff comming in.

Thats not to say you guys have tons of time to do my dirty work for me BUT as a way of saying thanks its a nice gesture to provide a random track list to an album that is not labeled.

Every bit helps and in return I share music :)

I'll share regardless of getting track lists and remember I NEVER require uploads to keep this server open. I just ask you please help out, paste your track lists here and I promise to get right on top of every one :)

Server is back up, PLEASE DO NOT DOWNLOAD STUFF IN UPLOADS FOLDER. Much of it is going to be moved after being listed plus its not all complete at this time. Thanks.

Thats nice but I'm asking that ( other than replacement albums for the incompletes / unlabeled ) to hold off uploads.

In 3 weeks I am building a new computer that will have a 80GB Main HD 750 GB slave plus a 300 GB slave. With this we can insure I won't run dry on space.

Thanks guys.

03-20-2008, 01:37 AM
No no, I seem to have mislead you with my post eh..

You now have:
Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 1
Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 2

Ost 1 is actually the one I uploaded, containing 28 tracks, and it belongs to Anime albums.
Ost 2 is the one that used to be in Anime albums, and it really does belong in Game albums, but should be renamed.


Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 1 > Anime albums>Rurouni Kenshin ost 1

Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 2 > Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 1

missing folder* > Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 2

I don't know how, but that missing folder is a folder you used to have when I was searching Game albums, and now it's been deleted and replaced by the first two..Sorry to cause you the hassle, but it should now be re-uploaded, it would be a shame if it now left the collection.

Also, could you give me your e-mail? I can't find it via your forum profile, and I've got some questions.

03-20-2008, 02:42 AM
Thanks a lot for your upload. I'm sure this is a great collection.

03-20-2008, 02:54 AM

I'm always getting the erro message 530.
I would very much like to use FTP, could help me?
Thx a lot :]

03-20-2008, 02:57 AM
Awesome thread
This should be stickied =D

Thanks so much!

03-20-2008, 03:07 AM
Oh very beatiful collection. Thank you!

03-20-2008, 04:38 AM
OMG - What an awesome list of soundtracks!!! Loving the idea of FTP'ing... just gotta poke and prod the pc into life beforehand... well done for sharing.

03-20-2008, 05:53 AM

I'm always getting the erro message 530.
I would very much like to use FTP, could help me?
Thx a lot :]

Default Flash Fxp error ... "530 Permission denied." did you have the correct password? ...

03-20-2008, 06:01 AM
No no, I seem to have mislead you with my post eh..

You now have:
Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 1
Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 2

Ost 1 is actually the one I uploaded, containing 28 tracks, and it belongs to Anime albums.
Ost 2 is the one that used to be in Anime albums, and it really does belong in Game albums, but should be renamed.


Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 1 > Anime albums>Rurouni Kenshin ost 1

Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 2 > Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 1

missing folder* > Game albums>R>Rurouni Kenshin ost 2

I don't know how, but that missing folder is a folder you used to have when I was searching Game albums, and now it's been deleted and replaced by the first two..Sorry to cause you the hassle, but it should now be re-uploaded, it would be a shame if it now left the collection.

Also, could you give me your e-mail? I can't find it via your forum profile, and I've got some questions.

I could not PM you so I guess Il whore my email out here... Shivelykegler ( at ) gmail....

Ok I did what you said, you can now find Rurouni Kenshin no.1 in the game album folder, formaly misslabeled no.2

the other two albums Rurouni Kenshin no.1 + Rurouni Kenshin tv 1 you can now find in the anime albums folder. Is this correct?

I think so and thanks.

NOTE TO EVERY ONE: I will be adding Final Fantasy 1987~1994 to my collection. LET ME STRONGLY suggest you download it. If you love FF 1 and love full on ocherstral than grab it. It has some other FF music but nothing past 6. Enjoy the music.

03-20-2008, 10:52 AM
Great collection! Thx!