03-02-2008, 10:05 PM
How about we discuss the upcoming fourth and last season of Galactica. :)

But for those of you who want to be teased check out these two sneak peaks of season four.

video 1 (

video 2 (


EDIT- I'll lay out my thoughts on BSG s4 tomorrow when I get a chance. Thanks for the sticky, Duo!. :)

03-02-2008, 10:18 PM
i am really excited about season 4! i loved season 3, i thought the season finale was fantastic.

i havent seen those trailers before! was gaius actually willing to sacrifice himself? or just bluffing. hmm. i guess the tools/pet thing is about the centurions, but is it possible it is about the hybrids or something?

in general bsg is probably my favourite show on tv right now. gaius might actually be my favourite character. i like the way that he is conflicted. i think in a big way i just want him to turn out to really be a good guy somewhere deep under there, although i have my doubts that will actually happen. i guess i just like the idea of someone redeeming themselves.

also : has anyone seen razor? and when is season 4 starting?

03-02-2008, 10:24 PM
Razor was awesome. I mean, even though I felt it hard to swallow the "we went on a mission during season 2 which was important but never mentioned it" angle I still thought it was gripping and revealed much more about Kains personality and her need for survival. In fact, anyone who hasn't seen the extended DVD should check it out. It includes a few more scenes including Kain as a child during the original cylon war. It gives a great reason to why she despises them so much.

Also Duo, S4 begins April 4th in America. Not sure about Sky One yet.

Also Also, Baltar ftw but I am partial to a nice bit of Starbuck now and again.

04-04-2008, 07:58 AM
First new episode of S4 should be coming out in less than a day now :) I can't wait. They better have done this season justice.

Atom Narmor
04-04-2008, 10:05 AM
I think they did. BG is raw by my standards!

04-05-2008, 03:03 PM
omg omg omg

I can't believe BSG is finally back. I'm gushing like a schoolgirl.


Tonight's episode was unfortunately a pretty 'nothing' start to the season - but it would be hard to top Season 3's New Caprica resistance. We didn't really find out anything we didn't already know - mind you, there were two wow moments. Saul shooting Adama was a nice touch, even though it was just his imagination - it shows us just how dangerous of a time-bomb the Four are. And Anders receiving his orders (I assume) was a nice touch.

But the big surprise is of course the cliffhanger ending! I don't think that Starbuck is actually going to shoot Roslin (that will get her thrown in the brig, or more likely tossed out an airlock), but still, i'll definately be on edge for next week's episode.

And just because it's always interesting - who do you think is the Final model? We know it's somebody in the fleet at least (because the captive Six said she could feel all five nearby), and it's probably going to be somebody we know and love (or love to hate). In my opinion, Baltar tops the list - it would mean the Six in his head isn't just some form of crazyness. However, I think Adama is a pretty good candidate for Cylon-hood - at first it didn't make sense that Saul was a Cylon since human-model cylons didn't exist during the first war, but maybe the real Saul Tigh and William Adama were replaced at some point by Cylonic counterparts.

I don't know how I would react to finding out Adama was a cylon, but it would certainly make for an interesting twist.

04-06-2008, 08:23 PM
i didnt know s04 had started til today! i'm so behind the times. just started a torrent now and will post my thoughts later i suppose, but im really happy and excited, i thought it would be longer. ^___^

04-06-2008, 11:12 PM
double post

imo gaius isn't a particularly good choice for the fifth. i think his story would mean a lot less if he were, and aside from that it's a bit too obvious. adama would be one of the most interesting, or roslin especially given her no mercy attitude towards cylons. i hope i will be surprised at least.

anyways, whoever it is, i dont know if i will be too shaken about it, i mostly have sympathy for the cylons tbh.

and yeah, fairly enjoyable episode but not an awful lot happened.

Sharon Agathon
04-08-2008, 08:03 AM

#1 Primetime Program in Cable Among P25-54s Series' High for Female Viewership

New York, NY � April 7, 2008 � The Emmy and Peabody-winning Battlestar Galactica, SCI FI's top original series of 2007, returned with a vengeance on Friday, April 4 at 10pm. The season 4 premiere episode, "He That Believeth In Me," was the #1 cable program in primetime among the Channel's key P25-54 demo. The episode also scored as the #3 cable program of the night among P18-49s.

Battlestar's season 4 premiere earned a 1.6 HH rating , more than 1.5 million P25-54s, 1.4 million P18-49s and more than 2.1 million total viewers. The episode delivered double-digit increases versus the show's highly-rated season 3.5 premiere (January 21, 2007) � up +14% in HH ratings, +19% among P25-54s , +11% among P18-49s and +19% in total viewers P2+.

*found this article at sci-fi channel forums~

Sharon Agathon
04-10-2008, 07:58 AM
*Also: first 10 minutes of "He That Believeth In Me" was <3<3<3~

Battle of the Ionian Nebula clip thingy:

04-12-2008, 02:48 PM
Did anyone feel that tonight's episode went a bit over the top with saying 'farewell' to Lee? i mean, he's only changing jobs, not dying.

I'm worried that this means that Jamie Bamber is leaving the show before the season finishes - that would suck :(

Apart from that, tonight's episode was fantastic - dissension within the Cylon ranks gives the humans a slight edge, and the fact that Baltar is seeing himself now instead of Six is, well,hilarious.

Sharon Agathon
04-15-2008, 10:35 AM
... the fact that Baltar is seeing himself now instead of Six is, well,hilarious.
Baltar's vision of himself looks exactly like Six's Baltar. =\

Is Baltar a Cylon?

also(minor spoilers)...

I heard Cally dies in the next episode. :(
(Sarah is going to cry)

*edit: ep3 teaser showing Cally finding out about her husband being a Cylon.

04-15-2008, 02:39 PM
Cally & Tyrol were always a weird couple anyway. I know she's a lot older than she looks but still... there was some ick factor there.

Maybe this is going to re-open the Tyrol / Boomer romance, which would be <3

04-15-2008, 03:14 PM
cally is the best though. i hope she doesn't die, i prefer her to boomer! but they do make for a weird couple. =/

baltar's visions of baltar was quite hilarious. i also think he is becoming a lot more sympathetic as a character? but maybe i am biased because i've always liked him or thought he'd be redeemed etc. still we will probably end up being thrown some sort of curveball, especially when it comes to the whole baltar/six link...

04-19-2008, 09:24 AM
cally is the best though. i hope she doesn't die, i prefer her to boomer! but they do make for a weird couple. =/

baltar's visions of baltar was quite hilarious. i also think he is becoming a lot more sympathetic as a character? but maybe i am biased because i've always liked him or thought he'd be redeemed etc. still we will probably end up being thrown some sort of curveball, especially when it comes to the whole baltar/six link...

Yeah they left her floating in space tonight. Ep3 was a weird one. Just as I got to that point where i didn't think it could get anymore twisted they kill off a crapload of cool characters.

04-22-2008, 07:47 AM
just watched it. depressing. =/ heck, i was bummed when billy died.

really interested in how this will all play out, though!

04-28-2008, 04:05 AM
Cally dying SUCKED. She was one of my favorite characters all the way back since the miniseries. I hate Tory Foster forever.

Last Friday's episode, though. That was pretty awesome. I really enjoyed seeing Baltar fall into his role as the supposed religious savior of mankind, and actually have confirmation that Baltar's mental Six is actually physically real, with her actually lifting him up.

04-29-2008, 02:45 PM
fifth dicussion time? ^_~ i think we should edit some spoiler tags into our posts, prolly, loll. so dont read this if you havent seen as far as s04e03 at least!

a lot of people seem to think zarek is a good candidate, i dont know though, there is already a government person in there, would seem kind of redundant in some ways. a lot of people seem to throw about dualla and gaeta. i dont actually much like dualla. i dont dislike her either, but she has never interested me so i hope it is not here. gaeta i could handle but it doesnt soun like too much of a surprise.

i really sincerely doubt it is starbuck or gaius too. definitely not gaius anyways, but that's all, you know, gut feeling. to be honest, baltar's involvement in the betrayal of humanity would mean next to nothing if he were a cylon because i think that guilt and such is an important part of what makes him so interesting.,it would be a really dumb move by the writers if they he turned out to be the fifth! plus starbuck and baltar ar maybe ruled out because they are in the last supper picture, and supposedly the fifth does not appear in it, but these tv producers, i dont think it is much of a stretch to assume they'd lie to keep us off the track!

roslin and admiral adama are always interesting possibilities. the admiral is surely an impossible choice though owing to having been in the first cylon war? should saul have had a role in that too? or did he and adama only meet up later on? so that only leaves roslin there. and i dont know about her, either, although it would be interesting given her rather... hardline attitude about cylons.

i dont think it is all that likely, but i'd love it if was cally. it would imply a different fate for her and galen's child. hera already has a special significance and role in the finale. surely two half-breed's reduces that significance? or at the very least it would be... oddly redundant. besides that a cylon-cylon child would have such significance in a totally different way. but having died, i would think that would rule her out, for one thing. if the five can revive, where would that happen? and why wouldnt the cylons at that location take some sort of action upon her revival? i mean, it would have some pretty big implications for cylon society. perhaps the civil war going on between them is something of a cover, but i just can see it! unless her revival is either delayed or the five stay dead. a dead fifth just doesnt make for all that great a reveal though, imo!

well im pretty obviously biased in favour of cally anyways, but i still really doubt it is her, i'd just like it to be! i dont get why some fans hate her so much.

04-30-2008, 12:18 AM
Loved the last episode. Impressive performances all around.

05-10-2008, 12:48 PM


We all know now the truth of the Opera House

The home of the 13th


The Hybrid said the missing 3 will lead you to the 5
who've come from the home of the 13th

The home of the 13th tribe are humans

And the 5 is you're final 5 Cylon models

If they've come from the home of the 13th tribe then
they must know the way back

They know how to get to Earth

And the missing 3 is the model you boxed for looking
upon the face of the 5


She could recognize them

05-17-2008, 02:46 PM
i thought this episode was ridiculously good as well. trailer seems to indicate that romo returns in the next episode (<333)

05-19-2008, 10:09 PM
The latest ep was superb. The best one the season and one of the best episodes so far!

Also Duo, I do my best to avoid any spoilers whatsoever and I don't watch the trailers. Maybe putting a spoilers tag on that would be wise? I know it's not a huge spoler but I like to be surprised. :)

05-21-2008, 01:21 PM
sorry denny, didnt really realise that would be a spoiler :(

also 2 weeks til next ep, sux

05-23-2008, 11:09 PM
I mean, even though I felt it hard to swallow the "we went on a mission during season 2 which was important but never mentioned it" angle I still thought it was gripping and revealed much more about Kains personality and her need for survival. In fact, anyone who hasn't seen the extended DVD should check it out.

06-08-2008, 02:17 AM
oh god. just watched the hub. brilliant stuff. really, utterly compelling, couldnt take myself away from it, stunning return to from after the lacklustre sine qua non. i would never normally rave about telly like this, but wow, season 4 of bsg is one of the best things i've ever seen on it. i'm so happy theyve recovered so spectacularly!

not a major one, but bill/roslin at the end was such a sweet scene

06-08-2008, 07:04 PM

What a great episode. If that scene at the end didn't melt even the coldest heart then I guess that means you have no soul. It very much reminded me of the episodes during season one. It was a perfect episode, really. Perfect. Definitely in my top five of all time.


Also, I was convinced Baltar was going to bite the bullet. :(

06-09-2008, 03:14 AM
Man, the last episode was weird as hell, but awesome. I could see someone using the "JUMP!" scene for something on Youtube.

But the show is vastly different from the original Battlestar, but it occasionally shows some parallel to the original Battlestar.

07-05-2008, 07:46 AM
I loved the mid season finale
Not to happy about waiting until January 2009 to see the last half

01-17-2009, 04:38 PM
downloading the latest episode now. apparently the fifth is revealed.

excitin'. :3

01-17-2009, 04:51 PM
that was quick. =D

02-10-2009, 08:25 AM
Has anyone seen the last few episodes? I didn't think they could make it go any darker. It's like they're trying to see how many main characters they can kill off before the series ends.

02-14-2009, 08:24 PM
I laughed pretty hard when i saw pc was playing the brain surgeon this week.

02-14-2009, 08:28 PM
the brain surgeon was lol :3

08-05-2009, 05:47 AM
Ok, so I'm a little late to the party, but I only just got to see the final season this week. (My cable sucks and I bought the seasons, to watch them)

I know there was a lot of criticism over how it ended... but it BLEW ME AWAY!!

I loved it!

The Mutiny had me literally shaking with anticipation. I paused it to pour a drink and I caught my hand shaking. My nerves were numb and my mind was reeling (this was before I had my drink). The Mutiny episodes were, hands down, the most fun I've ever had watching a TV show. I'm glad I missed it when it was on TV because I don't think I could have handled the commercials, let alone the week-long break 'til the conclusion.

Also: The ending was aces. I know a lot of people didn't like the cop-out settling on the new Earth ending... but I enjoyed it. I thought it was the perfect end to the gritty space opera that was BSG. People say "but the colonists would never have given up technology - I say; these people spent three years living in cramped and dirty spaceships being hunted by a race of killer robots... giving up technology seems like a pretty damn reasonable outcome. The only thing I didn't like about the end was that it was just that: The End.

I fully support BSG and plan to buy the complete series (after selling my collection of seasons to whomever will buy them) and any BSG movies that come out afterwards. I want to encourage as much of this as I can in any way that I can.

Can't wait for The Plan!