05-02-2002, 11:54 PM
So, who's your favorite?

I'd have to go with the girls at CLAMP. I really like the work they did on Card Captor Sakura, X/1999, and Magic Knight Rayearth.

But, my all time favorite artist would have to be Yoshiyuki Sadamato! C'mon, he did the character designs for Evangelion, and worked on the manga. Very, very, very good stuff. ^__^;

05-03-2002, 12:05 AM
Akira Toriyama and Naoko Takeuchi. the masters of all that is anime! :p

05-03-2002, 01:07 AM
My all-time favorite has got to be Hayao Miyazaki. The man is genius in my eyes! ^_^

And Akira Toriyama, yes. :)

Crazy Chocobo
05-03-2002, 01:08 AM
I dunno...

probably Hajime Katoki, for his redesign of the RX-78-2.

05-03-2002, 12:10 PM
Mine's Sugisaki Yukiru. She (YES, it's a she.. she just portrays herself as a guy XD) wrote and drew DNAngel, my fav manga ^_^
She also did the original artwork for Megami Kouhosei (Candidate for Goddess), Brainpowered, and Graduation M.

I also really like Atsumi Anikees' work. Don't ask me if it's a he or a she, though @_@ S/he is not an anime artist, but has done a lot of doujinshi (amateur manga) covers and inside artwork. ^_^

05-03-2002, 07:27 PM
Sugisaki is a S H E ????? I always thought... uhm... I always thought people like this do not exist outside manga like Angel Sanctuary... people that pretend to be of the other sex... people... that hide behind... words... and masks... and bunnies... mangaka are so weird people...

The coolest mangaka out there is Nobuhiro Watsuki, and you know it! He created Kenshin, and Misao, and Aoshi (who looked rather odd at first, god bless that fluffy drawing style )...
He is the art god. No manga in the whole wide world has so great art. Plus, he has a weird kind of humor and can tell beautiful stories. He does not kill off characters easily... and one of his favourite characters is Misao... ahem ...

He is insane.

05-03-2002, 09:31 PM
guess im the only one that likes masamune shirow...

05-03-2002, 10:41 PM
Akira Toriyama ownz!!!!!!

05-03-2002, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Kotetsu DX
guess im the only one that likes masamune shirow...

You're not alone!! I like most of his stuff. Especially for Dominion Tank Police. That was great.

What's with all the Toriyama fans?? I really never liked any of his work. Oh well...

05-03-2002, 11:13 PM
the reason i like toriyama is cause his style doesnt seem too far off from something I can do! i've taken many art classes and using him as an example is not as far fetched as me trying to follow masamune shirow's amazing talent.

i just think akira's work is a lot better than mine and if i were ever to perfect my skill, i'd be happy reaching his level. perhaps if i raise my goals i can surpass it and be almost a good as naoko or masamune or anyone else. currently, i'm just trying to find my own style though. so far, i'm putting sailor moon style eys on dbz style bodies. :p

i once drew eyes that looked like sakuyas from tenchi. i wonder if i'll ever draw something that doesnt look like anything and truly be my own. can't wait. must keep practicing.

05-03-2002, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Tact
the reason i like toriyama is cause his style doesnt seem too far off from something I can do! i've taken many art classes and using him as an example is not as far fetched as me trying to follow masamune shirow's amazing talent.

i just think akira's work is a lot better than mine and if i were ever to perfect my skill, i'd be happy reaching his level. perhaps if i raise my goals i can surpass it and be almost a good as naoko or masamune or anyone else. currently, i'm just trying to find my own style though. so far, i'm putting sailor moon style eys on dbz style bodies. :p

i once drew eyes that looked like sakuyas from tenchi. i wonder if i'll ever draw something that doesnt look like anything and truly be my own. can't wait. must keep practicing.

Lol. I see. I have my own style, but I'm working on adding more of a CLAMP effect to my art. I usually do stuff like Sadamato and BGC-looking stuff. But, I'm developing ym own style slowly. I'm only fourteen, so I have lots of time to find one to my liking.

05-04-2002, 12:30 AM
Please dont call it 'Japanimation' cuz youre basically saying 'Jap Animation' and they dont like being called "Jap's". its like calling a native american painting 'Injun Art' or Italian food 'Wap Chow'. So yeah. Just 'anime' is the preferred term.

05-04-2002, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Atom
Please dont call it 'Japanimation' cuz youre basically saying 'Jap Animation' and they dont like being called "Jap's". its like calling a native american painting 'Injun Art' or Italian food 'Wap Chow'. So yeah. Just 'anime' is the preferred term.

Lol. Actually you've got it all wrong. first of all I think they were the ones who came up with that term, and second it's
Japan-imation. I would never do something disrespectful to the Japanese, that's just wrong.

05-04-2002, 01:20 AM
WOO HOO!!!! Rumiko Takahashi for Ranma!!! Actually, I am also quite fond of Inu-Yasha. The art is less detailed than other animators, but I still like it. Those characters are soooo lovable!

Nobuhiro Watsuki is one of the best manga artists as well. KeNsHiN rOoLz JoO! hehehe!!! 0

05-04-2002, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by Corey

Lol. Actually you've got it all wrong. first of all I think they were the ones who came up with that term, and second it's
Japan-imation. I would never do something disrespectful to the Japanese, that's just wrong.

i know it wasnt intentional, but its actually an american word. they dont even use the word "animation" over there. its just 'anime'. I understand the play on words, but still, youre saying "Jap Animation" which is not cool. So, anyways. call it that if you want, but understand that many people (namely hardcore anime fans) will take offense to it.

(I used to call it Japanimation too until someone brought this to my attention).

05-04-2002, 02:47 AM
Well, sorry. I've always saw it as Japan-imation. I actually say it like two seperate words, but if it really is offensive. Although I barely use the term. Anime and Manga is what I usually say. I though Japanimation was a more formal version of Anime.

Ranma-kun: Yeah, Inu-Yasha is great and Rumiko Takahashi's art is outstanding.

05-04-2002, 01:10 PM
I have never ever ehard the term Japan-imation or whatever!! It has always been anime for me. It says anime in katakana on my Japanese artbooks... so it must be kind of correct.
Anyway... as far as I can judge from the names you people have mentioned so far, we aren�t talking about people that have to do with anime at all... but rather with manga. And they are .mangaka .

05-04-2002, 03:24 PM
the term 'Japanimation' came about as a shorted version of Japanese Animation for people who didnt know it was called anime. to this day if im talking to someone who doesnt know the term anime, ill say 'Japanese Animation' isntead of 'Japanimation'.

05-04-2002, 06:06 PM
I have no idea who they are, but whoever did the art for ghost in the shell and blood (hella hella good) I aplade konw what I'm trying to say...with the clapping...and ya.

05-05-2002, 07:31 PM
Akira Toriyama. His works are great with DBZ,Dragon Quest,and Chrono Trigger. To bad he didn't draw the peaple in Chrono Cross.

Lady Fett
05-09-2002, 04:56 PM
I can't really pick a favorite. It's all so beautiful. Well, not ALL of it. I can pick some LEAST Favorites. LOL! But, then I might hurt someone's feelings!!


P.S. I'm not exactly sure, but this may be the shortest post I've ever put on this Forum. :eek:

05-13-2002, 08:48 PM
Akira Toriyama has to be the best in my opinion, lol!
His works are just the best!

05-13-2002, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Atom
Please dont call it 'Japanimation' cuz youre basically saying 'Jap Animation' and they dont like being called "Jap's". its like calling a native american painting 'Injun Art' or Italian food 'Wap Chow'. So yeah. Just 'anime' is the preferred term.

hey atom, my brothers are married to japanese girls FROM japan. i asked both of them if saying JAP animation was insulting to them...they said people in japan call it the same thing.. so either way, it doesn't really matter..

05-13-2002, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Kaolla-Kitty

hey atom, my brothers are married to japanese girls FROM japan. i asked both of them if saying JAP animation was insulting to them...they said people in japan call it the same thing.. so either way, it doesn't really matter..

EVERY single japanese anime fan (meaning a japanese person who is a fan of anime, not a fan of japanese anime) has said that they dont like it being called Japanimation.

05-14-2002, 02:46 AM
it wouldnt be safe to say "every". that cannot be proven. have you "asked" EVERY single jap anime fan on this earth? i wouldnt know. but think about it.

anyway. imo, when the word "anime" is much more easier and quicker to say, why say it the "long" way. like "japanimation"? kinda long.

05-14-2002, 04:23 AM
my fault. was a typo. i meant, EVERY one ive talked to. gomen ^_^

05-17-2002, 12:03 AM
"anime" is short for "a ni me shon", which we all know as "animation".


Katsuhiro Otomo <------> Akira, Domu
Matsunori Matsuda <------> Rokudenashi BLUES, Rookies

05-18-2002, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Mint
I have no idea who they are, but whoever did the art for ghost in the shell

Thats masamune shirow! :D