02-29-2008, 10:08 PM
My friends, this is rarer than rare...and if any of you can get them for me, hell..I'll even pay you!

Ive been searching for these songs for SIX YEARS!!!

Please, do all that you can~

1.) Virtua Hydlide for the Sega Saturn
2.) Galactic Pinball for the Virtual Boy ((SCRATCH the second one, I cant believe I JUST found the galactic pinball sound track! original too, no midi...if anyone wants it let me know!))

I still need the first and third though!


3.) Elemental Gimmick Gear (E.G.G) for the Sega Dreamcast

If any of you can help, I would more than would have single handedly delivered me from a six year long journey...

Thank you in advanced...


03-30-2009, 10:49 AM
Hey, if you have that Galactic Pinball soundtrack handy, I would LOVE to download it. It was always one of my very favorites, and a real gem by Kenji Yamamoto!

03-30-2009, 11:00 AM
I'm also looking for the E.G.G. soundtrack still. I would appreciate an upload if anyone has it.

03-31-2009, 12:27 AM
Your in luck. I HAD all 3 but they are on one of my 150 disks and I only have an hour left until I go on my vacation.

Curse me and my no labeling disks... :-\

03-31-2009, 08:17 AM
Your in luck. I HAD all 3 but they are on one of my 150 disks and I only have an hour left until I go on my vacation.

Curse me and my no labeling disks... :-\

I've been waiting a good while. What's a little longer in the scheme of things?

07-23-2009, 08:14 AM
I've been waiting a good while. What's a little longer in the scheme of things?

Regards Virtua Hydlide, whilst you wait, there's always the links from youtube:

There used to be a program to download the music on youtube vids, but it doesn't work anymore :(

Maybe the guy on youtube who uploaded them can help you out.

05-07-2011, 08:52 PM
Thread 76864
Here's a link to E.G.G. on this very forum.

08-03-2011, 07:03 AM
Where oh god where can I find the galactic pinball ost? I winn even pay you! I've wanted this for 15 years!