05-02-2002, 06:23 PM
I just noticed this; in Disc 1, when you go to Lindblum for the first time, did anyone notice that in Alice's Item Store in the Business District, there is a Brahne Action Figure on the counter? I first noticed this yesterday during that ATE sequence when Vivi buys that kupo nut. I never tried actually inspecting that figure when I next visited the store with Zidane, so I don't know if it counts towards the key items or wether it's just part of the background. I just thought it was interesting nothenless.

Quote: "Hah ha hah!! That's a good one! Sorry, but I don't date bums. You really should scrape some of that rust off; it's disgusting!" Female Red Mage, mistaking Steiner's plea for directions for a bad pick-up line, FFIX.

Quote: "Heh, playing 'hard to get' huh?" Zidane, FFIX.

Quote: "I...so happy." Quina, while geting 'married' to Vivi, FFIX.

Quote: "This...pattern is....making..me...dizzy!" Vivi, FFIX.

05-02-2002, 06:37 PM
There are 4 of these figures in total. You just need them to boost ur treasure hunter raiting.

05-02-2002, 08:54 PM
What are and where are those figures, Billy Gnosis?

05-02-2002, 09:11 PM
You get the Mini-Brahne from the Dali Mayors house if you leave Treno when you first get there on Disc 3 (you can get to Dali through the South Gate)

You get the Mini-Prima Vista from Mr Morrid (Dali Observatory) after bringing him the 3 kinds of coffee he wants. This will be put in the Tantalus hideout and and will not appear in your Key Items list. However you still count as owning it. It will be where the Mini-Burmecia was in Disc 1

Mini-Burmecia can be found on the bed on the left in the Tantalus hideout in Disc 1.

The Mini-Cid can be bought in the Treno Auction House for about 1,600gil.

I hope this helps :D

05-02-2002, 09:18 PM
It sure does, thanks a lot!!

05-03-2002, 08:21 PM
o kool i found the mini-brahne and the mini-burmeica but not the other 2

zidane tribal
05-08-2002, 04:43 PM
yea just follow silly billys directions...you'll get them...:D