execrable gumwrapper
02-28-2008, 11:54 AM
This isn't an ad or anything, sorry if you thought that upon viewing the thread.

I'm just curious if anyone has used a private server and how it compares to actually PAYING for WoW. I personally think it'd be fun to be a private server GM.

JFTR, private server GMs are NOT anything like real GMs in WoW. I would know as I used to be one. (Yes that means I used to work for Blizzard...zomg!) Rather boring and frustrating, honestly.

03-02-2008, 08:53 PM
I gave up wow after playing from day 1 to July 6 2006. With in that frame of time I had played 229 days on my mage, 42 days on priest and 13 days on rogue.

I love my mage... Anyways gained 100 pounds, girlfriend almost left me and I pulled my head out of my ass and quit. It was not wows fault but mine for allowing it to hook me.

Now 76 pounds less I am working and doing great. Can't wait for Warhammer online to start :P

I played on a private server with some friends but only to test some AQ stuff that no one was able to get, till we got a server first.

We all were GMs so yea I guess we were nice :P