02-28-2008, 05:06 AM
I have a guy from Gamefaqs who is confident that Ultimecia can defeat Vegito from DBZ.

Saying that Ultimecia can pretty much defeat anybody with stop, then extract whovever Vegito thinks is strong, then finally junctioning herself to it.(which in this case would be Vegito himself) He also says protect stopped a bullet so it cant be proven it cant stop Vegito's punch.

It's in a topic in gamefaqs, not sure i can post that here so I just want to know if anybody agrees with him.

The Anti-Existence
02-28-2008, 05:14 AM
Ugh, Ult wankers.

For one, the absolute difference in power between a punch from Vegito and a bullet is incalculable. People in just plain Dragon Ball, like Goku in the Red Ribbon Arc, were taking rockets to the face with no serious injury.

As for stopping bullets before they hit the target, Roshi and the Crane Hermit had that level of speed and could catch machinegun rounds at close-range.

So...Vegito's strength and speed is definitely way beyond a bullet.

Besides, what does Vegito think is strong? Unproven and unquantified. Vegito WTFpwned basically the strongest being in existence. I highly doubt Vegito thought anyone was stronger than himself. And even if he did, we don't know who or what it is. So saying it exists is unproven BS.

Also, Squall defeated Griever, the monster he thought was the strongest.....

Finally, Ultimecia was defeated four times straight by beings who don't have feats even close to DB characters, let alone the strongest being in DBZ.

So, there ya go.

02-28-2008, 05:47 AM
heres the topic, interesting read atleast(100 post, skip to like 30)

Marshall Lee
02-28-2008, 05:48 AM
This Ultimecia bullshit really has no place in the world of Dragon Ball Z, but if you must know I say (A: Vegito. Why, well number one because the Dragon Ball series is infamous for painfully stretching out fights over a span of five to ten episodes (see Goku Vs. Frieza fight). The whole "Extracting/Drawing & Junctioning" bullshit doesn't apply in the DBZ world, however if it did I can hardly say that it would make much of a difference. Vegito would simply keep pulling trump cards out of his Saiyan suit until he was SSJ63 and would hyper blast that Premenstrual bitch into orbit.

02-28-2008, 05:58 AM
He says it was plot protection and fate made squall and co. beat Ultimecia, and also I asked why she didnt use stop like in Timber, and he said that Rinoa being a sorceress cancels it out.

He basically is making tons of assumptions and making me try to disprove them. Prove Absence of evidence not the evidence of absence basically.

Marshall Lee
02-28-2008, 06:00 AM
It sounds like your friend is talking out his ass.

02-28-2008, 02:41 PM
What a stupid argument and stupid thread about said argument.

Hex Omega
02-28-2008, 05:47 PM
It sounds like your friend is talking out his ass.

02-28-2008, 09:09 PM
It sounds like your friend is talking out his ass.

What a stupid argument and stupid thread about said argument.