02-27-2008, 06:47 AM
that one song that brings it all back? All the memories good and bad of loved ones lost or died and passed away. Well for me it was "Dreaming My Way Home" from the Rouge Galaxy Soundtrack. The song pretty much had me crying, but i've listened to it again and again today. And i find i can't stop. Even though the song makes me utterly miserable at times I still want to hear it because while I'm crying, I'm smiling because I'm still remembering the good times.

Has anyone every had a song like that?


02-27-2008, 11:51 AM
While not strictly game-related, I recently watched a video on YouTube where the user had taken various clips from the Russian 1979 movie Stalker (which the game STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl is loosely based) and used music from the Turkish group Yansimalar (which actually means "reflections") and the results was absolutely mindblowing. The video I am talking about can be found here (

The track is called "Elli Yas" from their album Vuslat...If anyone's interested, I can upload it later..?

02-29-2008, 09:54 PM
For me it is definitely 'melodies of life' from FF9. It reminds me of the end of an epic journey full of joy and also sadness... of the ones who are not longer with us, but they are still in our hearts, forever... I like most the liveversion from the 'Voices' DVD, which is absolutely tearjerking for me. Somehow I believe that I feel just like you about your special song? However, memories are unique, so as every teardrop...

02-29-2008, 11:03 PM
For me it's Angel Queen (Queen Millennia) I cannot say why. When I listen to that song I get calm and I look back at all the things that happenend in my life and that makes me sad but I just have to listen to that song.

03-01-2008, 05:59 PM
"Suteki da ne", the ending song of Final Fantasy X.
I was very touched, especially after the first refrain

03-01-2008, 09:00 PM
"Suteki da ne", the ending song of Final Fantasy X.
I was very touched, especially after the first refrain

One of my friends watched that entire scene with me. She was totally in tears because it was so beautiful.
