02-25-2008, 04:38 PM
Which VG Movies did you think were good and witch ones did you think totaly destroyed the sanctity of the game

I personally think that no movie from a game was good enough to compare but if i had to say any

Silent Hill (Honestly it could have been better)
Mortal Kombat 1 (The second I personally think sucked)

Final Fantasy
Super Mario Brothers (God That was a rip)
Doom (Complete Trash)
Resident Evil (Stop fucking making them jesus christ silent hill should have gotten it hype)

thats about all there is worth mentioning

02-25-2008, 04:43 PM
Silent Hill was the only decent VG movie I saw, the rest are either desperately average, such as Resident Evil and Doom. Or complete shit, such and Mario Bros (oh god did this one suck) and Alone In The Dark.

Although AC deserves a mention as a total flop of a movie. As does Mortal Kombat, but Mario Brothers is without a doubt the worst.

02-25-2008, 04:50 PM
Silent Hill was the only decent VG movie I saw, the rest are either desperately average, such as Resident Evil and Doom. Or complete shit, such and Mario Bros (oh god did this one suck) and Alone In The Dark.

Although AC deserves a mention as a total flop of a movie. As does Mortal Kombat, but Mario Brothers is without a doubt the worst.

Str8 Up i hear that they should remake mario in like 3d to at least save some sense of decency to the game itself

02-25-2008, 05:16 PM
They have all been horrible. Silent Hill possibly being the only exception since it did KIND OF follow the game... only they threw Pyramid Head in for no fuckin' reason at all...

...but yeah. Mario was shit. Doom was shit. All three Resident Evil movies were COMPLETE shit. They need to stop making video game movies. Period.

Zemener Azon
02-25-2008, 05:22 PM
That Mario one was awesome. Best movie ever made right under Highlander.

02-25-2008, 06:54 PM
i don't know about you guys but i loved every single RE movie that came out.

the only explenation for hating the living guts out of it is if you've played all the games and loved them. i can understand that PoV cause i feel the same way for other things. like when someone reads the book and hates the movie? same thing. if there was a name for this psychological phenomena it'd prolly be "elite purist" syndrome or some shit.

if RE never had games but still turned out the same movies it'd be another matrix. cult following. but whatever. i don't care. RE is not my game but i understand where you fans are coming from so i'm not putting anyone down. i felt the same way with street fighter and MK not having more energy projectiles and decapitations.

i've only played RE2 and i really couldn't care less for the games. the movies are fun. and milla is hawt. :D

btw. mkI is still the best for me. i still don't like how it was kiddified with no fatalities but it's good. love all the res evils. and i thought doom was pretty fun too. and this is coming from an actual doom fan who's played all the old ass pc games. my fav part was the fps camera angles they did when that guy got all badass. lol and the rock as a baddy was cool too. :p (i suddenly have amnesia, he DID turn into a baddy right? lol)

and i havne't seen mario since i was like 7 and can't remember a damn thing. but john lenguizamo as luigi makes me laugh. lol

02-25-2008, 07:08 PM
Yeah, I've played 1-4, and I'm a fan of the games. I just think that the movies really kind of missed the mark... I mean, nowhere in the games is there an Alice-type character... the guy they got to play Wesker in the most recent one didn't look NEARLY cool enough (haha)... there was no hand-to-hand fighting in the games (unless you count the knife... which you shouldn't...)... and it had characters from the games, but they were doing things they'd never have done, and in places that they couldn't possibly be, given the timeline of the games.

I suppose if you've never played the games or just didn't care for them, the movies could provide a good amount of entertainment. I just see too little connection with the games to actually see them as good movies. But I'll agree to disagree.

And they could have found so many people hotter than Milla Jovovich... am I the only one who really doesn't find her all that attractive? Especially in the third movie... the girl who played Claire Redfield was infinitely hotter. Hell, K-MART was hotter! ...K-Mart... the hell... lol

Wow, I went off on a tangent, there. Ok, I'm done. :-D

Oh, and as a P.S. - The ONLY funny thing about the Mario movie was that Yoshi was a goddamn Tyrannosaur. That is hilarious!

02-27-2008, 06:34 AM
Here's my list:

RE1 (The lazer cutter was the best scene, I'm also glad they didn't use Chris and Jill or the game plot for the story, it would've ruined RE for me, also I don't think the games plot would've worked well as a movie)
FF:SWI (The story was okay, and I don't know about you guys, but I saw the story elements of FF, I think fans were too hard on it)
Tron (I have yet to see a Video Game movie top it)
Silent Hill (It surprised me, I really expected it to blow).
Tomb Raider 1 (Jolie played it well.)

RE2 (For some reason, Jill looked out of place)
FF7:AC (The only thing that killed it was the whole teamwork limit break scene)
Doom (It was okay, the story needed work though)
Mortal Kombat (It was good, I just hated the fact that the Scorpion and Sub-Zero fights were short, and Goro was skinny and fugly)
Wing Commander (I liked the story, I just didn't like the characters all that much)
Tomb Raider 2 (I liked it. I didn't like it as much as the first one.)

Street Fighter (All I have to say is Jean-Claude Van Damme it blows)
SMB (what were they thinking)
MK2 (Every character sucked)
Double Dragon (They ruined my all time favorite Coin-op).

execrable gumwrapper
02-27-2008, 06:50 AM
You guys forgot anything by that bastard who still creates movies to ruin games... Uwe Boll.

Srsly, they all blow.

02-27-2008, 07:03 AM
Why is it that fans want movies to have the exact same storyline as the game. I don't want to see a storyline I already know. I'd rather see a movie based around the elements of the game. Yeah, I've played games where I've said "This would kick ass as a movie", but when I look back, I see there's too many things that would have to be explained, and would bore the hell out of people. Fans seem to forget that not everyone is a fan, and won't get many things that fans already know. I don't know about you guys, but explainations take alot of time in storytelling - which is why things get cut out from stories. My advise would be, to view movies as their own stand alone stories rather than straight from the book/comic/video game.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-27-2008, 07:33 AM
why are the d's capitalized

execrable gumwrapper
02-27-2008, 07:46 AM
Why is it that fans want movies to have the exact same storyline as the game. I don't want to see a storyline I already know. I'd rather see a movie based around the elements of the game. Yeah, I've played games where I've said "This would kick ass as a movie", but when I look back, I see there's too many things that would have to be explained, and would bore the hell out of people. Fans seem to forget that not everyone is a fan, and won't get many things that fans already know. I don't know about you guys, but explainations take alot of time in storytelling - which is why things get cut out from stories. My advise would be, to view movies as their own stand alone stories rather than straight from the book/comic/video game.

Somehow I feel this is related more to Domingo's post than anything else.

Marshall Lee
02-27-2008, 08:20 AM
Mortal Kombat II was worth watching an hour long version of it in Spanish all to mock it up :D Super Mario Bros is my guilty pleasure O:] Silent Hill disappointed me, I was disturbed by the fact that they strayed so far from the "actual" plot of the game, and in a way bastardized the series. I wouldn't be surprised if the franchise plummeted because of the movie :-\ I never did get into the "hype" of the Resident Evil movies, and as far as I knew it was nothing like the original games. I've seen all of the Final Fantasy movies thus far excluding Last Order, and I thought they all had their good points and down points; Spirits within being the worst and Advent Children being entertaining in its own right. I personally thought that "Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals" was a much better FF movie compared to the other two, but that's my opinion. I generally try to stay away from watching game-based movies as they generally bear nothing even slightly resembling of the original plot.

02-27-2008, 08:31 AM
Mortal Kombat II was worth watching an hour long version of it in Spanish all to mock it up :D Super Mario Bros is my guilty pleasure O:] Silent Hill disappointed me, I was disturbed by the fact that they strayed so far from the "actual" plot of the game, and in a way bastardized the series. I wouldn't be surprised if the franchise plummeted because of the movie :-\ I never did get into the "hype" of the Resident Evil movies, and as far as I knew it was nothing like the original games. I've seen all of the Final Fantasy movies thus far excluding Last Order, and I thought they all had their good points and down points; Spirits within being the worst and Advent Children being entertaining in its own right. I personally thought that "Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals" was a much better FF movie compared to the other two, but that's my opinion. I generally try to stay away from watching game-based movies as they generally bear nothing even slightly resembling of the original plot.

I know what you mean i think its because they have movie writers write the script and i think if they really REALLY!! want to make a movie let the people who wrote the game script
(or the people who created the game and came up with the basic idea of that game if possible)
write the moved then it would be just another add into that world of that specific game not some piece of crap that destroys the sanctity of the game

02-27-2008, 02:26 PM
Am I the only one who enjoyed Spirits Within? I mean, it had its :rolleyes: moments, but it was entertaining and I didn't think it was awful.

02-27-2008, 02:55 PM
i preferred spirits within to advent children tbh. also i thought spirits within was mostly turd, but i could pretty much watch it at least.

02-27-2008, 03:12 PM
they both sucked but if I had to watch one it would be Advent Children purely for the Tifa fight scene. That part was actually pretty decent.

And for the record, Resident Evil Apocalypse was awesome.

02-27-2008, 04:31 PM
I need to watch Spirits Within again, tbh. It's around here somewhere. I like Advent Children, sue me. And, um, oh yeah, loved Silent Hill.

I haven't watched any of the RE movies in their entireties, and I try not to judge fragments. It'd be unfair, to say the least.

02-27-2008, 05:22 PM
I actually liked all 3 Resident Evil movies. They had a nice little twist from the games. There was also a healthy level of cheesyness that I found ok as well. They're not as good as Shawn of the Dead or 28 Days/Week later, but still not bad. I also really liked the character Alice. I'm looking forward to a part 4

I haven't seen Silent Hill so I can't say. But you guys have sparked interest and now I might have to rent it.

Super Mario Bros. sucked and pissed me off because of how they portrayed Bowser, the Goombas and everything in the mushroom kingdom. Goombas are supposed to be evil mushrooms, not lizards. Bowser is supposed to be a spiked-shell back turtle, not a human-lizard. And I don't remember seeing any koopa troopas! WTF? Seemed like the only thing close to the game was the little bob-omb.

I didn't like Mortal Kombat because I thought the actors and there acting so bad enough to make me hate the movie.

Final Fantasy: the Spirit Within had a lot of potental to be better. I thought the story was great and followed the style of all the games pretty well in an ambiguous way, but for the love of God the movie is just too boring and the ending sucked. I respect the movie for what Hironobu Sakaguchi was trying to create, but it needed a different director.

Final Fantasy: Advent Children I thought was just ok. It has many good scenes that I really enjoyed,, I liked the music, but the story could have been much better and some of the fighting scenes - especially the freeway chase, were just too much.

Don't get me started on Street Fighter. I never thought it was worth giving a chance.

Tomb Raider was just meh. Made me not interested in part 2.

I didn't give Doom a chance either.

02-27-2008, 05:28 PM
Street Fighter deserves a bit more love than it's getting here. Sure it was bad, but it was a lot of fun in a ridiculously campy sort of way. And anyone, ANYONE, who was not wearing a silly grin when Raul Julia was on camera has no soul.

Landlord of Sector 7
02-27-2008, 06:20 PM
street fighter deserves no credit because jean claude van damme

02-27-2008, 06:29 PM
Raul Julia makes up for Van Damme!

Landlord of Sector 7
02-27-2008, 06:54 PM
not really prak sorry :(

he is non-makeupable

02-27-2008, 06:57 PM
You're wrong, but I forgive you anyway.

02-27-2008, 07:34 PM
they both sucked but if I had to watch one it would be Advent Children purely for the Tifa fight scene. That part was actually pretty decent.

03-04-2008, 02:15 PM
Silent Hill
Resident Evil(all)
Mortal Kombat 1

Mortal Kombat 2
Street Fighter
Zelda(I think there is one)

Neo Xzhan
03-05-2008, 10:10 AM
Street Fighter deserves a bit more love than it's getting here. Sure it was bad, but it was a lot of fun in a ridiculously campy sort of way. And anyone, ANYONE, who was not wearing a silly grin when Raul Julia was on camera has no soul.

Agreeing with this.

Mortal Kombat 1 sucks, Mortal Kombat 2 was even worse. I don't even think there's a word for it. It was fucking ridiculous.

Doom was okay in my view. I found the movie rather entertaining. Sure it could have been better, but I still like to watch it now and then. The acting isn't the best, but not horrible either. It had potential, but the scary moments weren't that scary and they could done a bit more about the monsters/zombies on my opinion.

Silent Hill was rather good. The characters were extremely well made and CGI wasn't used all that much from what I understood. Very impressive. Story wise I found it a little confusing though, but still I think to date this is still my favorite game -> movie movie.

I quite liked the Resident Evil movies, Appocalypse being the best of the two. It had some very cheesy moments (but nothing really out of place), the fighting scenes were pretty nice. The story could have had a few improvements I supose. I haven't watched the third part yet, so I can't judge.

Final Fantasy: Spirits Within wasactually quite good in my view. Though it had nothing to do with any of the games, it did have that Final Fantasy feel, which I liked alot. The story really appealed to me and the animation was pretty good. I liked how everything was rather "human". No magic or any sword style combat and all that jazz. Just normal humans/soldiers and what not.

Final Fantasy: Advent Children was okay-ish. I could go over the fanboy debate, but that's pointless. I thought the movie was okay. The animation was pretty nice, the music okay. The story didn't do it for me. I hate Square-Enix for not letting some things rest.

I liked the first Tomb Raider movie. It was fairly spot on, nice amount of humor, the adventerous feeling (like from the game), many nice locations. The story was okay-ish. Nothing horrible though. The soundtrack was pretty much okay to me. The second movie wasn't as good, but still enjoyable.