02-25-2008, 10:25 AM
Instead of naming all the folders just type the specs

My Specks


Number of songs

12.7 GB

Favorite OST
Thats kind of a hard one I guess my favorites would be
Dead Rising, Silent Hill, (All Of them) Homeworld, The darkness, Half Life, Assassins Creed, Einh�nder
and Metal Gear Solid (The twin snakes version) Those I listen to very Often

But as for favorite Ost if I had to pick just one it would have to be The original Homeworld Soundtrack I guess because that middle eastern Tribal music Is my favorite of all

PS. If anyone has any good suggestions for music such as the homeworld soundtracks that are comparable to that type of music please let me know I love to hear anything I can get ahold of thats in that category sound or range of music thanks