05-01-2002, 04:35 PM
I'm sure that some of you thought something different of this series, before actually knowing what it is.

How did you come about knowing of Final Fantasy? What were your thoughts?
For me, I read about FF5 in a mag. I was pretty much interested. But never got round to getting it, then they developed 6, again I never thought of getting it.
Then a few years later they released the Playstation. Then there was FF7.....my first fantasy. Again I read about it in a mag. It looked pretty darn good. About a few months later my bro rented it. At one time I watched him play it. He was battling in the Slums. I thought it was some kind of street fighting RPG. But it wasn't. I soon found that out when he ended up in a different place. I became more interested. Pretty soon I got us our own copy, and started playing it. I loved it. As soon as I had got into the game they started developing 8. That was one of the most happiest memories of my life.

So what was it like for you?

Green Arrow
05-01-2002, 05:45 PM
Well I first came to know about FF when my cousin asked me if I wanted to borrow a game she had, not knowing what it was or anything I said yes. So I ended up getting it and it was FF7, instantly I loved it, but got stuck on one bit which by that time I had had it for sometime and she wanted it back. So a while later FF8 came out and instantly I hired that out and played it non-stop for the time I had it, I think this was my 15 hour binge on a video game.
I then bought FF8 and finished it, I then went out and bought FF7 and conquered that also. Later I bought FF9 and beat that. Lately I have been playing FF's, well the older ones on ROM's. Thankfully FFX is finally getting a release here in Australia and I recently saw FF6 had been released and I can pick it up for $30 australian money, so it seem I have a bit of gaming ahead of me in the next month or two.

05-01-2002, 05:57 PM
i was looking for a trill and found FF7 after i completed(100% all mataria,limits,...)the game. i began playing all the titles(FF3,5,6,8,9,tactics) and i still am(FFX,...)

05-01-2002, 08:08 PM
I borrowed my cousins FF2 way back, and I really didn't think it was gonna be that good. Then I just fell in love with the series.

05-02-2002, 08:06 AM
I saw this FMV commercial of FF7 and it looked good, later on I heard some friends talking about this great demo of Final Fantasy VII.
So, I got searching on the net and eventually found places like this ^.^
Around that time, my mom started working in a liberary and I knew FFVII was Pc as well. So I asked my mom to rent it, and I had the game for like 2 months ^__^
After that I decided to buy it ofcourse =D

05-02-2002, 05:18 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">Originally, I didn't think Final Fantasy was going to be a good game. I had seen FF7 in the shop but didn't even consider buying it. Then about 3-4 years ago my friend showed me his copy of FF7 and I thought it was a great game, so I decided to play it myself. Then bought FF8, FF9 and more recently FF6. Great. ;)

05-02-2002, 06:39 PM
I was in charge of composing music for a computer game mod. (I eventually quit and I don't know if the mod ever got finished.) The leader of the project complained that my music didn't sound realistic enough, to which I replied that it wasn't my fault that MIDI instruments sound like crap. So he told me that some professional composers can make crappy instruments sound good, and recommended I play Chrono Trigger or a Final Fantasy game to hear that music. I told him I didn't own a videogame system and he taught me about emulators. So I played CT and then FF6, fell in love with the games and now I'm an addict. (and have since bought a ps2 and no longer play ROMs of games that are still in print in America, so please don't bash me for doing something "illegal." :p)

Bahamut ZERO
05-02-2002, 07:00 PM
The first Final Fantasy game I played was Final Fantasy VII. I remember a friend of mine saying "you have to get this game." Unfortunately, I was a 14 year old skint teenager. I had to wait until Christmas (a good two months) before I could play it. I had a taste around my friend's house, and was saving a game on memory card, and I then locked myself away from family as I played the game.

The first impression was mind blowing, and worth every penny of the 45 quid I spent on it. It was worth me buying a Platinum copy second hand when the third disk got knackered aswell.

Angel Aeris
05-02-2002, 07:55 PM
It was just before FFIX was released, I think... My mum bought me a PlayStation to a christmas present 3 years ago, I played it about 2 months and got bored cause I found the games she had bought so stupid. So I just put the console to closet to dust. My mum started to complain why didn't I use it cause it was so expensive. It was there for over a year, and I forgot it ever even existed. Then I once found it when I was cleaning and thought that maybe I should try and use them again. I borrowed some of my stepbrother's game magazines to find some good games. There was some kind of 'Final Fantasy special issue', which had about 20 pages about all FF games. I browsed through them a little. The pics looked kinda cute, but I wasn't so excited about them yet. I asked my stepbrother what good games did he know. He looked my magazine and said 'Oh dear God whatever are you going to buy, just not THOSE!!! Those suck'. I said Ok but I still thought I could by FF7, cause the magazine praised it so much. I started to look for it from the stores but I couldn't find it anywhere. But once I found FFVIII, (I thought it was FFVII, I didn't understand the Rome numbers back then) and bought it. I played it once, and the first thing what stick in to my eye was the cool FMV where Squall and Seifer fight together. I thought 'kinda cool.' After one week of playing, I was completely hooked... I'm glad I didn't believe my little brother back then :D And later I bought rest of the PS FF games. VI is the latest.
One thing I can't understand is... My mum complains now i play too much. She'd better make up her mind. I don't understand how she thinks :confused: :confused: :confused::notgood: :confused:

05-02-2002, 07:59 PM
When I first got my PSX, I got moeny to rent a game. After lookinh and looking, I found a game that had 3 disc. Having three disc in a game amazed me. So I rented it. After just the opening sequence, I was hooked. I was never into RPGs, but final Fantasy got me into them. Then when the game was due back, I could not stop thinking about how much I wanted to play the game. As time passed, I was listening to a new CD I bought and it had a beat that sonded simalar to FF-7. Then after once thinking about FF I just had to buy the game. After I beat it, I was in love. I Then got 8, and so on and so forth. Now, I'm a turely big FF fan.

05-02-2002, 10:58 PM
I thought it was corny and had no intention of playing it until my cuzins got FF3/6. That is when I fell in love.:rolleyes:

05-03-2002, 03:30 AM
my cousin showed me the game once (ff7) and i currently have played prolly everyone of them ever since which was about when ff7 first came out when i started likeing ff series

05-03-2002, 05:32 AM
It's really weird. My MOM got me into FF. I'll tell you the story.

It was about a week after we just got our PS (1997), and my mom had called up at my dad's just to let me know she rented a game called Final Fantasy 7. I replied, "Eh, nice...but I have MegaManX4, so I won't be playing it.." Well the next day I went over to my mother's house, and watched her play. And she was looking for a way to get around the Midgar Zolem....she had no idea it took chocobo's. The phone rang, and all of a sudden she gave me the controller. Well, after countless tries, I finally RAN past the thing. She thought I was gifted or something, lol. Anywho, I decided to play it a bit more and got into it...whadda' ya' know.

And now, I'm into all sorts of FF's.

05-05-2002, 01:27 AM
Me? Well...I remember hearing about the Final Fantasy series, but at first I thought they were just stupid video games (but alas, I regret those thoughts!). Then my brother's friend had a demo of FFVIII and since we were bored we played it. I got totally hooked and then we rented it from Blockbusters...then I bought it and finished it! Ever since I've been scrambling to play nearly every one...

05-05-2002, 06:29 AM
Hehehe mine is a funny story.

I was reading an anime/manga magazine. There was an ad for FF...uh...I believe it was 4. Then, a few years later, there was an ad for 5, 6, and 7. So I finally cracked and bought 7. WOW!!!! I got into Final Fantasy because of my love for anime/manga. Then, I found FFShrine, where I can talk about Final Fantasy and anime/manga!!! Oh joy!

05-05-2002, 05:01 PM
It was Final Fantasy-On the NES. I rented it, but it was a busted copy, so I returned it, and Rented...well, I can't remember, must not have been very good. lol. so, anyway, In January of 92, I got an SNES, and rented FF2 for it. fell in love with it. around MAy, My cousins best bud loaned me his copy, and I spent the ENTIRE summer going through the game OVER AND OVER. I played MQ, SOM...Eagerly anticipating, and enjoying--MQ to much less of a degree than others, each entry in the series. but, I will always look back at FF2/FF4, as my first. as a sidenote, here's how much of an addict I was: When FF3 came out, I bought it on it's first day of release, played it nonstop for three hours, grabbed a bit of food, then played again for about 3 more hours, wathced an hour of TV, then...and this was at about 11 PM, launched into a 30 hour marathon. I played NEARLY that entire period, save for certain, well, needed breaks. I started multiple times, and when I finished the game....on my third opened file, about 2, 2/12 weeks later, I was amazed, moved, and compltly sold that I had just played the BEST GAME OF ALL TIME. each FF since then has been Highly treasured. thank you Square, for such wonderful memories.

05-06-2002, 02:35 AM
unlike the australians who have to play ffX last. i started the sreies with 10. i remember seeing ff7 and ff8 released, but at the times i was a n64 goldeneye fan so i never got a ps. then last summer i bought a ps2, and on boxing day i got ffX because i remember the graphics for 7 8 and 9 being so good. i beat 10 a long time ago, and i now have a file for 7 8 and 9 unbeaten on all 3.

05-06-2002, 03:20 AM
me and my firend was looking for a game and we both though ff7 would be cool because we heard it was a great game and there u have it im hooked

Nanaki XIII
05-06-2002, 04:46 AM
Some guy told me FF6 was cool so I rented it and when I had to return it I was like, I didnt finish it. So I got the rom and kicked its butt. And that was my first Final Fantasy and I loved it.

05-06-2002, 10:59 AM
Hmmmm, well i played FF5 and 6 just because the name was weird. They were ok and when one came on the PS, i tried it (FF7 obviously) and it was the best. Viola.

05-06-2002, 11:09 AM
Came across it by complete accident. I had never heard of it before.
You see, I was REALLY bored one night, so I decided to download a Snes emulator and some games.... this one had the word Fantasy in it, so I downloaded the English version on FF6..... I loved it :)
So I went and bought FF7.... once I found out it existed, and the same for FF8.

Squall Leonhart
05-06-2002, 06:15 PM
really, I've forgotten most of my life past FF, but I remember confusing FFVII with some other game, got addicted, bought the other games, fell in love with Rinoa, and haven't left my room since

05-06-2002, 06:58 PM
Ahh, the memories. Like Olemaster, I played the very first FF on the NES back in 1991 (I think), and was actually surprised to also see it at my local arcade on Nintendo's six-in-one arcade machine (that's right - FF was at the arcades!!). Alas, that was the only FF game to come out here in Australia until FFVII, but luckily some games stores here in WA were able to import US NTSC versions of FFIV and VI for the SNES. My brother hired FFIV out one day and we both spent an entire weekend trying to beat it, which was ultimately unsuccessful. Unfortuantely the video store which we hired it from went bust a few weeks later, and I never knew what happened to that game. Then came FFVI, and gaming heaven (I still remember the ads in a US games mag), and even then, I remember thinking how strange the name was. It was my brother who told me the story of Mr Sakaguchi and a little company called Squaresoft and what was meant to be their final game, literally, 'their Final Fantasy'.

A few years past, until a little title on the PSX changed the way we looked at gaming. FFVII came and blew away everyone who played it. Me, I was hooked once again; savouring the familar tunes and allowing myself to once again become emmersed in the brilliant plot and addictive gameplay. Then came FFVIII, which, although a good game, didn't quite have the same charm. However, with FFIX (which is curently vying for the title of 'my favourite' with VI and VII, gave me a reason to fall in love with the series all over again. I'll love Final Fantasy for ever!

Some classic FF Quotes:

"And I Garland will knock you all down!" Garland (obviously), FFI.

"Edward! You spoony bard!" Tellah, FFIV.

"Knock it off. You're giving me the creeps." Cloud, FFVII.

"Ooo...soft!" Zidane, after 'accidentley' touching Garnet's backside, FFIX.

the one
05-07-2002, 06:06 PM
i first saw the advert about 4 years ago on TV the FMVs and things the advert was soooooooo cool,that i why i first bought ff games,i got it started to play and as soon as i did i was hooked after i completed it twice ff8 came out bout year or so later i got that then 9 then 6 and this month FFanthology european edition and FFx!

05-23-2002, 03:40 PM
I liked the look of FF7, it got great reviews in the UK and decided to buy it. I was hooked it was so addictive and the story was probably the best in any video game. Then came FF8 it was on my mind to get it, I was impressed it was really good. I was so chuffed when I managed to get Eden, his animation was cool. I then heard of FF9 and saw some screenshots on the web and got it as well and I'm still playing it. I just can't get enough of the games although the film sucked a little.

05-24-2002, 06:08 AM
Well I had heard about this game of course. But I figured it was just a boring fighting game. I head my friend talking about it on the net. I was like, yea right like that's any good. Then on Comedy Central I saw a commericial for a amazing game. It looked amazing! GREAT graphics, and voices! It looked like a great story, a dream, reality, A fantasy. And I learned that it was Final Fantasy. I rused to Wal-Mart and bought it immediately. Less than two weeks later i bought FFVIII. Then again, about a week later I got 7, and tactics. But no, I KEPT on, I bought chronicles, ff9. And then, I got FF Adventure for my GB, and soon after, I was on Ebay getting FF1 and FFMQ. and right now i'm going to download some roms. Tah-tah!

05-24-2002, 06:57 PM
I think it was in 1997, I saw the TV commercial for Final Fantasy VII. I've never heard about the series before, and the game seemed so cool! But I didn't have a PSX so I couldn't play it. Later on, I went to a friend of mine who had the game. I tried it, and I loved it. But still, I couldn't play it at home. Years passed without playing it, but just before the release of FF VIII, I got a copy of FF VII on the computer! And I played it all day long, every night, every weekend. And it went on for months, and after 3-4 months I completed it. I completed my first rpg. After that, I bought a psx and final fantasy VIII, and I loved it. I play the old classics on the pc on love them to. So Final Fantasy is the best way to kill some time in my opionon!

05-30-2002, 01:43 AM
Ok heres my story. A while ago when Blockbuster still had super nintendo games to rent me and my brother rented FF3 on super nintendo. When I played I thought it was amazing. Then later I rented FF2 on super nintendo cause I remembered how great FF3 was. I loved FF2 so I got it. I don't really remember the order but I got FF3 on super nintendo then specifically I got PSX cause of FF8,and I also got FF7,FF9 and FFanthology cause it had FF5. And I also got FF on nintendo. I still love FF more then ever.

05-30-2002, 06:16 AM
I thought it was pretty ruley and I enjoyed the themes it was based on straight away ^_^.

05-30-2002, 05:07 PM
A friend of my said final fantasy 7 was a very great game, but first when i saw it i thought it was boring, i didn't like the way of battles ( I had never seen a rpg before ) he said i had to play more to getting addicted to it so he borrowed the game to me, when i played it at my own psx, i didn't understand anything from the game, but after my friend explained how to play ff7, i got real addicted to it and since then i'm a big final fantasy fan.

05-30-2002, 07:56 PM
I borrowed my friend's SNES because I had my fill of my Genesis' thrash-'em kinda games. I mainly borrowed it because of Super Mario World, and I noticed FF II/IV in his collection. I always wanted to know what the hype was over RPGs. I started with a skeptical mindset... (i.e. This is so stupid, the graphics aren't great, yadda yadda...) Well after defeating the Mist Monster, I had to know what happened next. I was totally hypnotized by the game. Chrono Trigger was the next game and from then on, I was hooked