02-24-2008, 07:28 AM
Oh my...

Final Fantasy... Halo... The Legend of Zelda... Mario Brothers... Qubert (lol)... All amazing games that have stood the test of time.

HOWEVER, there is another. Another that will open up and rain down upon Nintendo and Square Enix and Microsoft and all publishers of the like...


Honestly, it is more addicting than making fun of Tidus's horrible fashion sense.

Here is the link. Download it, and tell me what you think.

So you all know, this was made by my friend Kyle.

Here is the link to his game.

Wandering Dot Game Bitch! (

Be sure to click the white dot, but good luck to you. HAHAHA (Insert evil kefka laugh and amazingly sinister 16 bit villan theme music)!!! There is alot of different modes, eight in total I think. Anyway, as you can tell by the titles, they are different difficulty levels.

Anyway, gotta go... this post is WAY to long, lol.

Here is the link directly to his website, if you guys ever get interested.