Neo Xzhan
05-01-2002, 12:35 AM
Anyone familier with the Legacy of Kain Series?? So far I have completed Soul Reaver , Soul Reaver 2 and Blood Omen 2. I'm desperatly looking for Blood Omen 1 though. The best thing about the series is the story becuze it is bizar u'll understand what I mean if u ever played the series, it just is weird I really can't explain u just gotta see for ur self.

05-02-2002, 12:29 AM
I only have played Soul Revear. Razeal is an awesome character, asnd the game itself is most awesome. I should get it..

I'm not sure if it's the Legacy of Kain, or Blood Omen 1 I played, but whichever it was, it looked a lot more like Baldur's Gate than any Kain/Blood Omen series. @.@

05-02-2002, 06:18 PM
Blood Omen I is more like an rpg than anything else, very different from the rest of the series. How hould you rate Blood Omen II compared to Soul Reaver? Just curious cause I was thinking of buying it.

Neo Xzhan
05-02-2002, 06:48 PM
Hmm Soul Reacer 1 is a complete other game then Blood Omen 2, though they share the same story (play Soul Reaver 1&2) I'd rate Blood Omen 2 (since I own the game and I completed about 5 times now) 9,5.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-04-2002, 03:19 AM
Ahh, yes... the Legacy of Kain series. Blood Omen, Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2 and Blood Omen 2 (in order of release). Or, in order of actual storyline chronology: Soul Reaver 2, Blood Omen, Blood Omen 2, Soul Reaver...

For those of you who have always wanted to play as a badass vampire, for those of you who just love decapitating and otherwise tearing your enemies to pieces, but are tired of the old hack/slash/repeat games with little or no storyline. Look no further!

This series is the Final Fantasy of vampire games. Castlevania cannot compare to it in detail of storyline (if you are observant enough in Blood Omen 1). Of all the four games in the series, the Blood Omen installments provide a better storyline, and greater challenge as far as gameplay go. But the Soul Reaver installments fulfill that urge to run around and stomp all opposition into the dust.... Eh, it's hard to pick a favorite, but so far, Blood Omen 2 has been the best.

And the absolutely wonderful character development across the four games, and the fact that you actually get to play as a badass in all four games (no more "levelling up", strategy alone can see you through the games), makes for the best gameplay experience I've had in a long time.

Fair warning though, these games are not for the faint of heart. The themes are very dark, very violent, and there is gratuitious blood-letting.

Let me sum it up like this, most people are familiar or at least have heard of The Vampire Chronicles. Well, Kain makes the Queen of the Damned look like... a wimp. Just check them out, you'll see what I mean.

*NOTE: Blood Omen 1 is a PSX classic game, and very hard to find now, you can order it on, but I believe it is on back order. If you plan to play it, you must be able to overlook long load times and cumbersome controls. It is similiar to the original Zelda game in the HUD, and moving off the screen requires that the disk be accessed again to load the next screen (hence, the load times). But other than that, it's a stellar game, for the year that it was published.*

05-04-2002, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by Odin
*NOTE: Blood Omen 1 is a PSX classic game, and very hard to find now, you can order it on, but I believe it is on back order. If you plan to play it, you must be able to overlook long load times and cumbersome controls. It is similiar to the original Zelda game in the HUD, and moving off the screen requires that the disk be accessed again to load the next screen (hence, the load times). But other than that, it's a stellar game, for the year that it was published.*

Actually, I've been able to find it used on several occasions. I just didn't pick it up b/c I wasn't sure if it was good or not, but now I know, and to tell you the truth I really hate long load times, so do you think that it is worth all the stress?:confused:

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-04-2002, 07:39 AM
Yes, if only for the "So that's what Ariel was talking about!" moments for when you play it. You'll see alot of familiar places, and you'll get to see just what started the whole mess with Moebius and the rest.