02-23-2008, 09:18 AM
Any thoughts from any of you on which leveling up system is better? I mean, they both have their strong points for sure. I am just interested in the general opinion of others. And since this is what the thread is about, I can give my opinion.

I think that hands down, it would have to go to Final Fantasy XII's Liscense Board. I mean, the Sphere Grid was amazing and innovative, that is no doubt, but it was too outlined. There were set paths and you didN'T REALLY do Anything significant. There was a slight bit of customization capability, but not enough. Although the international version DID help the sphere grid's simplicity problem. PLUS, it is always nice to have to get licenses for equipment first. Actually, that was a great (maybe a bit monotonus) idea. You haven't had to BUY magic for a very long time in Final Fantasy games.

That is my opinion, what is yours?


I would like your opinions on a second matter completely unrelated to RPG leveling up systems. Do you think I should have made this thread a poll?

02-23-2008, 10:41 AM
Sphere Grid. I hate moving in random. Through the Sphere Grid I found out that I could build up a strategy of where to move and what abilities to get in finite time.

Rainbow Boogers
02-23-2008, 12:46 PM
Chess Board.

You can get any magic as long as you have enough LP. Using the Sphere Grid, you had to wait for a level up to move. Took too long.

02-23-2008, 02:00 PM
Sphere Grid, for the same reasons as ROKI

02-23-2008, 02:13 PM
License Board (use the proper names, noob).

You didn't really have to go at random, you still had the basic information of what it contained like Technique, Augment, White Magic, etc...) and there was still a fair bit of surprise like in the older games in the series (like in FFIV where you didn't know what magic you were going to obtain at which level... when you played it for the first time, of course).

FF X's Sphere Grip was boring and too long to complete for my taste (just a bit faster than going for 100% complete jobs in FFV, which suffered from the same flaw).

02-23-2008, 03:38 PM
License Board (use the proper names, noob).

You didn't really have to go at random, you still had the basic information of what it contained like Technique, Augment, White Magic, etc...) and there was still a fair bit of surprise like in the older games in the series (like in FFIV where you didn't know what magic you were going to obtain at which level... when you played it for the first time, of course).

FF X's Sphere Grip was boring and too long to complete for my taste (just a bit faster than going for 100% complete jobs in FFV, which suffered from the same flaw).

Nota noob to Final Fantasy at all. The name just escaped me. Sorry for being human. (Edited) You Dickweed!

02-23-2008, 05:54 PM

02-23-2008, 11:29 PM
Nota noob to Final Fantasy at all. The name just escaped me. Sorry for being human. (Edited) You Dickweed!

LMAO! You're in your period, right?

02-24-2008, 12:03 AM
Without doubt, the Sphere Grid is the better system, for being about a million times less broken.

02-24-2008, 12:17 AM
Yet the only broken thing you could mention was the over abondance of LP.

02-24-2008, 01:02 AM
But the LP issue is precisely what makes it so broken. Why, say, at Level 12, would I kill a Werewolf for 2 LP when I can kill about a hundred Hyenas in that time, all for 1 LP each? It's like FFVIII's junctions. Why mess around drawing 100 Curas at level 20 when you can just nip down the shop and get 100 Curagas through refining Tents? It's the same principle of brokeness in both games - sloppy design has left both a lot easier to beat than they were likely intended to be, all because the developers didn't think the maths through properly.

Also, we've been over this in another thread, and covered more or less everything on the topic, and at the time we pretty much agreed that the system was broken. So why exactly you want to drudge it up again (without mentioning anything new) is beyond me.

jewess crabcake
02-24-2008, 01:12 AM
Sphere grid, but only if you stay on your own grid, as in yuna can't learn black magic or attack spells. If they would have kept the sphere grids seperate it would have been great, but since they all learned the same abilities only their overdrives were personal.

02-24-2008, 01:20 AM
The Sphere Grid does at least limit the creation of god-like all-rounders to those who grind incessantly though, whereas a full Licence Board on each character is pretty much standard in any FFXII save file around Balfonheim Port.

Which brings up another major problem with the Licence Board which I neglected to mention earlier - the fact that non-active characters recieve the same LP as those who are active, thus making a mockery of at least half of the motivation for using all characters.

02-24-2008, 01:35 AM
Yet in FFX, if you're a completionist, you have to spend countless hours just going from random encounters to an other in a boring fashion, while in FFXII, the progression was more seemless, and would eventually be rewarding through a normal course through the main game and its many sidequests (and you still had to find the proper magics, techs, weapons etc. in order to put your aquired licenses, and the augments are pretty minimal once you're halfway through the game [in exemple, once you get to Cid]).

And besides, what's so bad about god-like characters? Especially when going for battles like Yiazmat, Omega Mark XIII and the Bahamut King?

jewess crabcake
02-24-2008, 01:38 AM
not to butt in, but characters that max out parameters are only fun for 1hr, then destroying everything gets repetitive.

02-24-2008, 01:56 AM
And besides, what's so bad about god-like characters? Especially when going for battles like Yiazmat, Omega Mark XIII and the Bahamut King?

They make storyline bosses ridiculously easy. That is enough criticism alone to justify my claim, when you consider how easy it is to become godlike at a very early stage of FFXII (and VIII, but I've gone on about that enough).

02-24-2008, 02:33 AM
yep... FF X is obviously a good example of a hard game... obviously.

02-24-2008, 02:40 AM
sphere grid hands down

02-24-2008, 02:56 AM
yep... FF X is obviously a good example of a hard game... obviously.

Totally unrelated to whether a system is broken or not. We went over this exact point of debate in another thread, which is lurking about somewhere in this forum.

Besides, FFX is far more of a challenge in its early parts than FFXII is if you take advantage of the abusable Licence Board.

Hynad, we've done this before. Every single argument in this thread so far was debated in that other thread, which I could bring up if needs be, so unless you're going to argue something original, I'm not going to respond to any more of your posts.

02-25-2008, 04:00 AM
Yes, S-E didn't balance the difficulty of the monsters (in example, the LPs earned after each battles) but it has no relevance to the Level up concept.

So yeah, weither or not the game is easy or not is a moot point. Thanks for conceding this. At last.

And seriously, I don't see where the challenge was is the early parts of FFX.

02-28-2008, 08:22 AM
Yes, S-E didn't balance the difficulty of the monsters (in example, the LPs earned after each battles) but it has no relevance to the Level up concept.

So yeah, weither or not the game is easy or not is a moot point. Thanks for conceding this. At last.

And seriously, I don't see where the challenge was is the early parts of FFX.

Or in any parts of Final Fantasy X really. Save for Yunalesca...

02-28-2008, 09:18 PM
License Board

execrable gumwrapper
02-28-2008, 09:34 PM
Materia System

Fuck yo' choices!

03-09-2008, 01:49 AM
Neither. I like standard leveling up and stuff like that.

Anyway imo the Sphere Grid was better.