04-30-2002, 10:23 PM
La femme d'etoiles,
I watch her dance on the moon,
Salvame... I tell her,
please save me from my doom...

I cry, I plead,
mi amor, salvami....
But she cannot see,
someone as lost as me...

Ma cheri, mi amor,
je t'adore.. je t'adore...
escuchame, ma cheri,
here my cry, hear my plea...

Take me with you, to dance with the stars...
Take me away, mi amor, so far...
Take me away from these bleeding hearts...
Save me, ma cheri, from the clutches, of the dark...

Yo no puedo ver, I cannot see...
Yo so perdido, what can I do...
Ma femme d'etoiles...
I am lost without you...

Show me the treasure,
of l'arc en ciel... the love,
the passion, mi amor, my dove...
Je ne veux pas mourir,
J'adore mon vie...
Please my dear...
come save me...

05-01-2002, 04:17 AM
Quite an emotional piece there, and full of tri-lingual goodness.

Of yaying. =O

05-01-2002, 06:31 AM
Thank you dear ^^

05-03-2002, 04:48 AM
the poem's least the parts i could read! ;)

i could only read the french and english...but i think i knew where you were going...very good piece of writing!