Stealth assasin
04-30-2002, 08:22 PM
I want your opinion on a good action game dont say mgs2 or ffx i have them so i need your help on a game to buy

04-30-2002, 08:30 PM
If u like rpg buy GRANDIA II :D

Kool Ranch
04-30-2002, 08:35 PM
Are you just talking about PS2 games? If so, GTA 3 and Devil May Cry are good ones. You might wanna check those out.

Also, Virtua Fighter 4 isn't an action game (it's a fighting game), but it's really good and you might wanna check it out too.

Stealth assasin
04-30-2002, 08:41 PM
Ya i do mean ps2 sorry about that.

04-30-2002, 08:41 PM
Hold out for this game. It's gonna rock.

04-30-2002, 11:04 PM
For action, I would suggest Tenchu 2. It's a PSone game, but it's one of the better games out there.

05-01-2002, 12:46 AM
Uh... I would agree with Ranemaka and say that GTA3 and DMC are both good buys. If you like sports games, definitely wait for Madden 2003. There are alot of good rpg's coming out soon but I heard alot of good things from Grandia II, too.

05-01-2002, 01:00 AM
If you have broadband and a good PC buy the Half-Life generations pack. It has:
Half-life 1 player
Half-Life Multiplayer (LAN and online)
Team Fortress mod(the best PC game ever - Capture the flag, not as much cheaters as CS has as well and takes more skill in general a better and more fun game)
Counter-Strike (lots of cheaters on the game but still a very good game, it can get boring after a while though and the new 1.4 isnt too good)
Redemption(1 player)
Wanted! mod(A crappy western mod with bots)
Recotche(how ever you spell it, its a you throw disks at your opponents like the Slicer type gun that fires blades from Unreal, they go all over the place)
and lots LOTs more. Plus you can download other mods.
You would need a good enough PC(P3 600mhz+, good GFX card, blah blah)

Plus a good connection for online play, the 1 player isnt the best :)

Thats just my bet like, its well worth the �20 :)

05-01-2002, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Th��v���ff�ct
If you have broadband and a good PC ....

I tink he's just looking for PS2 games, not pc

05-04-2002, 11:44 PM
RPG-lover; (don't mind simple graphics/FF7 style graphics?)Grandia 2! Godd storyline, phat battle-system..
Action fast evil crap: Devil May Cry (very good looking and phat fighting)
Virtua Fighter not, is beautiful BUT VERY SLOW(irritating slow, so don't buy it!)
ehrmm...If you love ghettoshit and racing and shooting all at the same time; GTA 3!! Good for a long time playing missions and after that just shittin' around!(or check de bonusmissions and go cheating and stuff)
If your a surfer like me; Go for 'Sunny Garcia Surfing'. Rippin!!!
(I see your taste is good because you have FFX/MSG2, so buy other FF's (7,8,9) if you liked FFX that much.
Well, thats it for today..

05-16-2002, 03:12 AM
for a action game on PS2 pick Devil May Cry

Vivi FF
05-16-2002, 09:31 PM
I say GTA3, it's kinda cool but some missons are impossible and require random luck...

Tony Hawk 3 is a pretty good game but really once you complete an entire career ith one guy, you have to re do it again and again (about 20 or so times) to really beat the game. But it's still a fun and cool game.

DMC is an aswesome game. If I had an overbundance of money I would buy it. It's kinda like a Resident Evil (code veronica x is not bad either) but with different weapons and a combo using weapons (such as flng a zombie in the air w/the sword and shoot him with pistols as he falls down). But you could probably beta it in 5 days, I did but because I rented itand played somewhat nonstop...

Or if you want to wait... Hot Pursuit 2 looks to be a great racing game, if it ever comes out... DMC 2 comes out liek december... sheesh... Tekken 4 come sout like in setember, a great fighting game with a "The Bouncer" mode. and Tomb Rader 6 comes in November and it's kinda like a MGS only w/a female.

Neo Xzhan
05-17-2002, 09:32 AM
GTA3 is a pretty good game but imo i'd say get The Bouncer or Summoner and my altime favorite Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance this one really 0wnz j00.

05-17-2002, 08:57 PM
ffx...mgs2 sucks