02-20-2008, 07:38 AM
The Stone of Anamara is a puzzle horror flash game. It is, without exception, the best flash game I have ever played. It has more emotion and story than some regular games have, not to mention a disturbingly hypnotizing and chilling main theme (once you get in the house).

You can play the game at this link:

However, if you just want that music, I've uploaded it at this link:

Unlike my other uploads, this one is permanent and will not be killed.

The creator of the game is Gabriel Rodriguez. It has been rumored that he has died. It seems unlikely that we will ever get Chapter 2 of The Stone of Anamara. That is sad, because it was truly one of the most ingenious games I've ever played.

Enjoy the music.

02-28-2008, 11:11 PM
Thought I would bump this one time for anybody who missed it.

08-24-2008, 07:40 AM
Bump for posterity; seriously, check this track out!